For example - when the two are in love, there will always be a maid who walks in with something out of place and disturbs the two of them... Maybe it's a cup of black tea, or maybe it's a plate of dessert... Let her always have a kind of uncomfortable feeling. A feeling of exhilaration.

You know—even though Bella is nineteen years old, this is the first time she has truly fallen in love, even though the object is a cute Lota who is much younger than her... But love should not be bound by age (laugh)……

The first time she tried that forbidden technique, Bella always had the urge to stop... In fact, the words she said to Zhou Ye in the afternoon were, to put it bluntly, just the girl's restraint...

And now—what a chance! ! !

Two people - living in one guest room - without those nasty maids to mess with - without those nasty maids taking the little angel away from you when the night comes... how perfect a date.

Bella became happier the more she thought about it. Her little face couldn't hide her thoughts at all... She was as happy as a blooming flower.

"Bella, did you think of something happy??" Zhou Ye asked curiously - in fact, he was very clear about Bella's heart... These days, Bella is almost always affected by him Holding the nose to this step...

Including the seemingly unintentional reminder just now, it was Zhou Ye who was deliberately guiding this still innocent girl... Zhou Ye, the great devil, will rule the rivers and lakes for generations to come... Cough, go to the wrong studio.

"It's nothing..." Bella hurriedly smiled, took Zhou Ye's little hand, and walked towards the taxi waiting at the gate of the train station. "Go to the savoy hotel..."

"Okay lady..." The taxi driver looked at the two passengers who had just gotten on the bus and had to say that the girl was very beautiful, but the boy who looked like her brother looked even cuter...

Although she was born in the most noble Black family in the wizarding world, it does not mean that Bella knows nothing about the Muggle world. On the contrary, she still prefers all kinds of luxury goods and beautiful clothes in the Muggle world. Yes, no way—even a wizard, she's a girl and loves beauty.

And the same black wizard's robe obviously can't satisfy girls' pursuit of beauty... Therefore, she often comes to London for shopping, of course, not to buy those wizard supplies in Diagon Alley, but to go to the commercial street to buy all kinds of popular style of new clothes.

There was once a costume designer from a pure-blood wizard who wanted to modify the wizard's robes into more personalized and popular clothes, but was denounced by the International Wizarding Council as apostate... In the end, in those old guys Under their blows, the poor wizard's shop closed down... It has to be said that it is the sadness of the wizarding world to let those old and immortal old guys take power.

Whoops, that's a little too far...

When Bella took Zhou Ye into the lobby of the savoy hotel, it was almost seven o'clock... After the two hurriedly put their belongings in the room, they went to a French restaurant not far from the hotel to solve the problem. My own dinner question...

"What? Don't you like it??" Bella was eating her own foie gras while looking at her little angel, her little lover, who was sitting across from her, and asked with concern.

"No... It's just that I have no appetite for these things..." Zhou Ye reluctantly took a sip of the French vegetable bisque before putting down the cutlery... The French meal in this restaurant is not authentic... But compared to A strange flower in the dark cooking world, for British meals, it is already very good.

At least, Bella thinks so...

Of course, she can also understand why her little angel can't eat these things, after all - compared to the cooking skills of the maids in the castle manor, the French dinner here has rotted to a new level.

However, Bella would not encourage Zhou Ye to be picky eaters, "If... I mean if..., if you eat all your dinner honestly, then when you get back to the hotel, there will be unexpected rewards. !!"

"Reward???" Zhou Ye's eyes lit up when he heard the word reward... To tell the truth, the food here is not that bad, it's just that Zhou Ye's appetite has been raised by the maids, but—if there is If there is a reward, it will be different... "Is it a reward like the afternoon??"

"Little bastard..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Bella looked around with a guilty conscience, but obviously she thought too much, and no one was paying attention to her... After hesitating for a while, Bella said with red cheeks: "No's a reward like the afternoon..."

"Then there's no problem..." Zhou Ye revealed a happy smile on his face... bowing his head, he swallowed.

"Little... erotic... wolf" Bella couldn't help complaining about her little angel in her heart... But, to be honest, she also had a feeling of exuberance in her heart, that feeling... like a cat's paw.

Chapter 1025

Today's London is a rare good weather. The morning sun shines through the window repeatedly on Bella's cheek... She slowly opened her eyes... But the pain from below made her endure He couldn't help frowning.

Looking at the little angel who was still sleeping in her arms, Bella couldn't help but bow her head and gently sip on his forehead... "Little villain... just like a little beast..."

Bella moved her body a little to make the little angel lying in her arms more comfortable... The situation of last night couldn't help but come up in my mind...

Last night - after the two of them had dinner, they walked around the street for a while and then returned to the hotel...

As soon as he returned to his room, Zhou Ye was clamoring for his reward... In this regard, Bella, who didn't want to lose her trust in little Zhou Ye, had no choice but to fulfill her promise...

She originally thought that this was an inspiration of love like before... After all—Zhou Ye is still too young, only ten years old...

However—the fact made her suffer... Zhou Ye, this guy is not really only ten years old... A week has passed, and he has gotten tired of playing this kind of game, just watching but not eating... So , this time Bella is a complete sheep into the tiger's mouth.

By the time Bella realized that something was wrong, it was already done... Moreover, at that time, she had completely lost herself under Zhou Ye's guidance, and turned into someone who hugged Zhou Ye and shouted six, six, six. Salted fish.

Everything last night was really like a dream for Bella... It was incredible... The most incredible thing was that she actually felt beautiful in her heart... In this way, the little angel was completely her own...

"Good morning, Bella..." Zhou Ye was awakened by the stuffiness... Although he could live without air, breathing was his instinct after all... The two groups completely buried him inside, It made him unable to breathe at all... So, he woke up.

"Good morning... dear..." Bella saw the little cutie in her arms wake up, a smile involuntarily leaked on her face, of course, the meaning of this dear and the previous dear has something to do with it. different.

In the past, she called Zhou Ye darling, which only meant a more intimate relationship, but this time darling... is her pet name for the little man who belongs to her...

"What time is it... Hmm..." Zhou Ye looked at Bella speechlessly... I have to say, the biggest difference between a young girl and a young woman is that a young woman is more active than a young girl...

"It's past nine o'clock in the morning... Do you need me to order a breakfast in the guest room for you??" Bella asked softly with a smile after finishing the warm good morning speech...

"I want to eat you now..." Zhou Ye turned over as he spoke... Well, the day's plan lies in the morning...

"Don't... uh... little devil... ah..." Bella struggled in panic, she knew too much how powerful she was, and she was almost tossed to death last night... However, it didn't matter. With... In the end, she accompanied Zhou Ye to complete the first morning exercise in her life... Of course, given her physical condition, Zhou Ye didn't make it difficult for her—the first time was always preferential.

Two hours later————

Zhou Ye and Bella had packed everything up and walked out of the lobby of the savoy hotel.

The two held hands and walked on the road—Zhou Ye looked at Bella who was doing as usual with strange eyes from time to time... He sighed, "Potions is really amazing..."

"...Don't think about those things least for a week..." Bella certainly knew what Zhou Ye meant by what Zhou Ye said. To be honest, she was so traumatized that she could actually use a bottle of powerful healing potion. Next, she was surprised that it was back to normal... Maybe it's because the trauma there didn't hurt the bones, of course... There were also some friction wounds, which were nothing to potions. .

"What are you thinking about??" Zhou Ye looked confused, as if he really didn't know what Bella was talking about.

"Thinking of those messy things..." Bella gritted her teeth and touched her back... She won't be deceived by the appearance of this little villain again, the appearance of an angel, the heart of the devil, refers to this little villain... ... When he said that he could not do it, he actually tempted him to use it... and the most outrageous thing was that he was still under his bewitchment and agreed.

In the face of Bella's cold-faced rejection, Zhou Ye smiled...Little girl,'s okay, this kind of situation, after a few more visits, she'll get used to it... Habit is a very scary thing.

As for - to guard against death? ? Zhou Ye doesn't care at all... Some things are like this. If you have the first time, there will be a second time... If you have a third time, there will be a fourth or fifth time... Besides, he is quite good at his own means. Have confidence.

Just a little witch...

"I'm not joking with you..." Seeing Xiao Zhou Ye's disapproval, Bella's face tensed, and she said, "My dear, you are still too young... Doing this kind of thing too much will hurt your body..., I decided, at most once a week from now on..."

Facing the serious Bella, Zhou Ye could only nod his head and say yes... But soon, Bella will find out... Her cuteness is actually a giant beast disguised as a lamb... So, the ban is very will be released soon...

Of course, it's boring to talk about it now... Also, some things are fun to discover slowly, don't they? Thinking of this, a naive smile appeared on Zhou Ye's face: "Okay... Bella, I remember it!"

"Hmm...the good boy has candy!" Seeing Xiao Zhou Ye's serious expression, Bella nodded with satisfaction. Zhou Ye could only say about this... The little witch who has never been in the world is so deceiving... …

The two were talking and walking, and before they knew it—they came to a street that looked a little desolate... The shops on both sides of the road looked no different from other places. Of course, if they had to say something different, That is, there is a bar here that looks shabby, and the sign of the bar reads [The Leaky Cauldron]...

Bella pulled Zhou Ye up, pushed open the door of the bar, and walked in...

Chapter 1026

Even though it was only after ten in the morning, the Leaky Cauldron was already full of wizards, either in groups of three or two holding today's Daily Prophet and drinking butterbeer.

, while discussing the above content, or sitting alone in a corner, I don't know what I'm busy with...

When the bar door was opened, the wizards involuntarily looked over... This is the natural reaction of people, it doesn't matter whether the person who follows is a big man...

When all the wizards saw the combination of Zhou Ye and Bella, one big and one small, they all turned their heads and went about their own business.

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