
Loki and Thor rushed over and supported Odin who fell to the ground, while the other soldiers and subjects were in an uproar... Today's scene was simply beyond their expectations.

But Hela will not be so soft-hearted. For Odin, her father, Hela has long since lost a trace of affection. For her, the few family affections have disappeared as early as the thousand years of exile... ...she has nothing but endless hatred and resentment.

Chapter 678

"Father..." Holding the unconscious Odin in his arms, Loki's face was full of grief and anger. In fact, his stomach was already blooming with happiness... Although he specially arranged to prevent his brother from ascending the throne and inheriting the throne. Several ice giants entered Odin's treasury to interrupt their brother's succession ceremony. This trick didn't work, but it didn't matter now.

The important thing is that this woman seems to be very difficult to mess with, so can you convince your muscular brother to go up and fight with each other? However, the young man standing behind the woman who could catch his brother Thor's hammer with his bare hands seemed a little difficult to mess with. Don't care, let's bewitch your brother and rush up to fight with those uninvited guests... The rest will be discussed later.

Thinking of this, Loki looked indignant and shouted loudly: "Father... Father, how are you... It's all your intruders' fault, not you, father won't do this... I fought with you intruders..."

Saying that, Loki stood up, looking fearless, and was about to rush up... At this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, who was reminded by Loki's words, suddenly jumped up and snatched the long sword of the guard beside him. He came over and rushed towards Hela and Zhou Ye's family of three.

While rushing, he howled: "You bastard invaders... I want your lives."

But Loki behind him was just howling on the spot, without the slightest intention of rushing over... Only his friends, the four warriors of Asgard, were the only ones who followed Thor to charge towards Zhou Ye and others... Not even the palace guards followed. Sol charged, and the guards gathered in a circle, protecting Odin and Frigga behind him...

"Interesting..." Hela looked at the performance of the two brothers and said with a smile: "It's really interesting... The character of the biological son is not like his father at all, but the adopted character is more like his father." For Hela, who has seen the plot, the life experience of the two brothers is not a secret.

"Hey, it looks like we're going to be separated from the baby again..." Zhou Ye said and shouted softly. "Autumn."

"Master—!" A young girl in black and white maid uniform appeared behind Zhou Ye. It was one of Zhou Ye's personal maids, Qiu.

"Let's go out with little Angelina for some fun..." Zhou Ye said as he handed the baby girl he was holding into Qiu's arms. "There are some scenes left that are not suitable for our little baby."

"Then dad, you have to come pick me up early..." Little Angelina didn't cry or make trouble, she just looked at her father pitifully, with a reluctant look that made Zhou Ye almost kill her I stayed, but after thinking about it, let it go, because after a while, there will be blood and people's heads rolling in here, which is really not suitable for my own baby to watch.

So Zhou Ye could only gently kiss his precious daughter on the cheek and said, "Don't worry, baby, things will be over here soon..."

"Well, I'll wait for you, Dad..." Little Angelina held Thor's Hammer in one hand and Qiu's neck in the other, reluctantly saying goodbye to her father.

"Little princess, there are a lot of interesting places here...such as the rainbow bridge..." Qiu smiled and teased her little princess.

"I want to see, Aunt Qiu will take me to see..."

"As you wish, little princess..." Qiu said, his figure flashed and disappeared in place... As for the door god Heimdall who guards the Rainbow Bridge? Zhou Ye is not worried at all, because someone has already taken care of this guy...

"Hehehe..." Hela saw that her daughter had been sent away, and the queen's aura was completely open, and the whole person laughed wildly as if she had collapsed... Of course, she would not do this in front of her precious daughter. , or little Angelina should scream again. "Bad mother is so scary..."

It's too late, it's too soon. At this time, Thor, the god of thunder, rushed in front of Hela with a long sword in his hand... The unceremonious sword stabbed at Hela's vital point...

"That's what you are capable of? I'm so disappointed..." Hela gave the sword of the night sky a slight knock, and then knocked the long sword in Sol's hand up... Then she didn't hesitate. He lifted his foot and kicked Sol in the face...

"..." Zhou Ye couldn't help but mention the pain in his face. Thor without Thor's Hammer is just a rookie, especially at this time, when Odin didn't even renew his plug-in... his mother-in-law abused him. He just doesn't take it easy.

Speaking of which... it seems that even if Thor's plug-in renews in the later period, it is still a side dish in the hands of his mother-in-law... Zhou Ye was thinking about it and found out... Thor has been given to ko by his own woman...

"Baby Hela, you remind me of the time when you first met..." Zhou Ye smiled and came to Hela's side, wrapped his arms around Hela's slender waist, and whispered in her ear : "You were really a queen back then... You actually made me kneel the first time you saw me."

"Then have you knelt down?" Hela gave her man a reddish look on her pretty face.

"Of course I knelt down, but I'm kneeling behind you, you can't see it..." Zhou Ye smiled.

"Bad..." Of course Hela knew that she

What do you mean by a man... your face is about to catch fire.

"Okay, baby, your anger is out too... It's time to hold your coronation ceremony." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Yeah!!!" Hela nodded. Following her nodding, Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "Zi, let's start our brainwashing plan..."

"As you wish... Master." With the voice, a wave of indiscernible fluctuations passed through the air, and then, on the top of the dozens of giant statues of Asgard guards tens of meters high in front of the Palace Square, appeared There are girls in maid costumes. They have different faces, but they are all beautiful women...

And in their hands, everyone is carrying a small, trumpet-shaped mechanical creation... At the same time, there are maids one by one on the commanding heights around the entire venue, and they are also holding the one that looks a little bit in their hands. weird stuff.

On the top floor of the Asgard Palace, Emma and Pandora, the white queen, held a helmet-like item full of wires and stayed on their heads. "It's about to start, little Pandora, do you want to be faster than who is brainwashed this time?"

"Compared to..." Pandora said without hesitation: "The loser must accept the family law of dear love."

"This is too cruel, little Pandora..." Emma hesitated.

"Are you afraid?"

"Who is afraid of who, come on... The game begins..."

"You sneaked away..."

As the two women, under the escort of more than a dozen shadow guards, began to activate their psychic abilities, there was a sharp and harsh sound in the entire palace square.

[Drip——] This voice made all the Asgard subjects involuntarily hug their ears, and fell to the ground in pain, rolling around... On the contrary, Zhou Ye and Hela had nothing to do.

"Huh?" Zhou Ye suddenly discovered a very strange thing, as if Loki had nothing to do... This is unscientific, he should be unable to resist Emma and Pandora's brainwashing ability with the help of the brainwave amplifier Yes, isn't it? Zhou Ye smiled slightly, as if something interesting happened...

Chapter 679

At this time, Loki was stealthily slipping to the back of the palace...

In his heart, although he has a peeping heart for Asgard's throne, but... as a magician, he never thought that he should fight the enemy recklessly like his brother Thor, he used his IQ as the proud. "Leave here for now...let's talk about it..."

"Isn't this the Prince of Asgard?" A slightly mocking voice came, causing Loki's sneaky figure to stagnate. "Where are you going? Your Royal Highness?"

"Hehe..." Loki twisted his stiff neck with a dry smile on his face. "Actually, I thought the atmosphere at the scene was a little too hot, so I wanted to come out and take a breath..."

"Is that so?" Zhou Ye laughed. Although Loki's illusion spell was very good, for Zhou Ye, as long as he was serious, he could rely on his superhuman five senses. Any bells and whistles here can't hide from him. "But how do I feel your target is Odin's hoard?"

"That's your illusion..." Loki held his magic wand in one hand and raised the other hand high, as if giving up resistance. "actually, I……"

Loki's voice was getting lower and lower, his face seemed to be very scared, and Zhou Ye had to take a few steps forward because he couldn't hear his words clearly.

When the distance between the two was just over a meter away, a change occurred. A figure of Loki suddenly appeared behind Zhou Ye. He picked up a short knife in his hand and stabbed him in the back without hesitation... …

At this time, Zhou Ye's attention seemed to be completely attracted by the Loki in front of him, and he didn't notice the Loki who appeared behind him.

"Go to hell..." Loki showed a hideous smile on his face, and stabbed the sharp knife in his hand into Zhou Ye's back... However, a scene that he did not expect appeared, the sharp knife in his hand stabbed In the back of Zhou Ye's heart, it did pierce into it... But he felt that the sharp knife in his hand had no real sense of piercing the object...

"What gave you the illusion that I would be obsessed by you?" Zhou Ye's voice appeared in Loki's ear again...

"Wait..." Loki hurriedly threw the sharp knife in his hand on the ground, and explained in a fast voice: "Actually, I just want to test your ability, I have a big plan that everyone can cooperate... …”

"Well... I'll listen, but not now." Zhou Ye grabbed Loki's wrist as he spoke, smashing Loki to the ground like a big rag doll...


When Zhou Ye let go of Loki's wrist, two large cracks had already appeared on the ground in front of him and behind him. "Well, I felt good when I saw Fatty Green abuse you like this, and now I'm doing this myself, it's really good..."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Loki was like a little girl who had just been ravaged by more than a dozen strong men. She lay in the big hole on the ground and was speechless... There were only two lines of tears...

"Lock him up... don't lose it." Zhou Ye said with a smile as he looked at Loki who was on the ground miserably.

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