On the other side, in the side hall, Zhou Ye showed his great power and completely slashed a certain former Interpol who was unwilling to fail... It was almost noon...

Zhou Ye picked up Zhu Li, who was almost soft and turned into a pool of mud, placed her in the bedroom, rinsed a little and changed clothes, then walked out of the room and went straight to the living room.

The dog-leg boy is here, how could Zhou Ye not take a look... He estimated that this dog-leg boy would definitely not come empty-handed this time. As for what kind of gift he would bring... Zhou Ye could roughly guess.

"Young Master Ye..." Seeing Zhou Ye's figure appearing in the living room, Mr. Gao stood up immediately and greeted respectfully, "Thank you for taking action and saving a huge loss for our doa group..."

"It's nothing... I'm just doing a favor for my friend..." Zhou Ye walked over to the sofa opposite Mr. Gao and sat down. "Didn't I hear that you were doing business in Brazil? Why did you come back so soon..."

"Haha... If I don't come back, I'm afraid my old nest will be taken over..." Mr. Gao said with a wry smile. Of course he wouldn't think too much of what the friend Ye said was referring to. It's me. When the difference in ability and status between the two is too great, there will be no so-called friendship at all... Those so-called friendships that do not depend on social status are just a mirror image of the moon... The dragon doesn't get together with the snake.

"The form is not that bad..." Zhou Ye said, picked up a plastic bag lying on the sofa, and threw it directly to Mr. Gao. "This is the 15 billion US dollars that was transferred by the pony. Open the program inside, and it will automatically return the funds scattered in tens of thousands of zombie accounts around the world to the account you designated..."

"Really??" Mr. Gao didn't expect that Young Master Ye would give him a big gift. He excitedly took out the USB flash drive from the plastic bag, and kissed it fiercely on the USB flash drive. ...

"..." Zhou Ye looked at Mr. Gao's excited movements with a strange expression. He was thinking about a very serious question-whether he wanted to hide the USB flash drive that was hidden by the pony in the chrysanthemum What about tell Mr. Gao? ? ?

Forget it - Zhou Ye finally gave up on this idea, after all - now that Mr. Gao is so happy, talking about it himself is a disappointment...

However, sometimes it's not that he doesn't want to say, someone won't ask...

Mr. Gao, who kissed twice on the USB flash drive, asked strangely, "Then...why does this USB flash drive have a very strange smell...it feels a little salty..."

"...That..." Zhou Ye said embarrassedly, "Let's talk about the program password..."

"Young Master Ye, does this program still have a password??" Mr. Gao was indeed led astray by Zhou Ye...

"Well, there is a password..." Zhou Ye nodded and said, "One hundred digits after the decimal point of pi is the password for this program... The password can only be entered once, and the money will never be returned if it is wrong... "

"The pony is really smart, but unfortunately... he's a traitor!" Mr. Gao said with some regret, "Since the matter has been settled... Then Young Master Ye, I will leave now... I have to rush back to Chiang Mai to sit in town. , save some people being dishonest..."

"Well, you should go back early..." Zhou Ye nodded, "I won't let you eat here..."

"Then thank you, Young Master Ye..." Mr. Gao said, stood up, gave Zhou Ye a respectful salute, then took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Ye, then said, "It's outside. The souvenirs I brought back to you from Brazil, please don't refuse..."

"Then I'll leave!" Mr. Gao said, picked up the USB flash drive, walked out the door with his female assistant, got in the car and drove away... He does have a lot of things to do, and the doa group does He also needs to sit there. After all, there is such a thing as a pony. If he doesn't sit in the office, all those bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods will jump out to make waves.

"This Mr. Gao...it's really interesting!" Zhou Ye casually opened the booklet that Mr. Gao handed him. The first few pages were the operating instructions for the small container outside, and the next few pages were the photos and information of several girls. , including age...height, measurements...birthplace...and name, etc..."Interesting..."

Chapter 108

Song Qian opened her eyes again, except for the occasional green light from an unknown instrument not far away, she couldn't see anything in this coffin-like box...

In the dark, she didn't know how long she had been locked up, she only knew... With the degree of turbulence of the bump box, either on the plane or in the car...

She once tried to slap the metal walls around her, but she couldn't hear any sound except for the faint cries for help... But she communicated a little with her neighbors through stumbling English.

She knew that the girl above her was called Debora, a young Brazilian model... and the other girls were of similar identities to her, and—they all had one special thing in common, that was less than Eighteen years old, and they are all young girls...

Young girl——Thinking of this word, Song Qian felt an indescribable feeling in her heart... When she was trafficked by the Snake Group in the United States, if she hadn't shouted that she was still a young girl, I would have been arrested. Those beasts were bullied...

As for why do young girls have preferential treatment? ? That's because the young girl can sell for a better price... Of course, this is just Song Qian's guess... But, obviously, now she feels that her guess is so correct.

She estimated, up and down, left and right... This unknown device contains a total of

Of the six girls, except for one of her Chinese, three are Brazilian girls and two are Arab girls...

This device looks inconspicuous, but the technology is very high - she doesn't feel stuffy here, and it feels very comfortable to lie here... Except that it can't be flipped back and forth, everything else is good - of course , can't get rid of it...

The whole equipment has been out of turbulence for a while, Song Qian thinks that she has been delivered to the buyer? ? What kind of fate awaits you? Being raised as a slave? Serving a potbellied old man? ?

This unknown situation made Song Qian feel a little terrified... However, at this moment, with a burst of chirps, it was as if the high-pressure chamber was releasing pressure—

With the sound, strong sunlight came in—Song Qian involuntarily reached out and covered her eyes to resist the dazzling light for her...

After a while, Song Qian gradually regained her eyesight... At this time, she realized that she and her neighbors were only separated by a layer of glass-like plate... The glass on everyone's head There is also a small air circulator like an oxygen generator, which makes them not feel stuffy at all.

At this time, not only Song Qian, but several other girls also realized that they were finally going to be released from this cage-like device... They were all chattering happily...

Song Qian listened to their words with disdain... Although she didn't understand them very well, she could somewhat guess the meaning of their words... They were happy that they were saved...

be saved? ? Ha ha……

Song Qian just smiled coldly, they were so naive... It's not so much that they were saved, but that the goods had been delivered to the buyer... They had completely become the property of others...

Then, there was a shaking, which made the girls scream, but soon they found that it was not something worth screaming, but the crystal box slowly spread to the left and right with the help of the mechanical boom... In this way, those who are at the bottom can also be free...

With this discovery, the girls couldn't help but cheer again...

Just when the entire crystal box was completely spread out, and the six girls supported each other, they all walked out of the crystal box that gave them nightmares. in front of them.

"Welcome to my master's manor..." The woman standing in the middle said in English, "This will be your home..."

The other two women beside her also repeated the sentence in Arabic and Portuguese.

"From now on, you have only one identity... that is the woman of my master... Don't try to escape, that is the most stupid thing..."

At this moment, a voice in Portuguese asked loudly: "Where is this place? Who the hell are you? Why did you bring me here, I want to see my agent...I want to see mine lawyer……"

As she started, the other two young Brazilian models also shouted loudly...

"..." Song Qian had heard this voice before, the voice should be that young Brazilian model named Deborah, a guy who became famous as a teenager... Song Qian looked at the owner of this voice and had to say, this girl looks good Still very beautiful... However, being beautiful here is obviously an original sin... May she wake up to the environment she is in...

As Song Qian expected, hearing Deborah's clamor, the black-clothed woman standing in the middle revealed a malicious smile, "It seems that this gift hasn't been trained yet, it's really disappointing. I don't know what that Mr. Gao was thinking... A gift like this was actually given!"

"Hehe... You know, the master doesn't like other people's too much contact with his women, so this is better... It is convenient for the master to play some interesting games..." The woman standing beside her said with a smile: "But Before that, they need to be washed first, otherwise... the master will not have a good time playing..."

Chinese - actually Chinese? ? Song Qian couldn't help shrinking when she heard the conversation between the two... Could it be that she was bought by the local tyrants of her own country? That's great... She'd rather be raped by a man from her own country than by those foreign bastards.

Just when Song Qian was ecstatic, three women in black appeared on the spot... One by one, they suddenly appeared behind the three troublesome Brazilian models, and then mercilessly used their knives. It was chopped on their necks—in an instant, the three young models named Courage completely fainted...

Three black-clothed women, one by one, carried the three fainted Brazilian girls and walked towards the room beside them...

"You are very good, at least you know what self-knowledge is..." The leading woman looked at the three girls who were trembling like frightened sheep, and said with a smile, "Now, I will take you to dinner... This is not a pleasant trip, you should be hungry... let's go!"

With that said, the woman in black led the way towards the other room... After Song Qian hesitated for a while, she followed up... The hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses... If you have any ideas, wait until you're full... , You can't run far on an empty stomach.

Chapter 109

The night is gradually falling... Every room in the manor is also lit up with a little light, which embellishes this exotic manor with an extraordinarily enchanting...

At this moment, in a side hall of the manor, Song Qian was with two

Arab girls sit here, waiting for the verdict to come...

They have had a good meal and slept comfortably. The three of them are waiting here full of energy at the moment, because—the black-clothed woman who brought them here said that at this time there will be A fun game for them to take part in…

Song Qian couldn't help but ask, "What kind of interesting game is that??"

"A game that can decide your fate!" The black-clothed woman smiled slightly and said, "So, please try to adjust your state as much as possible, then try your best to please my master, and play this game well..."

Song Qian didn't know what the two Arab girls were thinking. Anyway, when she was sure that she was safe for the time being, she tried her best to force herself to eat, and then took a good sleep.

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