"It's me... Who the hell are you guys?" Lorelei looked at the four girls nervously. She didn't feel any contempt for them, because just a few days ago, a group of girls dressed like them relaxed In front of them, the guards in this prison were completely killed, and those guards had no power to fight back in front of them.

"You don't need to know who we are... You just need to know, now you have to come with us." The leading shadow guard said, and opened Lorelai's prison door... With the imprisoned Lore Lai's magic fence disappeared, and two shadow guards rushed into the cell, one on the other, grabbed Lorelai's hands... and led her out of the prison.

"What are you doing?" Lorelei asked while struggling. During the period, she also secretly glanced at her sister. Obviously, her sister Amora had the same experience with her...

"Give them a hood..." the leading Shadow Guard ordered.

Immediately, the shadow guard behind the two women took out a black headgear and put it directly on the heads of Lorelai and Amora... In fact, although these two sisters also have some other spells, they do not have the same spells. They are not good at it, especially because they have Asgard's restrictions on them, and they can't use other spell abilities at all...

Now, to the Shadow Guard, they are just a piece of dough in their hands, let them knead and file round...

"Where are you taking us..." Lorelei and Amora, who lost their sight, kept asking, but the Shadow Guard didn't answer them at all...

Until the hoods on their heads were removed————

"This is...?" Lorelei narrowed her eyes slightly as the sunlight suddenly appeared in front of her. It wasn't until her eyes got used to the sunlight that she realized where she was...

This is a splendid-looking palace, and the gorgeous decoration and lofty architectural style reveal the unusualness of this palace... "This is... Asgard?"

"Yes, the answer is correct..." With this slightly teasing voice, an incomparably handsome blond boy appeared in front of the two women. "Welcome to my bedroom, two beautiful Asgard ladies."

"Can...can you get me and my sister something to eat?" The moment Lorelei saw Zhou Ye, a look of grievance appeared on her delicate little face, and even her voice became pitiful. The... no male creature could refuse her request.

"Of course no problem..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, turned his head and said, "Let go of these two young ladies and get them something to eat..."

"Yes, Master..." The shadow guards surrounding Lorelei and Amora replied respectfully, then turned and left... They were not at all afraid that these two would cast charm and seduction on their masters. I believe that if they use charm and charm on their masters, they will only shoot themselves in the foot in the end...

"Thank you so much..." Lorelai felt relieved the moment she saw Zhou Ye, not that she fell in love with Zhou Ye instantly, but to her... as long as it was a man, he couldn't escape. Her mastery... Of course, this is what she thinks. "May I know your name?"

"My name is Zhou Ye..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, he naturally knew the identities of these two chicks, but... Then again, with his current mental power, no one can use magic to affect his mind. What's more... not to mention that in his mind there is still the firewall jointly arranged by Emma White Queen and Pandora...

"Beautiful young man... What is your relationship with the new queen? Can you tell me?" Amora saw that her sister had begun to charm Zhou Ye, and she was not to be outdone by twisting her slender waist , walked over to Zhou Ye's side... and asked in Zhou Ye's ear with a sigh of relief.

"She's my woman..." Zhou Ye said while sitting and judging the figures of the two women, or should I say, are they truly charming twins? The two sisters' bodies can be said to be extremely good... Although they only wore an ordinary Asgard dress, they showed all the advantages of their bodies and bodies to the fullest...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lorelai and Amora exchanged glances in surprise... Did you find a big gold mine?

Lorelei looked frightened, looked at Zhou Ye in a panic, and said, "If...if we get too close to you...will Her Majesty blame us...will she kill us? …”

That look like a frightened deer, no matter which man sees it, he can't help the desire for protection... But Zhou Ye is not included. With this guy's magical attainments and deep spiritual power, how could this be possible? Easy to get hit?

However, Zhou Ye didn't mind playing a game of cat and mouse with them... Of course, he played the role of a cat, and the two sisters were his toy mice...

Chapter 682

"Don't worry, she doesn't dare to do anything to you, I'm here..." Zhou Ye slapped himself on the murderous side as if he had really fallen for Lorelei's charm and charm, as if he gave everything to me looks like.

"That's great..." Lorelei's delicate face showed a hint of shyness, embarrassment and happiness. She was really like a soft and weak girl protected by her lover, and her whole person exuded a kind of thorn. ·The charm of stimulating male hormone secretion

While speaking, the Shadow Guard had already walked in with a dining cart... Barbecue... Barbecue... Barbecue... Wine... Bread.

To be honest, Asgard really doesn't have much to eat, except for roasted meat and toasted bread, Zhou Ye always felt that their cooking skills were still the same as that of the Middle Ages...


Zhou Ye didn't seem to be able to satisfy his appetite at all, but for Lorelei and Amora, who had been hungry for a few days, it was simply a great temptation...

"Please take it slow..." The Shadow Guard briskly placed the food from the dining car on the dining table, bowed slightly to his master, and exited the room... and took the gate of the palace with him.

"You're welcome... Let's have a meal..." Zhou Ye smiled and gestured to Lorelai and Amora... A very gentleman helped the two women open the seats.

"Thank you." After Lorelei and Amora smiled and thanked Zhou Ye, they did it...

Although they were already very hungry, Lorelei and Amora still used an elegant gesture, lightly moving their knives and forks... They ate the barbecue and bread in small bites. Ye chatted, but Zhou Ye didn't feel that the two were ignoring him because of the meal.

On the other hand, Zhou Ye, who had no appetite at all, was chatting with the two of them while tasting the fine wine of Asgard...

The three talked about art from service, and then from art to life...from life to philosophy...

As the topic deepened, Lorelai gradually had a feeling that he had to meet a confidant... Originally, Zhou Ye was so handsome and unparalleled, and with the addition of thousands of years of precipitation, no matter what he was talking about, Zhou Ye could always give She had a feeling of seeing each other late in the spring... Lorelai's gaze towards Zhou Ye involuntarily became a little hot...

However, what made her a little alert was that her sister Amora seemed to feel the same way about Zhou Ye... She looked at Zhou Ye with eyes full of possessiveness and desire...

"Ye, why do you want to help Hela? Why don't you sit on the throne yourself?" Lorelei, who no longer felt hungry, moved her stool gently, moved closer to Zhou Ye, and leaned over half of her body. With a naive look, he asked, "Isn't the throne of Asgard not worthy of you..."

"Bichi..." Amora scolded inwardly when she saw her sister's bony movements, and then stood up without being outdone, leaning her body on Zhou Ye's side..." That is of course because Ye is a good man with affection and righteousness... In his heart, the throne of Asgard is far inferior to the position of Queen Hela in his heart."

"That's right... Amora really understands me!" Zhou Ye unceremoniously hugged Amora's waist and smiled. Of course he felt the charm of these two silly girls, but he wanted to To deal with him, this level is far from enough, besides... those foods have long been over-prepared by Hela, and now he is just holding a leisurely attitude of waiting to enjoy the food, bullshitting them...

"Damn..." Lorelei looked at her sister's movements, her beautiful eyes narrowed, not only cutting off her own topic, but also seducing the man she liked, this guy... I liked it from childhood to adulthood Grab it with yourself, with toys, with pretty clothes, and now even with men?

After chatting for so long, how could she not know that Zhou Ye is a man who doesn't care about rights? Lorelai's original plan was to hook Zhou Ye and say that sentence, and then express his admiration for Zhou Ye's character in a timely manner, which greatly satisfied Zhou Ye's vanity and pride. I can also brush up on Zhou Ye's favorability rating...

But now, these plans have been mixed up by his sister... However, this will not be difficult for her Lorelai, otherwise she will not be called Charming Banshee.

"Ye—!" Lorelei said, stood up, strode forward, walked in front of Zhou Ye, took a step and sat on Zhou Ye's lap, her index finger lightly along Zhou Ye's chin Gently swiping down... Qing Zhu's lips whispered in Zhou Ye's ear: "A man like you... really fascinates me. I think, no woman can refuse you..."

"And me..." Amora squeezed into Zhou Ye's arms without hesitation, as if to squeeze out her sister.

In fact, neither of the sisters realized that their behavior had already exceeded the scope of their previous charm and charm. In the past, men who could charm and charm them with their eyes and words could do anything to them. , but this level of intimacy is absolutely impossible, otherwise their nicknames would not be Charming Banshees and Charming Witches, but some extremely insulting words, but now, They have broken their own taboos...

At this very moment—in the unwillingly separated palace next door, Hela is observing the interaction between her man and the two charming and seductive women through a mirror with great interest...

"You...Aren't you afraid that your man will be seduced by those two banshees?" Sitting beside her, a beautiful mature woman in a white whalebone skirt asked hesitantly.

"Oh? Why should I be afraid of the two Charming Banshees who ate the magic potion?..." Hela cast a glance at her and said with a smile: "I deliberately starved them for many days just to make them They ate the food with the added seasoning and the magic potion without any precautions. The more they used charm and charm magic on their dear ones, the more lustful, burning, and lustful they became. Why should I be afraid of them? Woolen cloth?"

"But... those who practice charm and charm magic..."

"You mean the couch skills they learned from charm and charm?" Hela smiled, "In my opinion... as long as they go to bed with my dear, they have already lost everything. Two cleansed... But I still want to thank you, Frigga..."

"I just..." Frigga didn't know what to say, facing her husband's daughter in front of her... She felt that no matter what they said, they would not have a common language... Although Hela belongs to Odin Daughter, but not Fury

Jia's daughter, Hela's mother is Odin's first queen... and she is Frigga's second. Simply put, the two are the relationship between the stepmother and the pro-daughter... It is said that they are born opposites. Not too much.

"But... I still want to thank you..." Hela looked in the mirror, and her man threw the two women on the couch... In Lorelei's state of refusing to return, the snatch succeeded... faintly "If it weren't for you giving birth to my brother Thor, I would not have been expelled from Asgard by my father, and even sealed me in the world of death for so long because I was afraid that I would come back to take the throne again. …”

"I'm sorry..." Frigga bowed her head, her heart was full of apprehension, although she also has practice magic, but...she can't escape from here, because...she is not only restricted by magic, but also the whole body. Everyone was tied to the stool... She was like meat on a chopping block, waiting for Hela's judgment. "I'm really sorry...I didn't know Odin could actually..."

Chapter 683

"No, Frigga, you really don't need to apologize..." Hela looked in the mirror, where her man was enjoying the gift she gave, and said with a smile, "In fact, I am really thanking you... It was because I was sealed in the world of death by my father that I was able to meet my lover, and I truly knew what a happy thing it was to be cared for and loved Perfect, isn't it...?"

"Since you...you love him so much...why did you send the Charming Twins to him?" Frigga had difficulty understanding what Hela was doing.

"It's nothing..." Hela turned her head to look at Frigga and said, "Because I love him deeply, I want to give him everything I have, and I want to give everything he likes. To him... Besides, do you know how many sisters I have? Although we occasionally quarrel, but... the atmosphere of the big family really makes me feel very happy..."

"But... what does this have to do with you giving him the Charming Twins?" Frigga no longer dared to look at the picture in the mirror, which has become a scene of eighteen bans... In fact , if she hadn't been tied to a chair, she would have gotten up and left here long ago, although she may not be able to leave Hela's grasp, at least it's better than watching her own man with Hela here...

"Haha..." Hela heard Frigga's words and was too lazy to say any more. In fact, she was also inspired by her sister Ophelia. In her man's harem, Hela found that her man seemed to be Always love Ophelia a little bit more... Especially, there will always be a group of sisters gathered around Ophelia, although Hela will not have any big conflict with Ophelia, but... this The feeling of being crushed on the head always made her feel uncomfortable.

In particular, in the harem of one's own men, several factions are vaguely divided according to each person's origin and race... There are Asian factions, there are European factions... There are also American factions, and even if they are subdivided, there are also Xianxia faction, Olympus god system, etc... This makes Hela, who was born in Asgard, somewhat lonely.

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