"Ah?? Ahh!! I'm fine... I'm really fine..." Clara, who was restless when she heard Sarah's words, suddenly said, "Maybe it's because I didn't rest well last night..."

"Or I'll ask for a leave for you... You can go back to the dormitory and rest for a while..." Sarah said worriedly, after all, the two have been friends and best friends for many years... Ever since Beauxbatons, The two have been living in the same bedroom.

"No need...Okay...I mean...I really need to take a break!" Clara's expression was a little strange, she refused at first, but then she actually agreed to Sarah's request for a leave of absence.

"It seems that you really need a good rest..." Sarah sighed, touched Clara's forehead lightly with her hand, and said, "Although you don't feel sick, I think you'd better be Go find Mrs. Hall and let her take a look at it for you!"

Mrs Hall was Beauxbatons' school doctor...

"It's alright, I'll just go and take a rest..." Clara said, pushing her cutlery to stand up, and walking out, she said to Sarah, "Then please help me ask for leave. , as long as one class is enough..."

"Be careful..." Sarah watched her best friend walk out recklessly, bumping into at least a few people along the way. She asked Zhou Ye strangely: "Ye, don't you think Clara is a little different today?? It seems like something is on your mind..."

"Hmm..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded. Of course he knew why someone was different today. As a guy who played with time like a toy, anything that was about to happen could not be hidden from his eyes...

However, Zhou Ye didn't plan to reveal the answer at this time...

Sometimes, hearing it is far less shocking than seeing it with your own eyes...

So, Zhou Ye planned to let Sarah see with her own eyes, some of the things that were about to happen...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled at Sarah and Jessica, "Are you interested in watching a despicable drama with me?"

"Despicable show??" x2

Sarah and Jessica looked at each other, they didn't understand what Zhou Ye was talking about... But out of their trust in Zhou Ye, they still decided to experience the despicable drama Zhou Ye said... "Okay... When are we going??"

"No...don't worry, there's still a lot of time..." Zhou Ye put the bread in his hand into the gravy with a smile, took a bite, and continued, "However, first of all, we're going to ask for a class leave... I don't want to be told by Professor Dumbledore to discredit Hogwarts and learn to skip classes when I came to Beauxbatons..."

"I'm going to ask for leave now..." Just at this moment, Sarah saw her aunt, Molly Petrick... If you have the resources, that's a fool... Of course she doesn't mind asking her aunt to help her take a leave of absence from the teacher. ...

Having said this, Sarah stood up without hesitation and ran towards Jasmine...

After a while, Sarah Elissa walked back with a relaxed expression... When she heard that she was asking for leave for her own man, of course Jasmine didn't dare to say that she would not help... She was also afraid that Zhou Ye would use family methods to deal with her...

After finishing the leave, the three quickly ate the breakfast in front of them, and then stood up directly...

Under the leadership of Zhou Ye, Sarah Eliza and Jessica Fafner followed him and walked to the depths of Beauxbatons College...

On the other side, a good show is about to be staged...  

Chapter 1117

Clara walked in a trance on the path of the college...

In the face of her friend's inquiry, she really couldn't tell Sarah Elissa the secret in her heart...

Everyone has their own secrets, and some secrets cannot be revealed. Just like her secret, as a Muggle-born wizard, when her abilities were just awakened, she had a special fear for a while.

This fear of the unknown made Clara feel at a loss, and she didn't even dare to tell her parents and friends about the changes in her body...

Until one day, she saw a doll she liked in the window of a jewelry store...

The price of that doll was extremely expensive, and the sensible little Clara knew that her parents' meager salary could not afford it, but she really liked that doll very, very much...

Perhaps it was because of this strong desire that the magic in her body resonated, and she actually got the doll—of course not through the normal way of buying it... but—the doll appeared directly in her hands.

Seriously, at that time... Clara, who was standing far from the window, was really frightened. At a young age, she only foolishly held the doll in her hand and looked at the people in the store in shock and yelled at the police. ...

That doll is not cheap at all, you know, just the sapphire for the eyes of the doll is worth tens of thousands of francs, and the entire doll is worth hundreds of thousands of francs...

Clara was holding the doll, and the fear and fear that had just started in her heart were gradually replaced by the thrill of breaking the law, which even made her change from fear to joy in herself...

Gradually, Clara became obsessed with this exciting feeling...not for money, but just for the thrill of the adrenaline-rushing secretion of stealing...

During that time, Clara began to steal like crazy. The target she picked was not necessarily of high value, but it was definitely something she liked...

until she received the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

's admission letter, from then on Clara really understood what this strange power in her was all about...

At that time, she was very excited...because, she finally knew that she was not alone...she had others like her.

After entering Beauxbatons, Clara decided to say goodbye to everything in the past, she knew... In this school, all the students have the same magical power as her, and her little tricks don't work here. ...and here, she also made new friends and a new life...

Therefore, she desperately restrained her desire to steal... She didn't want her bad habits to ruin her image among her classmates...

But——this kind of desire and desire is not something she can quit if she wants to quit...

In the words of psychologists, it is [this is a mental illness, a mental addiction disease…]

In fact, there are not many people with such mental illness... A well-known actress alone has such a mental illness.

Although Clara is really trying her best to restrain her thoughts... But last year, she fell ill again...

It was a beautiful pair of earrings that a female classmate brought to school...

To be honest, when the beautiful pair of earrings appeared in Carrara's hands, she was really taken aback. In a panic, she did not return the earrings to the female classmate, but threw the earrings into the fountain lake in the atrium. ...

Maybe it was because the bottom of the lake was deep enough that the female classmate didn't use the Flying Spell to summon the earrings back... In the end, I had to accept the fact that I had completely lost a pair of beautiful earrings...

Clara breathed a sigh of relief...

She really didn't know what would happen if she was found to have such an immoral habit of stealing...

Perhaps being pointed at by everyone, or even being expelled from Beauxbatons by Ms. Maxime, this is a result that Clara absolutely cannot accept...

Clara, who thought it was all over, didn't expect...

Today, after a lapse of more than a year, she actually received a magic photo... The content in the photo is exactly what she looked like holding the pair of earrings hesitantly...

And on the back of the photo, there is also a line of words, [If you don't want this photo to appear in front of the owner and be known to the entire academy, then come to the woods behind the academy during the first class this morning... 】

This photo is the source of Clara's fidgeting at breakfast...

In the end, Clara decided to go alone to see the mysterious man who threatened her with a photo. She couldn't tell Sarah Elissa about such a thing, and she didn't want her friends to know about it...

She didn't want to face her friend's strange eyes...

That's a result she absolutely can't accept...

Step by step……

Clara suddenly felt that the long road that she often complained about in the past has become so short today? ?

Clara really wants to go down this road for the rest of her life if she can...

She doesn't know what the guy holding her handle wants to do, but it's definitely not a good thing...

If she wants her own body, Clara has already decided that she will fight to the death...

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