"I've never seen a little guy who is so popular just after entering the school..." Albus Dumbledore grabbed his long white beard and said with a smile...

"There's no way...powerful, handsome...this little guy already has the two most important qualities of the prince template that many girls dream of..." The middle-aged man sitting beside Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Yeah, this little guy is more talented than the one I know..." Dumbledore nodded.

"Headmaster, won't you stop him??" A teacher sitting on the other side said, "I think that student is almost..."

"Sometimes, people must be responsible for their own words..." Dumbledore looked at Peter, who was still struggling and slapped himself, and said, "Wait a moment to send him to the infirmary..."

"Good principal..."

To be honest, as long as it is a human being, it is difficult to achieve a balanced bowl of water... Because as long as it is a human being, there are likes and dislikes. No one can truly treat them equally. It can only be a god. ...

To be honest, Dumbledore didn't have a good first impression of Peter... No one likes an ugly guy... At least Dumbledore doesn't...

And at this moment, amid all the noise, the Sorting Hat finally announced Zhou Ye's sorting result... "Ravenclaw..."

"Great...the little prince has come to our Ravenclaw..."

"Oh yeah... Long live the little prince..."

"Welcome the little prince to the Ravenclaw family..."

Hearing the announcement of the Sorting Hat - the entire Ravenclaw table suddenly became a sea of ​​joy, and all Ravenclaw students shouted happily as if they had won the Academy Cup... …

On the other hand, the girls from other colleges are like mourning their wives... Some people even say that the Sorting Hat must have made a mistake... Requesting to be re-sorted... Of course, Professor McGonagall, who presided over the sorting ceremony, would not listen to such brainless words. .

When Zhou Ye walked to Ravenclaw's table, almost all the Ravenclaw girls gathered around... One by one happily inquired about Zhou Ye's various things...

Fortunately, Zhou Ye hugged Lily ahead of time, which saved her from being squeezed out by the senior sisters...

At this time, Lily had already sat down with a happy face holding Zhou Ye's arm... She didn't feel anything about the enthusiasm of the senior sisters. For the kind-hearted her, jealousy or something was still a little far away...

Some are happy and some are sad...

Looking at the back of Zhou Ye and Lily sitting there with each other, Snape felt that his whole person was not well... Even in the face of the warm greetings from the seniors, he was a little uneasy...

And the four of them are even more tragic... Lupin and Sirius couldn't get Peter, and after adding James, they barely held Peter down... But the three of them couldn't stay forever Hold down Peter and do nothing? ?

In the end, it was a senior senior who gave them a not so bad idea...

Let them take off Peter's robes, and then tie Peter's arms to their own bodies like a restraint suit... Only then did the three of them reluctantly liberate...

"Damn, what kind of magic is this, it's so difficult to deal with..." James wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"I don't know..." A senior senior who was eager to help sighed and said, "I just used Spell Elimination on this guy, but it didn't work at all... I think you should look for it after the banquet is over. Teacher Jasmine from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, maybe she has a way..."

"we can only do this……"

While dealing with the enthusiastic senior sister, Zhou Ye paid attention to the movement of the quartet in the middle school two... Hearing that they were looking for the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he suddenly smiled... Go, even if it is Dumbledore I can't do anything about this little trick of my own...

In any case, at least it seems that the whole hall is in harmony... With the last freshman assigned to the college, the welcome party officially began... In the sound of Dumbledore's spell, the originally empty dining table suddenly Various delicacies and fruits appeared.

No matter what taste you are, you can always find the food you like among the many delicacies.

Everyone sang the Hogwarts school anthem with various accents...and then there was a carnival-like banquet...All Hogwarts students were looking for their friends and talking about their favorite topics.

Among them, Zhou Ye was mentioned the most... Although Zhou Ye was a freshman, his handsome appearance and powerful strength... made him a popular topic.

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, was able to deal with the problems of the seniors with ease, and even gave Isabel something to eat... Lily sat beside Zhou Ye obediently, listening to his witty words, while following Isabel's instructions. Instructed to take the food she likes from the table and feed it to her.

When the banquet was over, each freshman, led by the prefect, walked towards the dormitory of their respective branch... And five guys, led by a prefect, walked to the teacher's residence...

Chapter 1048

In the dark old castle corridor, the originally silent atmosphere was broken by the sound of footsteps... With the sound of footsteps, there were also the voices of a group of children chatting...

"Don't worry, Teacher Jasmine will definitely be able to easily remove the curse on your partner..." The boy who took the lead, carrying an oil lamp, comforted the four behind him.

A junior... As for the Slytherin student named Snape who was right behind them? He directly chose to ignore it. After all, as the fifth-year prefect of the Gryffindor branch, he didn't like Slytherin...

"Does it really work?" James Potter asked suspiciously.

It's no wonder he is so unconfident, it's really because of little Peter, they have been tossing around in the middle of the night today... First, I asked the seniors for help, I have to say... Peter's voice really gained a lot of male seniors. friendship...

After all, Zhou Ye is not Jin Jialong, it is impossible for everyone to like it, especially the goodwill of men and women cannot have both... After Zhou Ye received the screams and favorability of the senior sisters, he got the The only thing is the envy, jealousy and hatred of the seniors... Of course, Zhou Ye doesn't care about the mourning of these defeated dogs...

Cough-cough - far too far.

Although the seniors dare not blatantly help little Peter, he has become the public enemy of the whole school... But this does not delay them from helping James Potter and the others secretly. There are several who think they are relatively proficient in Defense Against the Dark Arts. The senior used various methods to unlock Zhou Ye's face-slapping spell, but—unsurprisingly, they all failed.

So they finally had to follow the suggestion of the fifth-grade prefect named Sam, and came to find the person who claims to be the most accomplished Defence Against the Dark Arts in the school, the teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Mr. Molly Petrick.

"Of course there's no problem..." Facing James Potter's questioning, Sam didn't get angry, but said quite confidently: "If there is a spell that Teacher Molly can't solve, then I really can't think of a way to return it. Who can solve it... It's just that Teacher Jasmine's temper is a little obedient, you try not to offend her..."

"Well, I see..." Although James wanted to find out what was wrong with this teacher, it was obviously not the time to say that... his friend was still suffering.

"Did you hear that? Peter...you'll be fine..." Sirius, who was standing beside Peter, comforted his friend in a low voice,

Lupin also said: "This is Hogwarts, even if that teacher Jasmine can't solve it, we can still find Dean Dumbledore..."

"Hopefully..." Little Dwarf stared with tears in his face. He was really dying of regret at this time. If he knew that Zhou Ye was so powerful, he wouldn't jump up and provoke him if he said anything... But it's too late to say anything now. There is no regret medicine in the world to take...

Hogwarts was big enough that they walked for more than ten minutes from the banquet hall to the teacher's dormitory... However, the destination was finally reached.

"Mr. Jasmine, have you rested yet??" Sam walked to the door of the teacher's dormitory and knocked gently on the door...

It was not too late, the door was opened from the inside... A beautiful woman with long golden hair in a black magic robe came out, her lazy expression looked so enchanting... That Sam He couldn't even help his face turn red.

"Mr. Jasmine, is it really okay for you to tease your students like this? Aren't you afraid of Dean Dumbledore's reprimand??" A voice came from behind Jasmine, and soon another slender figure appeared behind Jasmine.

"Sister Bella..." Sam was really pleasantly surprised when he saw this figure... It wasn't that he had any unreasonable thoughts about Bella, but because of Bella's presence, Mr. Jasmine would probably restrain a lot...

For this Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Sam really admires and fears at the same time... You must know that this teacher Jasmine is not a human, but a Veela... A Veela with an aura of natural charm.

Although she seems interesting to everyone, that's just an illusion brought about by the charm... If you really mean something wrong? You will find that this Teacher Jasmine will make you pay a price that you cannot bear...

Because of this teacher Jasmine, three students dropped out of Hogwarts in one year...they had to drop out.

Because they intended to be unruly with Teacher Jasmine, so...they were also punished by Teacher Jasmine...

One appeared in the library in the middle of the night, and was not found until early morning. When he was found, he was holding the cat of the night watchman, naked from top to bottom, and with a smile like that... It kept the night watchman from being pissed off.

The other person danced an unsightly dance directly in front of the crowd... that kind of dance while dancing.

There is another exaggeration, he actually wooed an academy ghost directly... By the way, that ghost is a man... that is the almost headless Count Nicholas... This is called a lifelong shame by Count Nicholas.

Doing these things in public, in fact, they don't need to talk to the school. They feel ashamed to stay at Hogwarts any longer... They dropped out of school and left after a long time.

"What's the matter with you coming to Mr. Jasmine??" Bella actually saw the five little guys standing behind Sam at a glance, but she pretended not to know...

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