"That's a bit difficult..." Natasha had already understood what she said, and Ophelia could no longer pretend she didn't care. After all, no matter how they quarreled or fought internally, it belonged to the Zhou family. If external forces intervened and took away the territory that belonged to their own men because of the internal turmoil, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Although it was said that losing the position of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. meant nothing to Zhou Ye. With the strength of the Umbrella consortium, it could be regained in minutes, but Ophelia knew how good-faced her man was. It's a bit too embarrassing to be cast out behind your back when you have an absolute advantage. Your own man will definitely go crazy.

What will happen if Zhou Ye gets angry? ——Ophelia felt a little twitchy just thinking about it, not because she was afraid... but was stimulated by the feeling in her memory, it was a kind of feeling that made her love to the extreme, An extremely embarrassing method...

"Okay...for the sake of my dear, how do you want me to cooperate with you?" Ophelia had to resign. After all, she was the last person who didn't want her dear to be angry. Besides, she really wanted to have a relationship recently. Big news out.

"Anything is fine..." Natasha smiled slightly, and the fact that she beat her sister made her feel very happy. Although it was said that she won because she was pulling her own man's skin, victory is victory. For Natasha, who had been fighting Ophelia for many years, she still lost more and won less, it was enough to make her smile. "As long as Hydra recovers again, and we prove that S.H.I.E.L.D. really needs to exist, then our purpose will be achieved."

"Exactly, I'm planning to make a big event in Africa recently." Ophelia said her thoughts without caring. After all, they are her own sisters. Just like the awkwardness between sisters, she believed that her sisters would not betray her plans.

"Africa? Is there anything in Africa worthy of your hydra?" Natasha couldn't react for a moment. After all, Africa is too poor, and the poor have already registered internationally.

"Of course, Natasha, have you forgotten the mysterious African kingdom of Wakanda?" Sitting beside Natasha, Sharon Carter, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., reminded.

"Wakanda? Sister, are you actually plotting their gold?" Natasha reacted immediately.

"Little Carter is still smart, much better than your aunt..." Ophelia praised Sharon with a smile, and then said to Natasha with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "Sister who is not a weapon, are you Didn't you hear me say I'm going to make a big event? Although those gold shocks are precious, they're not worth it for me to make a big event for that thing..."

"It's not Zhenjin, what is it?" Natasha asked in confusion.

"Don't... don't you want to give birth to a baby for your dear?" Ophelia asked quietly.

"I think, I've dreamed of it... But my dear didn't say..." Hearing Ophelia's words, Natasha and Sharon's beautiful eyes lit up. As a woman, how could they not want to give Zhou Ye gave birth to an heir, but... there is really no way. "Is there any technology out there in Wakanda that will solve the problem that my dear cannot conceive?"

"I didn't say that..." Ophelia smiled slightly: "I just got a hint of inspiration from Hela's cutting soul and giving birth to a dear child..."

"So...?" The two women couldn't wait to look at Ophelia. They both forgot what their original intentions were. important.

"So... I need the Soul Stone in the Infinity Stones." Ophelia knew that two more allies were on board.

"How do we need to cooperate?" Natasha no longer cares about S.H.I.E.L.D. For her, her man is more important than S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No, we don't need your cooperation. Our spy of Hydra has already detected a clue. I believe we will get the exact information soon. By that time... that's when we launch a fatal blow to Wakanda. Now." Ophelia said: "Just in time, when that time is when our Hydra announces our return, your crisis will also be lifted..."

"I hope everything goes well by then..." The two girls, Natasha and Sharon, are not most concerned about the survival of S.H.I.E.L.D., but whether Ophelia can succeed.

"Trust me, soon..." Ophelia had a confident smile on her face, she believed that the Hydra spy she sent to Wakanda would not let her down.

Chapter 633 Code Name: Chameleon.

"Hey, man, I can only take you here, go through the valley in front, and you can enter Wakanda after walking about 500 meters. Although I am very satisfied with the price you gave me, I am also willing to directly Sending you to Wakanda, but..." Ulysses Crow with a beard said, lowering his neck collar, and pointing to the side of his neck that looked like a cuboid. A forked brand said: "This thing makes me get caught by those guys as soon as I get close to Wakanda... So sorry."

"Thank you very much." A young man standing beside him dressed in a decent handmade suit and looking like a gentleman said with a smile, "Then let's make the last transaction."

"Oh? What's the deal?" As an international arms dealer in Africa, although it was on the black market, Ulysses didn't mind earning some extra money, especially when he led people to the hidden kingdom of Wakanda in Africa. He is the most willing to do an easy job that has no major danger and can make a lot of money.

, As for what happens after this person enters? Then it's none of his business.

"I think I still need their language..." The young gentleman said with a smile: "After all, even if I sneak in, if I don't understand their language, there are many things I can't do."

"Hahaha, then I can't do anything about it." Klaw smiled and patted a sturdy bodyguard beside him and said, "I also got those good things with the help of my brother, but... I It also paid a price. Especially here…”

"So, your good brother is Wakanda?" the young gentleman asked with a smile.

"Of course, he used to be a warrior of Wakanda." Crowe said, patting the big black man on the shoulder: "It's just that he is not satisfied with the system of that country, so..."

"Enough is enough." The young gentleman smiled slightly, "I think, soon I will have a sufficient understanding of this hidden country in Africa."

As his words fell, Crowe and the bodyguards around him, including the big black man who became a Wakanda warrior, felt that their body seemed to become weak in an instant...

"You... what have you done to us?" Ulysses Crow, who had collapsed completely on the ground, asked unwillingly.

"Nothing..." The young gentleman still had an approachable smile on his face: "I just want your brother to teach me some knowledge, so that I was too conspicuous and exposed the target after entering Wakanda... "

As the gentleman's words fell, Ulysses was horrified to see that the fingers of this guy's right hand turned into octopus tentacles in an instant, and the top of the tentacles drilled directly from his brother's nostrils, ears, and eye sockets. into my brother's mind...

With the screams of his brother, the guy's tentacles seemed to be sucking something, and even made a swallowing sound. Obviously, he was sucking the brain of his brother... This discovery gave Ulysses a kind of feeling. The feeling of wanting to vomit.

"Oh, so that's how it is... Huh... There is such a means... Oh... It seems that the original infiltration plan needs some minor adjustments..." The young gentleman was sucking the Wakanda with his hands. The brain of the person who came out was muttering something to himself, and even the smile on his face did not change.

"You...you are a devil...God..." As a black market arms dealer, Ulysses Crow was naturally accustomed to life and death, but it was the first time he had seen such a bizarre situation. I feel like I'm going to be scared to pee...

"Don't worry, this will be over soon." At this time, the young gentleman had obtained all the knowledge he wanted. He took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the brain-stained handkerchief. With his right hand, he smiled and looked at Ulysses and his bodyguards who were lying on the ground unable to move, and said: "Actually, I didn't need to kill you originally, but who let your greed hurt you... lead a way You dare to charge me 100 million yuan, my boss is very dissatisfied with you and thinks you are too greedy."

"No...don't kill me...I'll give you all the money..." Ulysses didn't want to die, not at all.

"Really? You are really a generous and good person, unfortunately..." The gentleman said, shaking his head regretfully. "My boss doesn't believe people like you can keep secrets, so please die once, okay?"

Although the young gentleman's questioning attitude was very gentle, but... his subordinates were not gentle at all. A small saber appeared directly in his right hand. In the blink of an eye, Ulysses and his bodyguards were forever disappeared from this world.

Just as the young gentleman was wiping his blood-stained small saber seriously with a handkerchief, a slight noise made him narrow his eyes, and he arched his back like a cheetah waiting for an opportunity. Back, "Who is it? Come out."

"Hi, Hydra." The four figures appeared in front of the gentleman out of thin air, stood less than three meters away from him, raised their hands, and shouted the iconic slogan of Hydra.

"Hi Hydra." The young gentleman also raised his arms and shouted.

"The Hidden Troop, the 14th Squadron of the 2nd Squadron is instructed to support you, Your Excellency [Changsha Long]," said a masked man in a jungle tactical suit.

"Well, I applied for support for them." Xie Long pointed to the corpses under his feet and said, "I am ordered to infiltrate Wakanda, and the corpses of these guys are still useful, they can become the pawns we buried, Maybe when will it make a big difference? Transport their corpses back to the hatching brood..."

"Yes, Your Excellency Xie Long, we will convey your meaning to the upper side." The four members of the support team said that one person carried two corpses and retreated into the depths of the jungle... Soon, their figures disappeared in the Deep in the jungle.

"Hey, it's really a headache. If I'm not afraid that Wakanda has some unknown means to monitor the nearby radio waves, why would I use the most primitive means of asking for help?" Seeing the support team evacuated, he shook his head and turned towards the depths of the canyon. go...

He code-named [Changsha Long]? she? The most terrifying spy in Hydra.

he? she? Is it male or female? What is her true face? Except for the supreme leader of Hydra, no one knows.

he? she? The 100% completion rate of the mission has never been surpassed by anyone... And, now, she? he? Sent to enter the interior of the Wakanda Kingdom, his mission is very clear, that is to find out what is going on in the Wakanda Kingdom, and whether their ancestral land is the soul gem in the infinite gems...

Chapter 634

Kermilian, also known as Chromium. After watching the support team leave the jungle, they walked towards the canyon...

The distance of this canyon is not short. It seems to be about three kilometers in length. Moreover, the giant trees and towering bushes here are full of virgin forests... Road? Don't think about it, it's good to find a few animal trails occasionally.

Of course, this is not difficult for Kermilian. Wearing a black suit, he is like a stroll in the jungle, walking among the branches of the jungle, nothing can hinder him... As he moves forward, He seemed to have disappeared into the jungle. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't find him at all, and his black suit had turned into a color like jungle camouflage.

The distance of three kilometers is neither far nor near, Kermilian soon reached the end of the canyon, but... he did not cross the end five as Ulysses Crow said. 100 meters away, he entered the Wakanda Kingdom, but became more cautious. The whole person seemed to have completely disappeared into the jungle. His face, hair, and even Luo Lou's hands outside turned into the color of jungle camouflage. .

He only has the wrong name and no wrong nickname. One of his abilities is to change the pigmentation of the body surface according to the external environment, just like the color change. This process only takes 0.001 seconds....

After Kermilian entered the stealth state, he quietly climbed to the high cliff on the left side of the canyon. In a dark-looking depression on the high cliff, a black man with an unknown weapon in the form of a spear was sitting there. Watching vigilantly at the entrance to the canyon.

Kermilian slowly climbed into the pothole, slowly circled behind the black man, and pounced on him, covering his mouth and nose with one hand, dragging his chin with the other, turning hard, only to hear [ [Click] A sound... This black man with a broken neck died so silently.

"Hey, I'm going to destroy the image again... This is really sad." Looking at the dead nigger in front of him, Kermilian sighed helplessly... "I hate niggas, why is this mission? It was Wakanda..."

As the complaint fell, Kermilian stretched out his hands, and the whole person made a posture like a cross. The nigger stalked, and after those tentacles stalked the nigger's corpse, they pulled the corpse directly up and went towards Kemilian...

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