Speaking of which, Bella couldn't help but smile...

"I know..." Dumbledore nodded. Of course he knew about Bella's falling out with her father. It was rumored in the magical world at the beginning. After all, it was a matter of the Black family. Everyone is very interested in the gossip of the big family...

It was because of leaving the Black family that Dumbledore knew that Bella really had nowhere to go... Various institutions in the magical world, Bella's could not get in... Not for anything else, just because she had thoroughly After leaving the Black family, for Bella like this, the in-laws of the Black family who spread throughout the various departments of the Magic Council will not let her work in the Ministry of Magic.

"Then you can stay and be an assistant to Teacher Jasmine for a while... It is said that she intends to resign and leave Hogwarts after this semester..." Dumbledore stroked his long beard and said. : "You can take advantage of this time to learn how to teach. After all, learning and teaching... are fundamentally different..."

"Okay, Headmaster..." Bella held back her smile and gave Dumbledore a wizard salute...

To her, it doesn't matter where she is... What matters is staying at Hogwarts... You must know that Isabella, in order to stay by his little man, even kept Animagus at all times. The state... just to be able to enter Hogwarts with his own man.

And Bella herself doesn't need to compromise like her...because she graduated here and is a student of Hogwarts.

She just needs to find her old headmaster and sell it badly... I have to say, this is really good news... It's great to graduate at Hogwarts...

"Then I'll go to the dormitory area to prepare..." Bella said, after showing a little courtesy to Dumbledore, she walked out of the headmaster's room... As for me at Hogwarts, Bella didn't dare to say that she was She could find a place with her eyes closed, but there was nowhere she could get lost... She was all too familiar with everything here.

Just as Bella, who had achieved her goal, happily walked towards her residence... On the other side, the freshmen of Hogwarts had come to the foot of Hogwarts, under the leadership of a giant, walking. Get off the train...ready to enter Hogwarts...

Zhou Ye and Lily also followed the crowd and got off the train - looking at the lights in the castle on the island in the middle of the lake in front of her... Lily couldn't help but sigh: "It's really beautiful..."

Zhou Ye smiled slightly. He held Isabel in one hand and Lily in the other, and said in a low voice, "When you get closer, you will find that Hogwarts is more beautiful from a close distance..."

"Hmm..." Lily nodded happily. Under the leadership of Zhou Ye, she boarded the magic boat across the lake like everyone else...

The boat carrying the freshmen was unattended, but it was slowly heading towards the island in the lake... Lily was looking forward to life at Hogwarts even more...

ps: The third chapter has been updated... I'm sorry everyone, I really can't stand the third chapter, and I can't keep my eyes open... It's a little bit short, please bear with me.

Chapter 1045

Under the night, an island in the middle of the lake...

Zhou Ye was walking through the crowd holding Lily by the hand, and his eyes kept staring at Hagrid who was leading the way...

"Ye...why are you staring at him all the time??" Lily asked strangely, "Is there something wrong with that tall teacher??"

"No, I'm just thinking about a very boring thing..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Of course he wouldn't tell Lily what he was thinking... Zhou Ye was considering some conjectures about Hagrid's parentage.

Like...what if Hagrid's mother was a giant? And his father is a normal person? So is it………the toothpick stirs the water tank? ? To know that the real giant is at least three meters tall...

But if Hagrid's father was a giant, and Hagrid's mother was an ordinary person... Zhou Ye couldn't even imagine what kind of situation it would be. His mother was in pain...

Of course, Zhou Ye would never tell Lily this little loli... Anyway, it is everyone's responsibility to protect the innocent heart of the little loli... Although Lily has almost been eaten up by Zhou Ye. .

After telling a few small jokes, Lily distracted Lily's attention to other things, and stopped asking what he was thinking, not long after... the crowd had already entered this famous place under the leadership of Hagrid. In the great castle for the Hogwarts school.

Entering the gate of the castle and following the stairs - everyone quickly came to a gate. At this moment, a stern-faced female wizard who looked about forty years old was standing in front of the gate, watching these freshmen.

"Welcome to Hogwarts... I'm Professor McGonagall." The stern witch looked at the children who were looking forward to magic under the steps, and her horns could not help loosening slightly, revealing a smile. "In a moment, you will be walking into this hall with more new friends...but, before that, you have to choose your branch...Gryffindor or Slytherin or Laven Crowe or Hufflepuff? It's all in your heart..."

Having said this, Professor McGonagall looked at the silent freshmen in the stands, nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "Since you have joined Hogwarts, then I hope you can treat the college as your own home, and treat your classmates like your own. Be your own family...Every student who enters each branch, their words and deeds will bring good or bad changes to their branch. Discipline will be rewarded with extra points

, If you violate the discipline, your branch will be deducted for your stupid behavior. At the end of the term, the branch with the most points will win the Academy Cup... So... please be careful with your words and deeds. "

"Do you understand?" Professor McGonagall asked while looking at the freshmen in the audience.

"Understood..." xn

"Very good..." Professor McGonagall nodded, then said, "Ready... come with me!"

After Professor McGonagall said this, she turned and walked towards the hall with the closed door... When she walked in front of the door, the door suddenly opened.

"God, the ceiling here is so beautiful...Is this also magic??" Lily asked Zhou Ye in surprise as she looked at the night sky-like scene on the ceiling.

"That's right, magic has also been cast there..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and dragged Lily forward...

As Professor McGonagall walked to the front desk, the freshmen had completely entered the dining room...

After a brief speech by Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, the Sorting Ceremony finally began————

As one student after another was sorted into various colleges by the Sorting Hat, Lily became more and more nervous... She clasped Zhou Ye's small hand tightly, and was full of sweat...

"Don't worry... We will definitely be put together..." Zhou Ye whispered in Lily's ear to comfort her... Maybe it was because of his assurance that Lily Evans really felt that he less nervous...

"Lily Evans..." Professor McGonagall finally read Lily's name...

"Don't be nervous, let's go... Don't worry, everything will go according to our plan..."

Under Zhou Ye's comfort, Lily took the trembling legs and sat on the chair of the Sorting Hat...

"Oh, what a weird kid... I can't even see inside you... Occlumency? No no... It's another kind of magic I've never seen... better than Occlumency... then Tell me, little girl, which chamber do you want to enter? Gryffindor, known for his bravery? Or Ravenclaw, known for his wisdom?  …

"I'm going to Ravenclaw... Ravenclaw..." Lily Evans whispered the branch she wanted to go to when she heard the whisper in her ear...

"Really? Are you sure??"

"Ravenclaw...I'm going to Ravenclaw..."

"Okay, then I announce... Ravenclaw..." With the words of the Sorting Hat, the entire Ravenclaw table turned into a sea of ​​joy... Some patted the table, some knocked on the cup ...a lively scene.

And Lily, who joined the Ravenclaw table from under the Sorting Hat, was even dragged by several senior sisters to greet her... A cute appearance always attracts more attention from others.

This kind of scene has been staged many times on the dining table of each branch, and the freshmen are almost used to this open dining culture...

But Lily didn't relax, for her... the real test has just begun...

After all, to her, it doesn't matter which branch, the important thing is to be with Zhou Ye, and now she has been assigned to Ravenclaw according to her agreement with Zhou Ye, but if Zhou Ye fails, then her Everything you do is in vain...

Although Lily knew that with Zhou Ye's ability, there was no possibility of losing her hand... but she was still a little worried, which might be called care and chaos...

Under Lily's attention, a few more students finally read Zhou Ye's name after being sorted by the Sorting Hat...

"Ye Zhou..."

Hearing this obviously oriental name, everyone in the academy couldn't help but talk about it... But when Zhou Ye walked out of the crowd of freshmen... No matter which branch it was, she couldn't help screaming...

"God, such a cute little guy...I want to sleep with him..."

"I want to get a love drug right now... Tie him to my side forever..."

"Hufflepuff... must come to Hufflepuff..." Obviously, this is a Hufflepuff senior sister exuding her own resentment...

Since the girls liked it, then the boys naturally didn't like it, especially those seniors in the fourth and fifth grades, all of whom have had a hormonal explosion. Seeing that Zhou Ye is so popular among girls, of course they will feel in their hearts. sour...

"What does a boy do when he looks so good-looking... The most important thing for a boy is strength... Understand??"

"Yeah, yeah...Xiaobai face usually doesn't have any good intentions..."

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