With Zhou Ye's departure, the little loli around him also dispersed according to their respective college tables... A few little loli who had a good relationship with Lily sat opposite the three of them... ...but soon, they couldn't stand the actions of the three, and they hurried to finish their lunch and fled the restaurant.

It's not that Lily, Annie and Zhou Ye have deliberately disgusting actions... but Lily and Annie's actions are a little too sweet, and they are getting tired of the sweetness...

"Ye, I guess you must like this barbecue, come on, Zhang Zhen... ah!"

"Darling, be careful of choking, come and have a sip of juice..."

"Wow, there is actually a chocolate cake serving at noon today, come on, dear--Zhang Kun..."

"This pudding is not bad... Ye, ah—!"

Zhou Ye was sitting between the two women. Basically, the knife and fork he was holding in his hand was just a decoration... When it was completely useless, Annie would feed it for a while, and Lily would feed it for a while... From time to time, the two women would take it. Pick up the napkin like a gentle little wife, and wipe his horns...

All eyes in the restaurant couldn't help looking at the three... But Lily and Annie were still the same... And Zhou Ye didn't waver in the face of those envious, jealous gazes... He had been spoiled by the maids for a long time. , this level of service is not uncomfortable for him at all. As for the gazes of the future [Great Magister], Zhou Ye simply ignored them.

Chapter 1072

"Come on, dear...Try this Eton Max...I think it should suit your taste..." Annie gently scooped up a spoonful of Eton Max made of strawberry, cream and white sour skin and put it on the Zhou Ye's side... watching Zhou Ye open his mouth and eat all the food in the spoon, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Annie looked at Lily without a trace, and both of them had a slightly smug look in their eyes...

The reason why they are so happy is because they found out that the strategies they negotiated were really effective... Feeding, showing affection, and then openly confirming the relationship...

After such a process, basically all the girls who were surrounded by his little man ran away...

This is what they discussed in the morning, [Several opinions on the countermeasure plan of Huaxin boyfriend's mercy everywhere. 】

The two discussed it all morning in the dormitory... They found that many times, their little boyfriend just didn't know how to refuse... Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many girls around him, and he never said anything important. Words... [Actually it's just because Zhou Ye likes being surrounded by little loli]

This makes them invisible enemies a lot more...

Of course, they can also quarrel with their little man... But that's the stupidest way - quarreling will only make your lover get farther and farther away from you... There is also one of the most important reasons, that is, the two They were a little afraid of the Zhou family's family law... Moreover, they didn't want their little boyfriend to be angry.

So here comes the question... If you can't quarrel, how do you drive away those Bichi who are coveting her boyfriend?

The two discussed it all morning, and finally decided on the show of affection battle plan... that is, show affection... show affection everywhere.

When the two of them showed their affection with Zhou Ye together, they had invisibly erected two impenetrable mountains in front of the other girls... You know, Anne Euphemia, as Ravenclaw's garden flower, is also extremely beautiful. The... And what about Lily? It's a little beauty with Lolita attributes.

Under the isolation of two big mountains, one big and one small, how could any woman dare to claim that she has more capital than two women?

Well, even if you have more beauty than Annie, you also have more cuteness than Lily... So can you have the confidence to surpass both at the same time? There are only two people...they don't care about two-on-one when they put on this posture...how about you? can you do it?

Obviously, many people can't do it... So, they backed off... Either because they felt inferior to Annie, who has the beauty of an elf, so they quit, or they quit because they felt that they couldn't accept many-to-one at all...

Regarding such a change... Zhou Ye could see it clearly...

These two chicks feel very good ideas about themselves. To be honest, in Zhou Ye's eyes, they have long been seen... You know, three women are happy, what are thousands of women? ? it's war......

Annie and Lily's self-proclaimed smart approach has long since been used badly in Zhou Ye's harem...

There is nothing new under the sun...especially with women.

Zhou Ye was enjoying the obedient service of the two girls with such peace of mind... He wouldn't tell the two silly girls, if he really fell in love with a woman, as long as he used it in his heart, the so-called invisible Isolation tactics will fall apart in a blink of an eye.

Of course, for now, it's better to let the two have a good time...

For the rest of the day, Zhou Ye lived a very comfortable life, taking classes, training Quidditch, and playing all kinds of emotions with his women... I lived a very comfortable life...

After losing to Zhou Ye with an invisibility cloak, the annoying middle school foursome in the past never showed up in front of Zhou Ye again... Maybe they were avoiding Zhou Ye on purpose, who knows?

When a person is only a little more than ordinary people, it will arouse the jealousy of others, but when a person surpasses others by a large amount and ordinary people can't even see his back, the so-called jealousy will disappear, because they will only look up to them. following you...

Just like an ordinary person who bought a lottery and won tens of millions, you would say something sour to him [dog x luck], but when the horse xx from Taoxing.com is standing in front of you

, would you say he [dog x luck]? No...you just look up to him...that's human nature.

Therefore, when Zhou Ye showed talent far beyond his peers in all aspects, even far beyond those of his seniors, all the words of envy and jealousy disappeared, and there were only words of admiration that rose from the bottom of his heart. Affection.

After studying at Hogwarts for more than two months, Zhou Ye has become a veritable Ravenclaw prince... Some people even think that it is a matter of course for him to monopolize Ravenclaw, one big and one small, two beauties...

But anyway, the once-a-year Hogwarts Cup Quidditch match is about to begin...

On November 15th, the weather at Hogwarts was exceptionally sunny... On the Quidditch field, parents from various student families, as well as teachers and students gathered in the high stands around the field, waiting for to the start of the game.

"How could it be Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw... I should have come so early, I should have gone to Hogsmeade to get some gadgets, your sister has complained about me many times..." A fat middle-aged witch in a traditional wizard's robe was complaining, and beside her stood a 15- or 16-year-old girl wearing a Slytherin cloak.

"No, Mom... This time can be said to be one of the most exciting duels..." The slightly fat girl explained to her mother excitedly: "You know, this year's Ravenclaw team is not in previous years. Such a weak chicken..."

"Why??" the girl's mother asked strangely.

"Because they have a little prince..." The Slytherin girl said, pointing to the stand opposite, "Also, even if you go to Hogsmeade now, no one will sell you anything... Because they are all here waiting to see the first battle of the little prince!"

"Huh? Isn't that the owner of Fengya Wizard's Clothing Store??" The fat woman raised the binoculars in her hand and looked at the opposite stand with some doubts. She immediately saw a few familiar figures... They were all Hogmores. The owners of the various stores that have been obtained, looking at their appearance, seem to be discussing something happily... "Little Prince?? Who is it??"

"Mom... Although the little prince is a Muggle-born freshman, but... you will definitely like him..." The girl stared at Lavin while telling her mother Amway's deeds The door where Crowe appeared, for fear of not taking a second look.

"A Muggle-born apprentice??" The fat woman's voice was a little disdainful... But her daughter couldn't care less about refuting her, because the trombone had already sounded and the game was about to start————

Chapter 1073

Next to the Quidditch field, in Ravenclaw's preparation room... All the Ravenclaw team members gathered here, waiting to enter the field——

This also includes Zhou Ye and Annie...

Although it is not the first time to participate in the Hogwarts Quidditch match... but Captain Josie Plitt feels like she is standing here for the first time... The broomstick clenched in her nervous hand is slightly trembling...

This reminded her of the scene when she participated in the competition for the first time. At that time - she was still a rookie, full of longing and hope for victory... The first time, she was also so nervous... But then, slowly It turned into disappointment, unwillingness, and even fear of this venue.

Failure again and again shattered her once dream...

Today, she is standing here again, this time - she can declare loudly to all Hogwarts teachers and students without hesitation [We are here for the championship...]

She knew that maybe when she said this, someone would be disdainful, someone would curse... they were ignorant, but—she still wanted to shout loudly to those guys outside, "This time, we Ravenclaw won't fail again...because we have the little prince..."

Just when Josie felt that her mood became more and more difficult, she suddenly felt that someone was patting the back of her hand... She couldn't help but turn her head to look, "What's the matter? Little prince... Are you nervous??"

"No... I'm just afraid that you are too excited, so I'll let you calm down a little..." Zhou Ye smiled at his captain, he sensed the nervousness of this senior, and joked, "You have to get used to winning. ...from today on..."

"Well..." Josie knew that she was indeed a little too nervous. As the leader of a team, calmness is the most important quality she should have, and now she is obviously not a calm captain.

Thinking of this, Qiao Qian couldn't help but give Zhou Ye a grateful smile... "Thank you..."

"You're welcome!" Zhou Ye said, and focused his attention on his own woman again. At this moment, Annie was actually very nervous. It could be seen from her actions after she walked into the prep room...

She was stroking the line of small characters engraved on her new broom over and over again with her hands [Gift to My Beloved - Anne Euphemia], that line of small characters was engraved by Zhou Ye at her request...

"Ye, we will definitely win, right??" Annie asked nervously when she saw her little boyfriend looking at her.

She seems to want some kind of assurance from her little boyfriend...

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