"Ye is very brave..." Lily said while helping. You must know that there are more than a dozen girls in this Ravenclaw, so they have to be divided into three dormitories... However, Lily is really a little bit. She wanted to go to his dormitory with Zhou Ye, but unfortunately she also knew that it was impossible.

"Yes, yes... the little prince is the most powerful..." The female prefect also obviously liked Lily, a little loli, and said with a doting tone: "Since there is no problem with the little prince, then I will help first. You guys clean up the dormitory...it's a lot of work..."

"Well... I'll go back to the dormitory first... Lily will ask Senior Sister..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded.

"If you can't bear it, I can also arrange Lily in your dormitory..." The female prefect laughed and teased. Of course, this is just a joke, after all - the rules of the academy cannot be changed.

"Senior sister..." Lily's face was turning red. Although she had done something like that or something with Zhou Ye, it didn't mean that she really didn't know the difference between men and women. Girls always matured earlier than boys. .

"..." In the face of the female prefect's ridicule, Zhou Ye didn't say anything anymore... Just kidding, when there are many girls, they will transform into another kind of creature, and flirting with boys is like commonplace for them .

At this time, Zhou Ye, the more he talks, the more ruthless he gets molested... So, it is still the best strategy to follow the thirty-six strategies... It's not that Zhou Ye is afraid of them, it is true that there are a few girls who are too fresh and refined. Now, Zhou Ye is really at a loss for words.

Looking at Zhou Ye's figure that seemed to be fleeing, the girls' silver bell-like laughter resounded throughout the public restroom.

After walking through a short corridor, Zhou Ye came to the door of his bedroom and opened the door... Inside was a room with a size of 60 to 70 square meters. The whole room was circular. The room on the tower.

"Meow..." Just as Zhou Ye opened the bedroom door, Isabelle jumped out of Zhou Ye's arms. Her form kept changing in mid-air. When she landed on the ground, she had already changed back to a human form. . "What a nice bedroom, it looks like we're going to spend the next seven years here..."

"Yeah..." Zhou Ye looked at the five large wooden couches in the room... "It's just that we need to clean up first..."

"Just leave it to me..." Isabel said, taking out her wand... With a little tap, a breeze blew in the room, and with the breeze, all the furniture and objects in the room swooshed, It disappeared... no, it didn't disappear, it was just a toy-sized object that was cast on a shrinking spell.

Then, Isabelle continued her performance rudely. She kept taking out various furniture and decorations from her wristband. In just two minutes, the whole bedroom changed drastically...

The bedroom that was originally full of quaint styles has become a luxurious single suite...

"Good job...Baby..." Zhou Ye had to admit that magic was sometimes very convenient. Of course, that doesn't mean it's all over...

But it's Zhou Ye's turn for the next job...

Zhou Ye kept taking out various household appliances from his wristband, such as household nuclear fusion batteries, such as crystal lamps... and refrigerator appliances, of course, and did not forget the water heater...

Every time Zhou Ye took out an item, Isabelle waved her wand, and the item would automatically find its most suitable position in the room and fly over... The speed of packing up like this is really fast...

In just a short while...the whole room feels a little more modern...

Although the Ministry of Magic has repeatedly emphasized that Muggle items are not allowed, does Zhou Ye care about the ban of the Ministry of Magic? From Zhou Ye's point of view, this was purely an act of concealing one's ears.

Regardless of whether these wizards admit it or not, many items in the Muggle world are rapidly changing, and they originally existed for the convenience of life... These things are sometimes more useful than wizards' magic.

Like - an airplane?

Before the invention of the airplane, magic wanted to fly across the ocean, either using a door key spell, or riding a broom across the ocean... To be honest, at a speed of over a hundred miles per hour at the speed of today's fastest broom, flying across the ocean Definitely not an easy job.

It is said that more than ten years ago, there was a wizard who actually rode a broom across the ocean... It is said that when he arrived in the United States, the whole person was dying.

And according to Isabel, the Wizards Association in the United States does not prohibit wizards from using all kinds of modern products, and they don't even prohibit wizards from marrying Muggles, as long as they don't reveal their identities.

But here, in this Europe, which is called the birthplace of wizards... The wizards here still adhere to the principle of wizards escaping the world, and try not to contact the Muggle world... It's really a bunch of old antiques.

"Honey, do you want to come take a bath together??" After finishing everything, Isabelle put on a nearly transparent tulle pajamas and stood at the door of the bathroom, winking at Zhou Ye...

"Of course..." Zhou Ye also stretched his waist. After a day of riding the train, he was also a little tired... At this time, of course, he had to relax a little, then take a good night's sleep, and then use his fullest enthusiasm. , to welcome the first day of school.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye rushed into the bathroom with a jump, and soon there was some thought-provoking sound inside...

"Silence..." With a mute spell, the whole room was quiet again, only the swaying in the bathroom

The light and shadow, showing the battle inside, is still very intense... But, who would know? no one will know...

Chapter 1051

"Ye, it's time to get up... If you don't get up, you won't be able to make breakfast in time..."

The sound of the door slamming completely woke Zhou Ye, who was in someone's arms... He opened his eyes and looked at the wall clock on the wall. Well, it's just past seven o'clock now. ...

"If you want, dear, you can sleep a little longer..." Isabel's lazy voice came from above. Obviously, she woke up early... In fact, when it comes to taking care of people, Isabelle is really not as good as Bella. Careful, but there is no way, who made Bella's Animagus really unsuitable for Zhou Ye to bring to school?

"Forget it... I'll get up..." How sleepy are you going to say? That's pure nonsense—in terms of Zhou Ye's current body, even if he doesn't sleep for a whole year, it doesn't matter at all... However, isn't that what he's used to sleeping? He liked the feeling of staying in bed, so at least it made him feel like he was still alone.

Struggling hard, it took a lot of effort to leave Isabel's warm embrace... Zhou Ye walked to the bathroom after staying on the bed, while responding to Lily's shouts outside: "Wait a minute, I'll be fine right away... Lily, just wait for me in the common room!"

This kind of shouting is really useful, and the slamming on the door disappears in an instant...

After taking two minutes to wash up, Zhou Ye walked out of the bathroom... And at this moment, Isabel had already prepared the clothes he was going to wear and placed them by the window...

Looking at Isabelle who was still languid and leaning on the couch, Zhou Ye asked strangely, "Are you not going to act with me today???"

"No..." Isabel gently shook the wand in her hand. The robe placed by the window seemed to be being carried by a pair of invisible hands. It was just right on Zhou Ye's body, watching her little man put it on. After the improved robe, she said with a smile: "Let me sleep for a while, and I'll chat with Bella later... And I don't want you to be called a sissy because I'm called a sissy..."

"It's just the wailing of a defeated dog, you don't need to care so much..." Zhou Ye heard Isabel's words and knew that the remarks of that nasty guy last night inevitably affected Isabel... This made him angry again , Ma Dan's, the punishment is a little too light...or the Unforgivable Curse should have been used at that time.

Looking at the sneer of her little man, of course Isabel knew what he was angry about... Slightly propped up her body, disregarding the beauty in front of her being exposed in front of him, stretched out her slender hand and caressed Zhou Ye's little boy. He said softly, "Darling, I know what you're thinking...but absolutely not, I know you're not afraid of Dumbledore, but...we still want you to have a good college career...so , promise me, try to stay calm, okay?"

"..." Zhou Ye sighed, looked at Isabelle's pleading eyes, and said, "Okay, I see... I'll try to keep calm..."

"Then...let's study happily, dear..." Isabel said, gently pecked on Zhou Ye's head, and retracted into the bed again, "I'm going to have a good rest, face to face alone. For you, I really don't know whether to enjoy or torture... I'm exhausted!"

"Of course I enjoyed it..." Zhou Ye teased with a smile, then picked up the small bag that Isabel had already prepared according to the class schedule, opened the door and walked out...

Going through the corridor, Zhou Ye soon came to the senior common room... To his surprise, Lily Evans was not the only one waiting in the waiting room, but the entire first-year freshman. Sitting there, chattering about something...

"You are..." Zhou Ye walked down the stairs a little strangely and asked Yingying Yanyan who was sitting in the lounge.

"Everyone's waiting for you..." Lily Evans stood up with a smile, grabbed Zhou Ye's hand as she did her part, and then lightly kissed Zhou Ye's face with her toes. "Good morning, Ye!"

"Good morning... Lily!" Although I don't know why Lily is so open today, she dares to kiss herself in front of so many people, but Zhou Ye still responded to Lily's good morning kisses and kissed her on her little face. took a sip.

When the girls saw the movements of the two, they couldn't help but let out a wailing sound...

Facing the screams of the girls, Lily Evans, like a victorious knight princess, was obviously happy to die, but she deliberately tightened her little face, as if it was a matter of course...

"Okay, we have to go to the restaurant quickly, otherwise we will really miss breakfast..." Lily said without waiting for Zhou Ye to ask, she grabbed Zhou Ye and walked out of the house... The girls also sighed. , followed.

"What the hell are you guys doing??" Zhou Ye, who was dragged by Lily up the stairs, asked in a low voice in Lily's ear.

"Humph... I'm already destined to be a prefect..." Lily said with a smug look on her little face: "I'll tell you, Ye..."

With her explanation, Zhou Ye finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Unlike Zhou Ye, who followed Isabel, the girls had to clean up the room by themselves... So everyone helped each other to clean up, and no matter who cleaned up first, they went to other people's dormitories to help...

Girls, when there are too many people, the chattering can't stop like a big show. A group of little loli of the same age chatted from their own families, then talked about magic, and finally talked about why they were Choose Ravenclaw...

However, young girls of this age are still most interested in that kind of relationship between men and women, and their final topic inevitably involves Zhou Ye... Since Zhou Ye is involved, then Lily must be able to run away. The protagonist of the topic, after all—the relationship between Zhou Ye and Lily, as long as you are not blind, you can see it.

Under the pressure of the little sisters, Lily revealed a lot of things about herself and Zhou Ye, such as how they met, and how they became good friends...etc...

For some reason, the last topic was whether Lily dared to kiss Zhou Ye... After all, in the eyes of little loli, Zhou Ye is definitely an unattainable goal...

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