"Yes..." The soldiers behind him promised to rush forward——

At this moment, a sound of breaking the air sounded, and along the underground parking lot of the villa, a red figure flew out... Yes, it flew out...

Dubai couldn't help rubbing his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw. He saw a slender red mechanical armor floating in the air with the vector nozzle under his feet.

"Shit, I knew it wouldn't be so simple." Dubai cursed secretly and ordered loudly: "Fire, fire all..."

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

The first time those freedom fighters heard the order, they frantically pulled the trigger of their automatic weapons, wishing to dump all the bullets in the magazine on this unknown mechanical object in an instant... This is their right Unknown fear.

"Ding ding dong..." To their disappointment, after all their bullets hit the unknown mechanical creature, they did not cause any damage to it, not even the patent leather was scratched...

"You guys are really enthusiastic..." Nina didn't care about the bullets that hit her, let alone those bullets, she didn't even care about missiles... After all, she made the shell out of x-metal. "Anna, load fighting mode..."

"The fighting mode has been loaded, miss, please select the module..." Anna faithfully carried out her lady's order as always.

"This is the first show of the fighting program..." Nina hesitated for a while, intending to improve the viewing experience and add some small difficulties. "Then load [Death Waltz]..."

She knows that her man is looking at her, and the two maids are looking at her... She definitely doesn't want to screw up her debut... In fact, she also has a little idea of ​​showing off in front of Sayuri and Rin , after all, the two women just refused to carry out her order, it would be a bit of a joke to say that she didn't care at all...

"The Waltz of Death module has been loaded..."

"Anna, some music for the occasion, such as Chopin's waltz..."

"As you wish, miss." As Anna's words fell, the piano music of Chopin's waltz sounded in Nina's ears...

As the piano music sounded, the vector vents of Nina's steel armor began to open and close in an orderly manner...

With the opening and closing of the vector spout, Nina in steel armor turned into an elf at the dance... and her dance partner was the dozen or so armed terrorists.

"What the hell is this?" Dubai felt that this mechanical monster in front of him felt so strange, it was spinning in a circle in mid-air, like a... eh? What to say? Just like a woman dancing a waltz... Could it be that I guessed wrong, this is not a weapon, but a robot for viewing?

Just when Dubai thought that rich people really know how to play... The scene in front of him made his eyes widen.

I saw that the red mecha turned to one of his subordinates at a very fast speed, and held his hand at once... However, although this action like looking for a dance partner looks pleasing to the eye, it turns out to be bloody. incomparable...

The mech made a swirling guiding motion, but her dance partner obviously didn't know any waltzes, so it was embarrassing... along with the embarrassment, there was blood, because the dance partner who didn't know how to cooperate... was caught in an instant. This mechanical armor was twisted into a twist, because his feet were stepped on by Nina... The upper body has to turn in circles, but the lower body does not... The result is naturally unnecessary.

A living person is twisted into a twist, you can imagine the scene... The picture is so beautiful that even Dubai, who is used to life and death, has a feeling of wanting to vomit... But this is not the end...

The mech made another swivel walk, which is a common move in waltz music, and it's also full of cruelty here, because...the mech's feet are not high-heeled dance shoes, but vector spouts. , how hot is the vector vent? It's 3,000 degrees Celsius... Not to mention that these guys are wearing ordinary shoes, even the iron shoes they wear are not good...

In the blink of an eye - the fastest runner, the first tactical team closest to the villa ended their journey with one death and four disabilities...

"Devil... You are the devil..." A member of the tactical team standing beside Dubai was already crazy... He picked up the anti-tank missile in his hand without hesitation, aimed at the mecha, and pressed the launch button... …

Whoosh - an anti-tank missile headed towards Nina... and Nina had no intention of dodging. "boom------!!!"

"Go to hell, devil..." Just when everyone in the freedom fighters felt that they could definitely solve this weird thing this time... something unexpected happened to them...

The flames and smoke clouds of the explosion gradually disappeared... and the red mecha stood unscathed...

"Devil... you are a devil... you are a devil..." The rest of the people collapsed... They screamed and ran around desperately...

However, this is of no use, and they are still caught up by Nina one by one, killing them with graceful and cruel movements...

Until Nina was chasing after her last desperate escape, that is, Dubai... She was stopped by Zhou Ye.

"Baby, that's enough, we still need him alive, I want to know who is their behind-the-scenes messenger..."

However, what Zhou Ye didn't expect was that Nina seemed to have entered a certain state, completely ignoring Zhou Ye's words, and instead danced the death waltz more cheerfully...


Anna, I know you heard, what's going on? "Zhou Ye asked while dancing with Nina.

"Sir, Miss has passed out... but her fighting program is set to not be terminated without orders, so..." Anna's voice came from the external loudspeaker of Nina's armor.

"Turn off all power to the armor..." Zhou Ye ordered directly.

"Yes, sir..." You must know that Zhou Ye has the highest authority over Anna just like Nina... So, when Nina is in a coma, Anna will naturally execute Zhou Ye's orders meticulously.

With the buzzing of a power outage, Nina, who was wearing a steel armor, sank and was about to fall... Zhou Ye naturally couldn't let his woman fall, so he picked up Nina and flew towards the underground laboratory , As for the escaped Dubai? Zhou Ye wasn't worried at all. It wouldn't be long before Sayuri would bring him back.

Chapter 640

I don't know how long it took...

Nina slowly opened her eyes... As soon as she woke up, what came to her mind was the image of herself abusing the people who had invaded her private house with the help of the fighting program, the shrill screams The sound, the twisted human body with the bones leaking out... the seven-part human feet all appeared in her mind one by one.

"Ah——" She couldn't help screaming, no matter what, Nina was just an ordinary otaku, and this kind of scene that only appeared in TV and movies was reproduced in front of her. How could she not be afraid? In other words, there are not many girls who can accept such a picture calmly, except for perverts...

"Baby... I'm here, don't be afraid..." Zhou Ye's gentle voice and tight hug made Nina gradually calm down...

"Dear...I...Am I a very cruel person?" Nina curled her body into Zhou Ye's arms. Only in this way could she feel at ease. She asked helplessly..." Am I a bad woman...to write such a cruel program..."

"Baby...it's not your fault." Zhou Ye lovingly hugged the girl who was facing the killing for the first time. He knew that it was the first time Nina faced the killing... The Hulk's time doesn't count. After all, that time Nina is completely a long-range attacker, and by the time she landed, the Hulk had almost recovered... It didn't give Nina a very cruel feeling at all.

And this time is different, Nina is facing the killing for the first time in her life... How could she not feel uncomfortable? Watching a person being twisted into a twist in front of her... and other people being roasted into a half-cooked row by herself, this visual impact made her whole person fall into self-doubt , in the mood of self-denial...

Zhou Ye knew that if she couldn't enlighten Nina properly, this silly girl would be useless, not to mention fighting people in mechanical armor. I'm afraid her will will continue to be depressed, and it will even affect her work and life.

"Baby Nina... You only see yourself hurting others, but do you really know who those people you killed are?" Zhou Ye asked earnestly, holding Nina in his arms.

"I...I don't know..." Nina really didn't know who those people were. She only knew that these people were people who illegally invaded her private territory. According to the current laws of the United States, private property is sacred and inviolable. , even if she killed them, there was no problem at all. However, knowing is one thing, doing it is another... Nina is still a little bit overwhelmed by the hurdle in her heart.

"Baby Nina, while you were passing out, I found something very interesting, would you like to see it?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"Well..." Nina nodded obediently.

"Anna, broadcast all the information I have collected..." Zhou Ye said as he embraced Nina.

"Okay, sir..." Following Anna's answer, some clips began to play on the TV wall in front of Nina and Zhou Ye...

Fragment 1: A guy in a black hood, standing in front of three kneeling Europeans, he seems to be saying something in Persian... and soon, his speech is over, and then he picks up A Nepalese dog-leg knife directly cut the necks of the three Europeans... The blood spurted out like a high-pressure water gun...

Fragment 2: A group of guys in desert camouflage attacked a village. After they entered the village, they forced the local male villagers to join their team... The rebels were all killed.

Fragment 3:  …

"These people... are too cruel..." Nina can't stand it anymore. For her, who grew up in a peaceful country, the number of deaths and injuries of those refugees is just a number in news reports... This kind of picture of facing death directly Really rare.

"These people you think are cruel are the ones you just killed..." Zhou Ye hugged Nina tightly and whispered, "They call themselves [freedom fighters]... but countries around the world prefer to call them Terrorists...the freedom and democracy they speak of are forged with the blood of civilians...those who call them warriors are an insult to the word warrior, they are thugs at best...In my hometown, there is an old saying, Yea, to punish evil is to promote goodness...so, my dear, you don't have to feel guilty for killing a few scum...it's totally unnecessary."

"But..." Nina knew that she didn't feel sorry for a few scumbags who died at her own hands, but... the feeling of facing the bloody scene still made her uneasy.

"Baby Nina..." Zhou Ye held up Nina's cheek and interrupted her words...

"You know, those guys with bad intentions want to hold you hostage. Imagine if you really fell into their hands without any resistance, what would be waiting for you...? So, you don't need to kill you at all. I feel uneasy with a few bad guys..."

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