"If I abandoned them today because of you... Does that mean that sooner or later, I will abandon you because of other women??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "Would you like such a man??"

"...A careless bastard..." Luo Xin couldn't say anything more than these words. "Then you're here to provoke me..."

"No way... Who made me a man who never tires of the old..." Zhou Ye smiled and lowered his head slightly... Gradually, he turned to Luo Xin who was in his arms...

Even if she knew that she was not far from falling completely... Luo Xin still wanted to struggle one last time.

She raised her hand gently, blocking Zhou Ye's stern words... "Tell me... Are you a good person or a bad person?"

"Good people? Bad people??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then gently pushed Luo Xin's little hand away, gently brushing off the somewhat messy hair on her temples, and whispered, "For my enemies... I'm just playing tricks. The devil of their fate, to my friends I am the angel who brings them hope, to my women...I am everything to them..."

Luo Xin couldn't say a word anymore... It's not that she was persuaded by Zhou Ye's words, but that she was blocked by Zhou Ye...

"Just one night... just one night... After tonight, I will automatically disappear from your life, don't come to me... ah..."

"Woman...let's talk about it when you get up tomorrow..."

A night of fish and dragon dance... Luo Xin finally understood the meaning of Zhou Ye's last sentence, what is it that she will come when she wakes up tomorrow...

She also understood - why there are so many women in Zhou Ye, and those women still get along so harmoniously with each other -

This guy—not a human...is a cow that can't die. Her new field is about to be ruined by this cow...God, who will save her...

Chapter 909

Early in the morning—it was raining lightly outside the window, and the mountain city at this moment had the appearance of a foggy city in the east.

Luo Xin slowly opened her eyes and looked at the handsome face that was close at hand... All kinds of ups and downs in her heart poured in.

She forgot what a famous female author said, [A woman's x-channel goes straight to her heart. 】

In the past, she scoffed at this sentence, thinking that it was all demeaning to women... However, today - she finally understood, this sentence - was true.

At this moment - she felt that her heart had been branded with the unique brand of the man in front of her - a brand that could not be erased in her entire life... Her desire to be with him was so firm, she was firm... At this moment, I have forgotten my responsibilities, go to the undercover of the special code, go to the honor of the special code...

"Ye—" Luo Xin whispered her man's name... She couldn't wait to confess everything to him.

Following Luo Xin's voice, Zhou Ye slowly opened his eyes. "Morning... Xinxin!"

"Morning, Ye!" Hearing Zhou Ye's greeting, Luo Xin felt a lot of joy...

She looked directly into Zhou Ye's eyes - she said seriously, "I'm sorry... Ye, I'm actually..."

"An undercover agent sent by the police? Right?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly... Catching Luo Xin's words.

"You...how do you know??" Luo Xin looked like he had seen a ghost...I didn't expect that his biggest secret was actually in the eyes of his man, not a secret...

"I've known since you applied to the company the day before yesterday..." Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Luo Xin tightly...

"Then, then you..." Luo Xin felt like he had fallen into an ice cave... Since Zhou Ye already knew his identity? Then he is still chasing himself...? Could this be a vicious prank? ?

Looking at Luo Xin whose face instantly turned pale, Zhou Ye understood her thoughts in seconds...


Zhou Ye slapped Luo Xin directly on the dolphin, completely waking up this crazy girl... "Don't think about it... I haven't done anything to play with other people's feelings... "

"You, you scared me to death..." When Luo Xin heard Zhou Ye's words, she felt a little better... Like a coquettish cat, she shoved into Zhou Ye's arms and used his Body temperature to soothe your restless mind.

After a while - Luo Xin finally felt more comfortable, she buried her little head in her man's arms and whispered, "Dear..."

"Huh?" Zhou Ye hugged Luo Xin like a cat and hummed a scale from his nose.

"How did you know that I was undercover? Could it be that the xx department also has your eyeliner??"

"..." This question is really hard to answer... After thinking about it, Zhou Ye asked softly, "Do you believe in supernatural powers in this world??"

"Believe...you're supernatural enough...like an animal..." Hear this. Luo Xin couldn't help laughing at her man's performance last night... completely disregarding that it was the first time for him, that's all... But, on the whole... I felt quite good.

"Crack..." Zhou Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes, and slapped a spot where he felt very good... "Don't make trouble, I'm telling you the business..."

"Well—" Luo Xin arched his head into his man's arms again, and said, "I don't believe... If it really has supernatural abilities, why has no one ever seen it??"

"It's just that I don't want you to see it..." Zhou Ye patted Luo Xin's back with a smile and said, "It's a matter of

It speaks louder than words - let me show you..."

"What do you think??" Luo Xin's curiosity has been completely aroused. She feels that her man is like a kaleidoscope, and there are always more wonderful scenery waiting for her to explore...

"Now get up first...then go to have breakfast..." Zhou Ye smiled and got up directly—helping Luo Xin get dressed...No way, last night was too much—Luoxin is really a little...action is not very convenient.

"Bad..." Every time Luo Xin moved her body, it would involve a wound that could not be described. Every time the burning pain would remind her of the last night when a certain animal ignored her begging for mercy... Of course she was not angry. here.

"You told me not to stop..." Zhou Ye said with a wicked smile.

"I said don't—stop..." Luo Xin's face was almost flushed... This bad guy deliberately misinterpreted the meaning of his words... bad guy.

Fighting room - the two are finally dressed.

The very confident Luo Xin just sprayed a little moisturizing water on her face... and completed all the makeup procedures.

"Okay... Let's go to have breakfast. After breakfast, you have to take me to see those supernatural abilities..." Luo Xin, who was dressed in a refreshing suit, supported Zhou Ye and said.

"Okay..." Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously and pointed to the front with his hand... Suddenly, a circular portal shone with golden sparks opened in front of the two of them...

Through the golden portal... Luo Xin saw a completely different scene from the room... "This, this, this, this..."

Luo Xin, who was severely hit by the three views, pointed at the portal with one hand and looked at his man... The surprised expression on his delicate little face looked extremely cute...

"The supernatural ability you want has arrived... Please check it..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then picked up Luo Xin and slowly walked into the portal.

Luo Xin bit her virginity hard, and the severe pain from above made her realize that she was not in a dream - she was really passed over a portal from Chongqing by her man and appeared directly in the Thousands of miles away in Rome, Italy.

Q: Why does Lohin know this is Rome? ?

Such a big ancient Roman arena... She is not blind, how could she not see.

"Darling... You are so powerful..." Luo Xin turned around and hugged her man fiercely, cupped her man's cheek with both hands, and kissed him frantically without a head and face...

Zhou Ye responded kindly to a rookie's refusal... By revealing his abilities to his own woman, Zhou Ye didn't feel anything bad... After the practice of Chunfenghuayujue, after he had been exposed to it—it would never be used again. Unable to break free, the goddess is still like this, let alone a mortal?

Besides - as a woman who will live with him, Zhou Ye doesn't want to hide anything on purpose... Besides, he is not afraid of any country's provocation now... It is only a matter of words to wipe out that country completely. .

So—what did he not dare to say? ?

At this moment - it's just after three o'clock in the afternoon in Rome... Some tourists in the ancient Colosseum, seeing this pair of handsome men and women kissing each other, actually applauded... As if they were cheering for the courage of their love .

It's impossible to make Luo Xin ashamed at once - after all, as of yesterday afternoon, she was still a rookie who didn't know anything about feelings... Isn't it normal to be shy?

Chapter 910

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