However, he was still smiling, as if he was really just a soy sauce maker. Although the veins on his fist were already stretched out under the table, he was still holding back. Now is not the time, just wait... After getting married...

Originally, this week Ye just had a taste of it, but now he found something interesting... So, he deliberately hugged Betty and didn't let go, and deliberately deepened the refusal.

"Hmph - pay attention to the impact, you are already adults." General Ross finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"I'm sorry... we can't help feeling a little bit." Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Betty, sitting directly opposite the two of them. And Betty blushed and snuggled in Zhou Ye's arms... Her father's attitude just now made her very unhappy, and she actually came up to show her own man's face. Originally, the relationship between the father and daughter was not good, but now it has dropped to freezing point. , she doesn't care about her father's attitude at all.

"Boy, I hate you so much..." General Ross stared at Zhou Ye's smiling face, and said unceremoniously, "For someone like you, there is only one title in our army, and that is the little princess... "

"..." Zhou Ye really wanted to say, there are many people who hate me, how old are you? However, this sentence still didn't come out... Give your own woman a face, there is no need to be so stiff... However, this does not mean that Zhou Ye will listen to people's ridicule honestly and not fight back.

"My sense of you is exactly the opposite of your sense of mine, General Ross, I like you very much..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Boy, it's useless even if you flatter me. I will never marry my daughter to you." General Ross said rudely.

"No, no, I don't mean to flatter you at all." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "A person like you with a firm mind (solidified mind) with a strong personality (not changing the past) and sticking to one's own opinion (old stubborn) is simply the security officer in our consortium. The best candidate."

Security officer? To put it bluntly, it's the security guard... the gate guard... Zhou Ye was mocking General Ross when he came to his consortium and could only be a guard guard at the gate...

"Pfft!" Betty almost didn't laugh when she heard her man's sarcastic words. Since Betty heard it, how could General Ross not understand what Zhou Ye meant? Then he spent so long in the army in vain.

"Excuse me... Can I order?" A waiter said while standing aside and holding back a smile. In fact, when Zhou Ye brought Betty to General Ross, he had already walked over with the menu, but There were so many things that happened in the middle that he didn't have a chance to speak... But now, he just interjected, feeling like he was helping Zhou Ye...

"Okay..." General Ross suppressed his anger and flipped through the menu that the waiter brought... Then he ordered a few dishes. After all, he didn't want to make a fuss in front of outsiders.

Betty is helping her man to order food with her. She has long known her own man's preferences. This is the time to show affection... She will never miss this opportunity.

After the waiter recorded the menu ordered by the four people, he confirmed it, and then turned to leave. Before leaving, he gave Zhou Ye a veiled gesture of cheering up... In his opinion, this was nothing but hairy feet. He felt the same way when his son-in-law met his difficult old husband... One of his romances ended because of obstruction from his girlfriend's home, so he helped Zhou Ye consciously or unintentionally.

"There are still many good people in the world..." Zhou Ye laughed and teased in Betty's ear: "Looking at your father, he has caused public anger..."

Chapter 626

The first round of the confrontation between General Ross and Zhou Ye was temporarily over. Obviously, General Ross felt that he was at a disadvantage... Taking advantage of the neutral position of ordering, General Ross slightly sorted out his mistakes, and then decided to change the way. He's going to make a roundabout attack.

Now attacking directly will only make my daughter feel disgusted, and it will make the two hold each other tighter. Under pressure, it will only make the two more affectionate, so let go of the pressure and fight piece by piece from the side...

"Forget it, I can't control my daughter anymore..." General Ross sighed and said, "I just want to introduce you to a friend this time, Glenn..."

"Hello Betty, my name is Glenn Talbot, the security director of the Gamma base that General Ross is in charge of." Glenn had been waiting for General Ross to call himself, and when General Ross called, he immediately stood up , a gentleman's appearance stretched out his hand to Betty.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Ye, and I work for the Umbrella Consortium." Zhou Ye smiled and stood up and held Glenn's hand... He didn't want his woman's hand to be held.

"Hello..." Betty just nodded indifferently, she didn't have any intention of reaching out, although this guy in military uniform looked good, but her heart was already filled by Zhou Ye. Full, how could there be any interest.

"Umbrella Consortium, that's a big company... I don't know what position Mr. Zhou holds in it?" Glenn smiled, while secretly exerting force in his hands... In his opinion, Zhou Ye is just a white face, how is it possible He is an elite opponent in his own army.

However, what he didn't expect was... as soon as he exerted force on his hand, he was met with a ruthless counterattack from Zhou Ye. The whole hand felt as if it was being slammed by a pair of iron pliers... Ten fingers connected to the heart, that heart-piercing pain Let him scream in an instant.

"Ah-! Let go, I tell you to let go..." Glenn's face was contorted with pain, screaming like a bitch...

"You know? I hate you very much, especially your cunning smile..." Zhou Ye said with a mocking smile on his face, "I have always had a good temper, but'd better run as far as I can when I'm angry. "

"Bastard, I told you to let go..." Glenn could already hear the cracking sound of the bones of his hand. Just when he could not help but want to draw his gun, Zhou Ye finally let go of his hand. ...

"Look, how gentlemanly I am, I don't even retaliate when I get scolded..." Zhou Ye spread his hands with a smile, looking innocent. "But... I have to say, Mr. Talbot, your upbringing is a little lacking..."

"Pfft..." Betty almost laughed out loud, but she saw how her man just treated this guy, and after finishing him, she also said that he was uneducated... I have to say, my man has been shaking recently. The road is getting farther and farther away.

"Hehe...hehe..." Glenn's lungs were about to explode with anger at Zhou Ye's accusation, but in order to make a good impression in front of Betty, he had to put on a light-hearted look. He wanted to pull out a smiling face, but the piercing pain in his palm made his smile look fake.

"Now that Glenn has the rank of colonel, it is not impossible to be promoted to major general in the future." General Ross began to drum up for the young talents he was optimistic about. In his opinion, there is no harm without comparison.

Although Zhou Ye said that he belonged to the Umbrella Consortium, but the Umbrella Consortium is so big, who knows what position he is in it? Pointing out Glenn's rank and crushing Zhou Ye from a career perspective has become a choice for General Ross. "Zhou Ye, what position do you hold in the Umbrella consortium?"

"Uh—I'm..." Before Zhou Ye could finish his words, he was interrupted by a ringing phone. After saying sorry, General Ross took out his cell phone. "I'm Ross, what?...Really?...Okay, I get it, I'll go back now...No, just contact the nearby military base to send a helicopter to pick me up...I'm on Berkeley Bay Boulevard now, One hundred and six Merry's, yes... now, now, now..."

After hanging up the phone, General Ross stood up and said apologetically to his daughter Betty: "Some emergencies happened at the base, I have to go back and deal with it, it seems that this time..."

"Go back..." Betty said nonchalantly. The purpose of her gathering this time was to introduce her man Zhou Ye to her father. Now that they have known each other, it doesn't matter if they eat or not. Besides, facing General Ross She hated the idea of ​​pulling a red line for herself. In her opinion, her father was completely fooling around.

"Boy, I won't just agree to marry my daughter..." Ross threatened Zhou Ye before leaving. After he left the dining table with his security supervisor and walked to the roof, Zhou Ye smiled. .

"What's wrong? My dear..." Betty asked Zhou Ye who was smiling mysteriously.

"Nothing..." Since there were no outsiders around, Zhou Ye didn't mind saying it clearly. "Do you remember what Baby Nina has been complaining about lately?"

The Nina in Zhou Ye's mouth is naturally Nina Stark. She, Betty and Susan are a trio of best friends. The three often chat through Umbrella's internal network. Although it is said that Nina lives in the laboratory and does not come out often, the friendship between the three sisters has not faded. After all, there are still monthly members...

"Don't Nina often complain that her steel baby is useless?" Of course Betty knew what Nina was complaining about recently. "She said that she was being bullied by you when she was fighting with you... She almost lost her self-confidence when she was bullied, so she has been thinking about finding a new target recently and experimenting with how strong her steel suit is..."

"Now the target she wanted...appeared." Zhou Ye smiled and took out a personal terminal in the form of a mobile phone and dialed Nina's contact number. After all, in the public, the personal terminal on the wrist is a bit too conspicuous.

On a cliff by the sea in Marbury, California, a villa full of technology stands here, in stark contrast to the desolate scenery around...

In fact, Zhou Ye built it according to the iron man's mansion in the movie. He originally wanted to use it to live in, but... I didn't expect Nina to fall in love with it when she saw it for the first time. After grinding hard, Zhou Ye gave this place to her, but she didn't pay the price, and the price was heavy... Uh, I can't go into details, all I can say is that she was almost spoiled by Zhou Ye, Nina. Full knowledge unlocks achievement.

In this villa named by Zhou Ye as the City of Freedom, Nina is sleeping on the sofa in the underground laboratory. As a technical nerd, she has already turned black and white...

"Miss, sir's communication..." Anna's voice sounded, completely awakening Nina who was about to wake up.

"What time is it?" Nina yawned, sat up, and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Miss, it's already eight twenty-seven in the evening..." Anna replied meticulously.

"Oh, it's been so long?" Nina stood up, took the toothbrush filled with toothpaste handed over by the robotic arm, picked up a bottle of mouthwash and walked to the bathroom next to the laboratory: "Connect it... …”

A projection device hung down directly in front of Nina, and soon, Zhou Ye's face appeared in front of her. "Hi, baby Nina."

"Hi, dear." Nina said inarticulately while brushing her teeth: "What's the matter?"

... Zhou Ye spent a long time trying to figure out what Nina was talking about, "I found a good target for you to test the steel suit, do you want to try it?"

Chapter 627

"What? Really?" Nina shouted excitedly, not wanting to fill up with toothpaste.

But soon, she found that she didn't understand what she said, so she hurriedly rinsed the toothpaste in her mouth with mouthwash, and asked again: "Is it true? Honey? where?"

"In a military base in New Mexico." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Send me there... my dear." Nina said coquettishly. It takes more than 1,000 kilometers to get to New Mexico from her. She doesn't want to miss this opportunity... Since my dear one found her this opportunity The goal, that is definitely enough to experiment with the weapon systems of all her existing Mark armors.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll go find you after dinner and take you there by the way." Zhou Ye then asked, "Do you need me to bring you something to eat?"

"Pizza, I want pizza. Hurry up darling." Nina couldn't wait.

"I know, I know... At least I have to wait until after I have eaten..." Zhou Ye said helplessly. Of course he could understand the anxiety of his goddaughter. After all, strictly speaking, this could be regarded as a Her first battle... Of course she can't wait.

"Well, I'm waiting for you, dear..." Nina said, throwing a female eyebrow at Zhou Ye, she was too happy to care about it.

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