"Mom promises it won't bite you..."

"Then mother, let's turn the big dog out..." Little Angelina couldn't wait, she shook her mother's neck and acted coquettishly... "Come on... Mom... I want a big dog. dog……"

"Then you have to be obedient and let Aunt Zi hold you first, okay?" Hela smiled and said a little bit on her precious daughter's little nose: "This way mother can use her hands to do magic..."

"Well - well, Aunt Zi, hug..." Little Angelina was in her mother's arms and played with her mother who made a big dog. After a moment of hesitation, she chose the big dog and Zi smiled. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he hugged his little princess in his arms...

"Mom...I want a big dog..." Little Angelina was not honest when she was held in Zi's arms, and kept shouting at her mother.

"Okay okay... At least you have to prepare your mother a little bit." Hela smiled and smashed the Thor's Hammer on the ground with force...

Rumbling————The treasury shook for a while, and a deep pit with a diameter of three meters was smashed on the ground by Thor's Hammer. Looking down from the edge of the pit, it was dark inside...

With a whoosh, the Thor's Hammer thrown by Hela flew back to her little master, like a grieved puppy, making a whimper sound... But little Angelina, who was eager to see the big dog, didn't have time to pay attention. This idiot just kept urging his mother. "Mom...is the big dog in this hole? When will it come out...?"

"Soon...Baby, it will come out soon..." Hela said, and ordered Zi: "Zi, you can hold little Angelina and stay on top, I can go down by myself..."

"Okay mistress..." Zi nodded, of course she knew what her mistress was doing, and it was estimated that some things below were not suitable for her little princess to see...

"Goodbye mom... Come up with the big dog..." Little Angelina didn't worry about her mother at all. In her small mind, her mother and father were omnipotent.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll come out with the big dog soon..." Hela said, jumping out of the eternal fire that was still burning in her hands, jumping out of this pothole that couldn't be seen to the end.

Chapter 785

In the cave where you can't see five fingers - a red fire floated down from the dimly lit hole.

It was Hela who jumped down from the cave with the eternal fire in hand,

Five seconds later - Hela finally fell to the bottom of the cave, she used the Eternal Fire in her hand as a torch and slightly circled, and her hatred for Odin grew a little more.

The people who are sleeping here are the Asgardian warriors who followed her to fight in the Nine Realms, and it can even be said that they are the most elite troops under her. After he was expelled and sealed by Odin, the Asgardian warriors under his command were also liquidated by Odin... With the lifespan of Asgardians, they are far from the end of their lives, even if they live to this day, they It should only be equivalent to the age of middle-aged people on earth.

They fought bloody battles for Asgard, they punished the Nine Realms and swept everything for Odin's rule... But in the end, they didn't die at the hands of foreigners, they didn't die in the battle to conquer the Nine Realms, but Died in the hands of Odin, the king of the gods, whom they admired, whom they believed in...they—died by the sword that came from behind.

"Odin——what kind of god are you?????" Hela's shrill cry resounded throughout the cave. "Odin-you should be ashamed of what you have done...what the father of the gods...you are the king of Asgard...you are not worthy!!!!!!"



Hela took a nostalgic look at the tens of thousands of corpses in the crypt... She really wanted to revive these warriors who had followed her in battle, and then went out to turn the whole Asgard upside down... But, She knows that these warriors are too tired...

She vaguely remembered that a recruit who followed her to the battlefield once asked her with high expectations: "Your Highness Princess, can we really make Asgard more beautiful and richer like this?"

"That's right, our Asgard will rule the Nine Realms, and our Asgard will surely become the paradise that everyone yearns for..." Hela still remembers how firm her answer was...

At that time—the Asgardian warriors who heard her words raised their hands and shouted wildly. "Long live Asgard..."

For this dream, they fought bloody battles and conquered one world after another... For this dream, they took the lead on the battlefield and put their lives on the line... This is how the magnificent Asgard is today, and this is how Asgard is in nine supremacy in the world.

But... these warriors who sacrificed everything for Asgard, now... are buried here, they survived at the hands of the frost giants, they survived in the claws of the wild beasts... But, They fell under the sword that came from behind.

"...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Hela hummed softly the ancient battle song that comforted the dead heroic spirits in the battlefield... Now that's all I can do for these warriors .

As this desolate battle song sounded... Heroic spirits emerged from the corpses that had long since decayed. They were silent and knelt in front of Hela on one knee... It was their unwillingness that kept them bound all the time. Among their corpses, it was their resentment that kept them from entering the world of death...

"It's me... I'm sorry everyone." Hela faced herself

The former subordinate put his head down deeply. "I...not a good commander."

...... those heroic spirits didn't speak, they just stood up and beat their chest with their silent right hand. This is Asgard's most noble military salute, it is their respect for their commander-in-chief, and they recognize her...

With the uniform movements of these heroic spirits... Gradually, a little fluorescent light rose from them... They, from the moment they saw the triple crown on Hela's head, they had no regrets... They believed that they The commander-in-chief of Asgard will definitely bring Asgard a better tomorrow. The hardships they endured, the sins they suffered, and the betrayals they suffered... are all worth it.

... The warriors and heroic spirits who have made their wish turned into dots of light and floated in the crypt. They were like their commander-in-chief and their queen, surrounded by Hela's side as they said their last goodbyes, and refused to leave for a long time. , The whole crypt is full of blue dots of fluorescence, the scenery... beautiful is heartbreaking.

"Go... go back... you are too tired... you need a good rest..." Hela murmured softly, with her words, the fluorescence gradually increased... and then increased... until it disappeared not see. She knew that they would return to the world of death... that was their home, where they would wait for another life cycle.

Hela can revive them with the eternal fire in her hand, but she doesn't do that, because the bodies of those warriors have long since decayed, and with the help of the eternal fire, Hela can only turn them into undead warriors... Hela I can't bear to do this anymore. Those warriors who have fought for Asgard all their lives are too tired, and they should rest...

The light spots gradually dissipated... The entire crypt has returned to a state where one can't see five fingers, only the eternal fire in Hela's hand has become the last light source...

She stretched out her right hand, and the Sword of the Night Sky suddenly appeared in her hand... With a flick upward, the Sword of the Night Sky escaped from Hela's control and flew into the air... Then, one changed to two, two changed to four, four changed to eight... …In the blink of an eye, the sword of the night sky in mid-air turned into a dense forest of swords in the night sky.

With a wave of Hela's hand, the swords of the night sky slammed into the ground fiercely... forming a forest of swords centered on her...

"Wake up, Valkyrie, my heroic spirit, wake up, my pet Fenrir..." With the shout, Hela smashed the eternal fire in her hands to the ground... … A circle of blue flames spread out around Hela with Hela as the center.

"Ah——!!!!!!" After the blue flames swept across the sword forest formed by the swords of the night sky, a beautiful female heroic spirit floated out of every sword of the night sky... They once swore allegiance to Asgard The Valkyries of the throne, under the order of Odin, went to hunt down Hela, and now... they will become the Valkyries of Hela alone.

These Valkyries, they hold dragon tooth swords, they fight bravely... They... no matter how much glory and how much glory they had in their lifetime, now they will belong to Hela's subordinates, who will let them die under Hela's Hand, and Hela is the god of death who is best at playing with the soul...

For the Asgard warriors who once followed her, Hela had pity, but for the enemies who once died under her sword, Hela was not so good-hearted. For them, death would not be the end, but another starting point……

"Uuuu..." Just as Hela looked at Valkyrie, who had been resurrected as a heroic spirit by herself, an extremely ferocious giant wolf head stuck in front of her, like a well-behaved puppy, sitting in front of her master. In front of him, he spit out a snake's head... It was Hela's pet, the devil wolf Fenrir.

Chapter 786

"Fenrir...Let's go, go find Dad...Giggle...Oh, come on Fenrir, you're about to be overtaken by the hammer..." Accompanying little Angelina's silver bell With laughter, there was a rumbling sound of giant beasts running, mixed with the sound of items being knocked to the ground.

Zhou Ye, who had completely settled all the four women, sat up from the big couch and looked at the four women who were snuggling beside him. He wanted to cover his head with a headache. ...

Zhou Ye didn't have a headache because of what happened to Odin's queen, Frigga. He never put Odin in his eyes... and Frigga was just that...he wouldn't either. Regret, besides, Frigga has been restored to a young state by him, and it is impossible for him to return Frigga to Odin...

What really gave him a headache was the matter of his own daughter. Obviously, his precious daughter, Little Angelina, seemed to be looking for him... Although Zhou Ye admitted that his face was already quite thick... but he still couldn't do it. In front of his own daughter...cough cough cough.

"Okay, it looks like I'm going to appease my little baby first..." Zhou Ye sighed and got rid of the slender arms and pink legs wrapped around him... and walked down the couch.

"Master, I'll change your clothes..." As Zhou Ye got up, Qiu's figure suddenly appeared behind him, holding a gorgeous new suit... This is Asgard's costume, here , Zhou Ye usually wears this, after all, he has to do as the locals do.

"Qiu...I always feel like this goes on. Without you, I'll become a waste who can't do anything..." Zhou Ye sighed and raised his arms. Days, after a while, I am afraid that I will become a cripple.

"I'll take Master's words as a compliment..." Qiu smiled, tidying up Zhou Ye's collar like a gentle wife. "Perfect... No matter what the clothes are, the owner can deliver the best results..."

"Don't be humble, Qiu, I am

Compliment you..." Zhou Ye smiled and kissed Qiu's little girl gently. "Okay, let's go out and see what little gift my lovely little princess got from Hela. "

"Okay, master..." Qiu's little face had a sweet smile on her face. Zhou Ye's words just now made her very happy... This is her master's affirmation of her work, and it is also her own master's indirect treatment of her. How can Qiu be unhappy about expressing his attachment?

After taking care of his image, Zhou Ye walked directly towards the gate of the palace with Qiu... As soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, the gate was opened by the shadow guards guarding the door...

As soon as he opened the door, Zhou Ye saw a demon wolf more than five meters high, rushing towards him. Its huge body filled the corridors of the entire palace. Maybe it's because the ground of the palace is a little too smooth... When it turned, its claws slipped from time to time, and the decorations placed at the corners of the corridor smashed and rolled everywhere...

And on the head of the huge devil wolf, a small figure was sitting there, with both hands firmly grasping the hair on the devil wolf's head... It was Zhou Ye's precious daughter, Umbrella's little boy. Princess, the future ruler of the Nine Realms, little Angelina.

Seeing her father's figure, Little Angelina happily released her little hand holding the wolf fur and waved it hard towards Zhou Ye. "dad……"

Angelina, who was sitting on the head of the magic wolf, was a little unstable, and the magic wolf is not a mount. It runs very bumpy. Angelina let go like this... Her young body was caught by the magic wolf. Directly to the flip out.

"Be careful baby..." Zhou Ye was really taken aback by his daughter. His figure was in a trance for a while, and then, a little guy appeared in his arms... It was his father who lifted him from the air. The little Angelina who grabbed it.

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