She was still thinking to herself, what are the maids doing in the room so late? ? Did something big happen? ?

As a result, the next actions of the little maids made her completely stunned...

I saw them laughing and laughing in a row, and then lifted up their skirts......

The picture was so beautiful that Isabel didn't dare to think about it... In short, last night, for the first time, she knew that boys developed so early, and for the first time, she knew that girls also felt very good watching cat movies... She was the first time Knowing once, it turns out that one man and many women can still play like this... It was the first time she knew...

There were too many firsts for Isabelle last night...and so many...

Isabel, who barely opened her sullen eyes, saw that everyone in the room seemed to be sleeping, she couldn't help but be shocked... The opportunity came...

Last night, she didn't think about sneaking away when everyone was doing something shameless... However, every time she wanted to do something like this, there was always a maid who seemed to be facing her... ... staring at her, making her unable to move.

In the end, Isabelle herself fell asleep accidentally... I can't help it, watching cat movies is very disturbing, especially the lack of water...

The opportunity has come, let's go... Looking at the people who were still sleeping, Isabel stood up and moved cautiously... At this moment, she was very proud that the Transfiguration she chose was a cat, otherwise it would be another animal, maybe a move It woke the sleeping maid.

After all - cats have pads under their feet...

Passing through everyone's bodies silently... The gate is in front of us, and victory is in front of us... Isabel couldn't help cheering in her heart...

It's a pity - she's too happy to be happy.

Just as she was about to reach the door, an arm suddenly reached out from behind her, grabbed her leg, and dragged her into a warm embrace...

"Meow..." Isabelle yelled anxiously...

Her cry was replaced by a laziness, "Don't make trouble, Isabelle, let me sleep a little longer..."

Hearing this voice, Isabel realized that the person holding her was the little monster... Why is it called the little monster? ? Even though she doesn't have much common sense, she also knows that an ordinary adult man can sleep with more than a dozen women a night? ? Not to mention a child... But this cute-looking little Luo Tai can do it.

So——Isabel called Zhou Ye a little monster.

After struggling for a while, Isabel found that... she couldn't leave the arms of this little monster at all, and in the end, she also completely died of the heart that was taking the opportunity to escape...

I closed my eyes... I resisted my thirst, and continued to make up my sleep... Why was I thirsty? Because of lack of water...why lack of water? Because I watched cat movies... Old drivers know it.

Just like that——Isabel was completely trapped in this castle.

Because Zhou Ye hugged her wherever she went, she now felt somewhat attached to Zhou Ye... As for the cat movie? ? She has seen enough these days.

From the beginning, she was half-concealed and shy, and then she was open and aboveboard... and then she rated Zhou Ye's posture in her heart... She has become an old driver...

Of course, being an old driver doesn't mean she won't be thirsty...

She still has that throbbing feeling...even, sometimes she has an urge to want to be there with that little monster every day, but she resists it...

a week later----

Isabella was lying on Zhou Ye's lap, watching Bella teach Zhou Ye a magic class... To be honest, she had also seen what Bella and Zhou Ye were like... Although she verified her own thoughts, She didn't feel excited at all, after all - she had seen too many tricks this week.

However, Isabel still admires Zhou Ye's magical talent...a genius, not a monster...yes, it's a magical talent like a monster...this kind of talent, this little villain's future will be the best of the unprecedented. Powerful magician.

"Bella, do you want Isabel??" Zhou Ye's sudden words made Isabel prick up his ears...

"Of course I thought about it..." Bella knew who Isabel Zhou Ye was talking about, obviously it wasn't the shorthair cat named Isabel in front of her... "I feel like I missed a lot of things before... If possible, I really I want to say sorry to Isabelle..."

"Hey, Isabelle, Bella is sorry... shouldn't you say something??" Zhou Ye grabbed Isabelle in his arms and asked with a smile.

"Meow???" Isabelle looked ignorant, staring at her cute big cat eyes, looking at Zhou Ye, as if she didn't know what you were talking about...

"Dear, what are you talking about??" Bella was also a little confused... She watched her little man holding his British shorthair cat named Isabelle, swaying to and fro...

"Shh, baby Bella, let me make a little magic for you..." Zhou Ye made a silent look at Bella, then grabbed Isabel again and put it in front of him, "You're sure you won't change. come back??"

"Meow???" Isabelle has already made up her mind, and she will not come back if she is killed... How embarrassing it would be if she changed back at this time... Bella knew she had peeked at her and the little villain... No, That's not called peeking, it's called open-minded...

However, at the end of the day - the kind of result where the most private privacy is seen

The fruit is enough to make people shy and embarrassed to death. Isabelle knows that if she really changes back... Maybe Bella will really hate herself for the rest of her life, so——the death will not change.

"Are you sure you won't change??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, lowered his head and put his head close to Isabelle's ear, and said, "Then I'll throw you into the cage of the male cat that has been treated with stimulants... Guess the result will be How about it??"

"Meow..." Isabelle slapped Zhou Ye's cheek with a paw... But it was obviously impossible for her to pat Zhou Ye.

As soon as Zhou Ye let go, Isabel fell to the ground... With the skin on her body agitating...Isabel changed back again... As soon as she changed back, she lowered her head aggressively and pressed Zhou Ye's shoulder, and asked through gritted teeth. : "Actually, you've already seen Meow's transformation technique, right?"

"That's right..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and the originally cute little face was so abhorrent in Isabel's eyes... "So, you did all the hardships I suffered on purpose, right?? Give me a bath with your own hands... Show me those things...and said I want to see the male and female...and...and...and..."

After waiting for a long time, Isabel couldn't say it, it was too much... Zhou Ye actually grabbed her tail and said that he wanted to study the cat's xx system. As a kitten who couldn't resist, Isabel could only be ashamed It's time for her... She has already been seen by the little villain Zhou Ye.

"Bella..." Isabel turned her head and gave a beautiful smile to Bella, who was still a little confused, "I have always regarded you as my good friend, the best kind... Now, please Can you give me some time? I'm going to do the math with this little bastard..."

"Oh...ah...Okay..." Bella walked out of the side hall obediently and obediently. She is still a little confused... The kitten adopted by her little man is actually her former friend. ? ? Didn't she see everything she did with her little man these days? ?

At this moment, Bella heard Isabel's voice in the side hall.

"I told you to deliberately..."

"Hey, such an adult, you still bite... Hey, you still bite... bite me again and turn my face..."

"I'll bite... little bastard, where are you touching... no... there... um um..."

Hearing the movement inside... Bella smiled slightly, and it seemed that she didn't have to worry too much, because—Isabel will be her new sister soon... It's great...

Chapter 1033

Early in the morning, a gray owl flew from the sky, passed through the gate of Leeds Castle, stopped its wings in front of Zhou Ye who was dining in the restaurant... looked at Zhou Ye innocently.

"This is...??" Zhou Ye also looked at the owl in confusion. At this time, Isabelle, who was dining beside him, smiled and reminded him, "Dear, there is a letter from you..."

"Ah?? Oh!!" At this time, Zhou Ye suddenly remembered... The wizarding world uses this thing to transmit information. To be honest, Zhou Ye, who is used to all kinds of mobile phones and the visual remote communication system, was halfway through. The meeting really can't adapt to such an environmentally friendly means of communication.

Although this method was a very fast and convenient means of communication before the invention of the telephone, today, when the telephone has been invented, this method seems a bit outdated and outdated.

"Okay...Let me see who sent me the letter..." Zhou Ye said, and took off an envelope from the owl. On the envelope was written in beautiful Latin fonts [Sincerely, Ye · Mr. Zhou ] - Orlando Flying Broom Shop.

"Ha... Could it be that there is news about the special custom model I want??" Zhou Ye felt a burst of joy when he saw the signature on the envelope... It's great to not have to play Quidditch with a broom...

Zhou Ye opened the letter in his hand excitedly... After reading it, he put the letter on the table. "Damn old stubborn..."

"Don't be angry, dear... Those old guys are like this, they never want to change the status quo easily..." Bella probably understood what her little man was depressed about from the letter on the envelope she glanced at... After all, at the beginning She was the one who accompanied Zhou Ye to the Feitian Broom Shop. She could guess that it must be the Feitian Broom Company who rejected Zhou Ye's custom request.

"What happened??" Isabelle asked in confusion.

"Look at it..." Zhou Ye sighed and handed over the letter in his hand...

"..." Isabel took the letter in Zhou Ye's hand and looked at it intently, only to see a very short paragraph written on it.

[Dear Mr. Ye Zhou, ——Sweeping Feitian Broom Co., Ltd. rejected your custom request. Their reason is that they cannot produce this kind of flying broom with no safety at all, which is very important to the safety of customers' lives. Disrespectful, so... we have to regret to inform you that we are unable to respond to your custom request, and we express great regret about it - Orlando Flying Broom Store. 】

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