I don't know how long it took—Bella finally regained consciousness again.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the surrounding arrangements...

This looks like a side hall of a castle... why does Bella know? ? Because of the use of huge stone buildings, in addition to castles, in the modern reinforced concrete society, it has long disappeared.

This is a well-furnished side room, and the roaring flames in the fireplace bring a touch of warmth to this cold room... Various valuable decorations hanging on the walls show that this The owner of the castle seems to be a guy with a lot of wealth.

Bella tried to move her body... no problem...

She slowly stood up from the sofa by the fireplace and looked at her whole body... Although the clothes were wrinkled, they were still neat and tidy. Obviously, the worst did not happen... and some of her belongings arrived. It was missing, like—her wand.

Bella pondered, is she trying to talk to the owner of this house? Or should we retreat technically first... go home and summon all the relatives of the family to help? ?

At this moment—the heavy wooden door of the side hall was pushed open... A small figure walked in, "Hello, Miss Bella... Are you my future magical tutor??"

"Call me Miss Black..." Bella refuted her habit and looked at the figure... When she saw the talking little figure, Bella felt as if she saw an angel at that moment... She originally wanted to If he refused, he said it to the side, but it turned into a different look. "That's right... I'm your magical tutor..."

Chapter 1021

Go back two hours in time————

Zhou Ye looked in front of him, this beautiful girl with long smooth black hair who slept so peacefully, had an ironic feeling...

"I just need some information about the wizarding world..." Zhou Ye sighed, looked at the two little maids standing beside the sleeping Bella, and said, "I really didn't expect you to give me such a surprise... …”

"This, this is something that can't be helped... Master!" The little maid with long golden hair and a lovely face like Barbie said cautiously: "We have too little information about the wizarding world... Especially at this time. The wizard information inside is surprisingly small, even this Miss Black, we are the closest target we found through the global monitoring system..."

"Forget it..." Zhou Ye sighed and rubbed his eyebrows...

"Master... I'm sorry..." The two little maids were really about to cry when they heard their master's words... They smeared the maids, and they didn't follow the master's order meticulously... woo woo...

"Okay, Heidi, Annie... The master isn't blaming you..." Zi smiled and said to the two juniors, "The master is just dealing with his tutor when he has a headache. You have already Very well done..."

"Really? Master..." Hearing the words of their senior, the two little maids looked at their little master with hope.

"Really...of course it's true!" Zhou Ye smiled helplessly and comforted his two little maids, no matter what...they were all their own women, and they gave everything for themselves, of course he I can't bear to blame them too much.

"Liar... The master didn't give us encouragement kisses..."

"Yes, yes... After completing the task in the past, if the master is satisfied, he will always give us encouragement and kiss..."

"...These two girls..." Zi looked at her two juniors there demanding her reward, and smiled knowingly... The maid is the private property of the master, and the maid loves her deeply Master, what's wrong with this? ? Seeing these two little guys... she thought of how she and Qiu had stuck to her master back then.

"Of course I won't forget your reward..." Zhou Ye smiled and gave each of the two little maids the reward they wanted... After watching them happily greet him, he left the room...

In the entire side hall, except for Bellatrix Black, who was slumped on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep, there were only Zhou Ye and his two maids...

Zhou Ye looked at Miss Black who was still sleeping on the sofa, and looked at her peaceful sleeping posture...

"Did I pry Voldemort's corner from the moment I came here??" Zhou Ye said to himself.

"Master... I think you are saving this poor girl..." Zi said with a smile: "After all—even if she becomes a Death Eater according to the original book, in the end it is Azka who is waiting for her. Ban's decades of prison life..."

"Okay... I hope you're right..." Zhou Ye sighed, in fact, this guy is just pretending... If he hadn't seen at a glance that Bella was still pure, he would have used his mind control long ago. Drained all the information about the wizarding world in her mind.

After all, according to Zhou Ye's philosophy, women are divided into two types, one is his own, and the other is someone else's... Of course, one's own needs to be taken care of, but someone else's? ? Cough cough... Then it depends on the situation... Of course, I won't be as careful as my own woman.

"Call me when she wakes up..." Zhou Ye said, and left the side hall with Qiu and Zi...

Time returns to the normal node again————

"Hello, Miss Bella...Are you my future private tutor??" Little Zhou Ye opened the door of the side hall and looked at

Bellatrix Black, who had woken up, asked with a smile.

At this moment - his charm is fully open, his spiritual suggestion is fully open...

"Call me Miss Black..." Bellatrix Black looked at the extremely cute Luotai who suddenly appeared in front of her... There was a feeling that her whole body was healed... He was his own angel ...At this moment, Bella is still a staunch supporter of the pure-blood wizard theory, it's just—in her heart, there is a small exception... "That's right, child... I'm your private tutor. …”

"Can you tell me your name? My little angel..." Bella squatted down with a smile and looked at Zhou Ye's charming eyes... She asked softly, "You know, introducing each other is private. The first lesson of the course..."

"My name is Zhou Ye...Miss Bella..." Zhou Ye's little face had a sweet and bewitching smile, as if he was really like a child... In fact, he was just maliciously acting cute.

"Call me Black... Forget it..." Bellatrix Black was halfway through habitually speaking, and suddenly felt that calling her name like this made her feel closer to Zhou Ye... So, She decided... "Okay, my sweet little angel, you can call me Miss Bella, of course... In exchange, I can call you Ye too, no problem??"

"Of course there's no problem..." Zhou Ye nodded with a smile. He accidentally caught a glimpse of Bella's pair of precious babies... What should I say? Is it a Nordic race? One by one, they are all too well developed... Just this, can make those oriental women feel ashamed.

Bella, of course, felt Xiao Zhou Ye's vision right away... If an adult man looked at her like this, she might immediately take out her wand and throw an Unforgivable Curse at him... Let him Feel what a lady's anger is...

But——If it was this cute little angel who was peeking at me, Bellatrix Black didn't have the slightest idea of ​​having a seizure. Instead, it felt a little interesting...

To be honest, Bellatrix Black felt that his actions today were abnormal...

The Black family is a big family, and of course there are some children of the same age as Zhou Ye... But on weekdays, Bella doesn't feel that she likes those arrogant children, but is not polite to them at all, using magic to punish mischief The bear child, she is very good at it.

But——only this cute little angel in front of her...she is willing to use her life to protect the smile on his little face...Anyone who wants to hurt this child has to step on her corpse...

Chapter 1022

"Miss Bella... Do you really know magic??" At this moment, Zhou Ye faithfully played a young lady who longed for the magical world.

"Of course..." Bella smiled when she heard Zhou Ye's words, took Zhou Ye's little hand, and walked towards the sofa by the fireplace...

Coming to the edge of the sofa, Bella sat directly on the sofa, and then hugged Zhou Ye in her arms——

Bella looked at the ignorant face of the little cutie in her arms, and the whole person was about to be cute... She looked around, and finally found a pot of black tea and a table on the coffee table not far away. A teacup... With a flying spell, the teapot flew in front of the two as if controlled by someone, and stopped in mid-air.

"Ye...do you want some black tea??" Bella looked at Xiao Zhou Ye with a slightly surprised look on her face [pretend], and smiled proudly, "This is magic...how do you feel? ??"

...Although she doesn't have a wand now, but with some low-level magic, she can already cast spells without a wand...

"It's amazing..." After Zhou Ye finished saying this, he felt like he was about to vomit... But forget it, since he was planning to enter Hogwarts, of course he couldn't reveal his truth any more. I'm getting old... This level of cuteness should be taken as a preview in advance.

"Magic has existed in the world since ancient times..." After using the Flying Spell to control the teapot and pour two cups of black tea for herself and Xiao Zhou Ye, Bella whispered about the origin of the wizarding world while hugging Zhou Ye. "..."Three thousand years BC..."

Of course, Zhou Ye made a very serious look. He snuggled in Bella's arms and listened to her telling the story of the wizarding world... From the holding of the first Quidditch competition to the establishment of the International Council of Magicians... …From the establishment of several major magic schools to the passage of the ban on raising dragons…

Time unknowingly, a long time passed... I don't know when one big or one small, and fell into a deep sleep.

Early in the morning - when the first rays of morning light fell through the curtains on Bella's face, she woke up...

"This is..." Bella, who opened her eyes, felt that she couldn't figure out where she was for a while... But the numbness of her arms reminded her that there was a cute little existence in her arms.

"...Ha... She's so cute when she's asleep... She's such a beautiful little angel..." Bella looked down at the little Zhou Ye who was still in her arms, with a gentle smile on her face...

At this moment, she suddenly felt as if there was a slight difference in her... Only at this time did she realize that the little cutie in her arms didn't know anything, and put his little hand into her clothes, and was naughty. caught my own there...

"What a little rascal... I wonder how many girls you will deceive when you grow up..." Bella said this, but instead of pulling out Zhou Ye's dishonest little hand, she moved herself slightly. Some numb arms made him lie down more comfortably.

"My little master

Someone caused you trouble... I'm so sorry! "A voice suddenly appeared in Bella's ear, and she couldn't help but look up... I saw a beautiful girl in a black and white maid outfit, standing in front of her with a smile on her face, the morning light shining on her. There was a dazzling light on that delicate cheek...

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