With the bitter north wind blowing, the goose feather snow fell from the sky——


"Wow, it's really snowing..."

Some people were cheering the Blizzard they had never seen before, while others were staring blankly at Zhou Ye—this is changing the weather... Although there is such a magic, but—it is only a small-scale change of the weather, who has ever seen such a thing before. Widespread weather changes? ?

Take a look at the dark clouds that can't be seen at a glance, the scope of this weather change is more than a thousand square kilometers...

"Cough cough—it seems that I accidentally used too much force..." Fortunately, Zhou Ye also found that he seemed to be out of play, and hurriedly used his magic wand to shoot a golden light against the sky, and suddenly—the dark clouds on the horizon dissipated, leaving only A dark cloud covering the entire academy has descended...

"That's it!" Zhou Ye said while waving his wand again, and suddenly——a tornado connecting the heaven and earth suddenly blew up beside them...

Although the tornado blew very violently, because everyone was located in the center of the tornado, they didn't feel much danger, but the various ice sculptures around them suffered...

One by one, they were swept into the sky by the huge wind, especially the snowflakes that fell... None of them fell to the ground, all were blown into the air by the tornado...

Zhou Ye watched more and more blood and ice cubes in the air, and calculated the final landing point. Finally... the time has come...

Zhou Ye picked up his wand and pointed at the center of the tornado, and a spell was instantly dissipated—suddenly, all the abnormal weather disappeared, just as the scene of the destructive ice and snow tornado just now was just a dream...

Chapter 1138

Although the tornado and blizzard stopped, the ice cubes and snow masses that were swept into the sky would not disappear. With the disappearance of the tornado that swept them into the air, they had no strength to continue to rise. At the center of the earth Under the action of gravity, they all fell down.

This can scare the people who are watching the lively to death...

I ask you, what kind of magic can you use to resist a heavy object that falls from a height of several hundred meters? ? How about dozens? How about a few hundred? ? How about thousands? ?

"Help me..."

"Ahhh... dying, Maria, I love you..."

"Woooooo...I don't want to die..."

"Woooooo...I don't want to die either...I haven't tasted the taste of love yet!"

I don't know how others resisted it. Anyway, many students have already collapsed... The appearance of each and everyone crying, really left Zhou Ye speechless...

As for Jessica and Sarah? ?

Although the two were also a little scared, the footsteps standing behind Zhou Ye didn't move. They believed that their boyfriend would definitely save them. Even if they couldn't save themselves, they couldn't live and die together. now...

Will Zhou Ye let them die? That's absolutely - impossible...

Just when those ice cubes and snowballs were about to fall on the ground, Zhou Ye just raised his hand slightly and pointed his wand in his hand—suddenly, all the falling objects stopped in mid-air, as if they had lost their gravity. , just floating there...

Just kidding, at this speed, the ice cubes are all broken. How can Zhou Ye carve his own statue... He made such a big move to get raw materials, not to smash people to death...

Following the command of the wand in Zhou Ye's hand, the ice cubes and the snowballs fell together in an orderly manner. Soon, a cube with a length, width and height of more than 200 meters was piled up in front of Zhou Ye...

Zhou Ye looked at the giant ice and snow cube in front of him with satisfaction. If he didn't have to use magic, he could have done it better than this in hundreds of ways, but for now—let's just forget it...

While thinking about it, Zhou Ye pointed at the cube of ice and snow with his magic wand. Now these are only half-finished products, and they still need to continue to lower their temperature, otherwise, they will not turn into ice cubes...

While Zhou Ye was busy there, Sarah and Jessica stared at the huge cube in front of them, what was the concept of 200 meters? Let's put it this way - it is almost equivalent to a fifty-story building, of course, this refers to the kind of building that does not cut corners, and it becomes a sixty-story building after a little reduction...

This is a miracle, standing in front of this ice cube, you will only feel small...

The other students around were also dumbfounded, and almost all of them watched with bated breath—they were witnessing the birth of a miracle...

After Zhou Ye used magic to drain all the temperature of the cube, the ice cube finally turned into a crystal clear ice cube...

"Okay, we can finally start work..." Zhou Ye looked at the materials in front of him with satisfaction, then with a flick of his hand, the wand in his hand turned into a slender stabbing sword...

Holding the rapier and gently swiping on the ice cube, an ice mark immediately appeared on the surface of the ice cube...

His actions immediately caused the people behind him to sigh for a while. In their eyes, such a huge and crystal clear cube is already a miracle...

But Zhou Ye obviously didn't think so. He started to carve on the huge ice with his rapier without stopping. His movements were getting faster and faster...

All the people looked at Zhou Ye stupidly - they were waiting for Zhou Ye to show them - a bigger surprise.

And at this moment—at the highest point of Beauxbatons College, on top of a building more than 20 meters high, three people were also observing Zhou Ye's actions...

"The magic power of this little guy is really amazing... I really can't imagine who else has such a huge magic power!" Erica Lunokeki looked at the huge square ice crystal in the distance and sighed .

Even if he is arrogant and arrogant, he has to admit that the representative of Hogwarts this time is really amazing...

"The little guy still needs a good training..." Albus Dumbledore said modestly, but his beard that kept sticking betrayed his true feelings, obviously-he was very proud at the moment .

Although he was also surprised by Zhou Ye's almost never-ending magic power, but - after all, he was his own student, and he was the seed that he had always valued, enough to fight against Voldemort. Of course, Dumbledore was very happy...

The more powerful Zhou Ye is, the happier he will be... As for restricting Zhou Ye? ? He's just a principal, not a politician... He admits that his students do have one or another problem, but if it's just like this, you have to guard against this... It's boring, maybe, it will create a better than Voldemort A more terrifying villain comes out...

Besides, from Dumbledore's point of view, although Zhou Ye was very interested, no girl who was with him had ever left him, which meant that he was still very responsible... This was enough.

Having a lot of girlfriends shows that he is caring, and that he doesn't abandon his old girlfriends, shows that he has a sense of responsibility... What more could he ask for in such a Zhou Ye? ? No one is perfect...Maybe only the gods that people imagine are perfect...Because they are illusory, they are perfect, that's all...

"..." As the host, Ms. Maxime did not participate in the discussion between the two. She was actually glad that the seed player of her own academy did not choose to fight against Zhou Ye, but chose to capture him with affection. A perfect choice.

The three principals were originally here to discuss the next event, but they were attracted by the large-scale snowstorm caused by Zhou Ye's magic...

If it wasn't for Dumbledore's insistence on letting Zhou Ye handle it himself, I'm afraid the other two principals would have already requested the evacuation of the students, and at the same time they would cast a spell against the sky to eliminate them...

Although they don't think they have the ability to clear such a large-scale blizzard, but——as much as they can do...

It was precisely because they didn't intervene that they finally saw Zhou Ye's true strength—of course, this was what they believed to be true strength, but just the tip of the iceberg was enough to shock them...

Subtle magic manipulation, powerful calculation, and superb manipulation... I have to say, Zhou Ye taught them a lesson.

Just seeing that the snow and ice sculptures that had spread all over the grassland outside the college had completely disappeared now, Ms. Maxim couldn't help but want to smile... This guy is really too much...

Chapter 1139

Minutes passed by...

Everyone could finally vaguely see what Zhou Ye carved out...

It was the black dragon named Elizabeth Bartoli, and on her head stood three human figures...

It was Zhou Ye holding Sarah and Jessica in his arms...

The attitudes of the three of them, the vivid carvings—whether it’s Sarah’s softness, beauty, coquettishness, and charm—or Jessica’s awe-inspiring demeanor as a royal sister, they all capture the essence of the two…

Sarah and Jessica looked at this - the three of them stood on Elizabeth's head, the ice sculpture soaring in the sky, their excitement was uncontrollable...

And at the same time, they also felt a deep sense of guilt—

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