The boys at Hogwarts, led by Dumbledore, walked to the door of the hall...

Of course, Dumbledore would ignore them at this time, because after the dance, they always had to find their dance partner...

"Okay, gentlemen... Your chance has come, go find your respective dance partners..." Dumbledore smiled and pointed to Zhou Ye, "Especially you, little guy, be careful not to capsize... …”

Hearing the professor's words, the boys burst into laughter again... They all knew that Zhou Ye's dance partner would never be the same...

Of course, their smiles are also kind. They just want to see how their Prince at Hogwarts will get through this intractable matter. Maybe they can learn two more tricks...

However, now they have to find their respective dance partners first...

In a blink of an eye, only Zhou Ye was left in the place——

Seeing Zhou Ye standing alone, many girls in costumes tried to come forward and invite Zhou Ye to be their dance partner. Obviously... Zhou Ye would not agree. He already had a dance partner. now...

Just when Zhou Ye was busy refusing to keep coming forward and wanted to be his dance partner, the whole corridor suddenly became quiet...

"so beautiful……"

"God, I think I saw Aphrodite and Athena and Artemis..."

"It's so beautiful..."

Zhou Ye couldn't help but look up. From the end of the corridor, three girls with different expressions came slowly. At the front was Jessica Fafna with fiery red wavy hair. Today she Wearing a distinctive red evening dress, this dress perfectly reflects her wildness and fitness...

And behind her is Sarah Elissa, who is wearing a long pink dress and has blond hair... The tight design completely sets off her beautiful figure...

The person beside Sarah Elissa is none other than Clara in a long black dress... Against the background of the long black dress, Clara is like an elf in the night, making people feel It feels so amazing... Even the powerful Sarah and Jessica can't hide her demeanor...

"Dear, you guys look so beautiful!" Zhou Ye greeted him with a smile. The girls who were originally around him, when they saw Sarah's three girls, knew that they were out of the game... Interested and left.

"You're also very handsome tonight!" Jessica responded to her betrothed with a smile, and Sarah even walked up to Zhou Ye and put a light smack on his cheek... "It seems that you didn't take advantage of our absence. Stealing fishy, ​​consider your honesty, and give you a reward..."

"That's right... a good boy has candy!" Jessica also smiled and kissed Zhou Ye's other cheek gently...

Zhou Ye was not satisfied with that, but looked at Clara eagerly, as if waiting for her to give him a reward...

Under Zhou Ye's scorching gaze, Clara's pretty face turned slightly red, her head was slightly lowered... she didn't dare to speak.

"Darling, when facing girls, take the initiative to attack..." Sarah smiled and hugged her boyfriend's arm, tapped her toes and said in his ear, "Be proactive and you will have surprises..."

Hearing Sarah's words, Zhou Ye was taken aback... What's the situation? ? He didn't expect Sarah to say such a thing... In fact, Zhou Ye did have a good impression of Clara, and his affection degree was not low, otherwise he would not have left a spiritual hint for Clara...

But Zhou Ye has been keeping his balance. Before he can deal with Sarah, he doesn't plan to reveal his intentions for Clara... The girl wants to soak one by one, and the rice needs to be eaten one by one... I can't chew too much. Soak a lot of chicken and eggs to beat...

Why did Sarah suddenly say that? Is this a hint? Or a test? Or is it a language trap? ?

Just when Zhou Ye was thinking, Jessica on the other side also came over, hugged Zhou Ye's other arm, lowered her head and said in his ear, "Sarah and I have already decided to treat Clara as your own. Lover...are you happy? Are you surprised??"

Hearing Jessica's words, Zhou Ye's eyes lit up - Sarah's words need to be considered, but Jessica's words don't need to be considered, because she is used to speaking with strength, and she is never too lazy to move those careful thoughts... She If it is, then it is... there will be no second meaning.

Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took a step forward, stood beside Clara, hugged Clara's waist with both hands unceremoniously, and unceremoniously lightly pouted on her cheek, "Merry Christmas..."

Clara's cheeks were even more ruthless, and her head was so low that she was murderous...

Chapter 1142

Zhou Ye's kissing Clara made the entire corridor quiet, and all the girls looked at Zhou Ye with light...

The iron curtain of isolation that Sarah and Jessica deliberately created, because of this special case of Clara, seems to have loosened a little, so that those crazy girls seem to have seen some people who can get close to the Prince of Hogwarts. of hope.

The reason why Clara was able to avoid the iron curtain of isolation created by Sarah and Jessica is obviously because of her identity, she is Sarah's best friend...

Among the girls, some smart ones have started to look at Sarah and Jessica with eager eyes. Since there is one Clara, who can guarantee that there will be no second Clara...or even a third one? the fourth?

As for how many women? Don't make trouble, it's not until the end, who dares to say that he is the winner... Ugly guy is so uncompetitive, but who would go looking for such a guy? ? Stealing a man, no

In the end, no one dared to say that he was the winner...

The girl who was already active, began to try to get closer to Sarah...

"I think, if you don't leave, you will soon have a lot of friends!" Jessica looked not far away, frequently looking at the girls here, laughing and teasing Sarah.

"I regret letting Ye take the initiative now!" Sarah said and walked over, holding Zhou Ye's arm and her best friend's arm at the same time... "I think the dance is about to start, let's still Good to go in..."

Saying that, Sarah directly dragged the two of them to the hall... Jessica smiled and shook her head, then walked over quickly and took her boyfriend's other arm...

Although Zhou Ye was a little confused at first, but after sweeping the eager eyes of the girls outside, he almost understood Sarah's thoughts... Although he really wanted to tell Sarah, don't worry so much, he doesn't look down on those girls, But——forget it, just let her go...

One man, three women and four people walked towards the hall like this...

Although it wasn't too late for Zhou Ye and the others to arrive, it wasn't too early either—the hall at this moment was already full of men and women in full costumes... The original luxurious decorations in the hall have changed now...

I saw—the silk drapery that was originally hung on the walls around the hall to show luxury has now become a glittering ice wall, and the crystal lamps on the ceiling have disappeared... replaced by fluttering. Snowflakes falling from the sky...

Those snowflakes that fell from the sky did not turn into water after falling on the ground, but disappeared on the white edelweiss carpet on the ground. It was obviously like the weather ceiling in the Hogwarts hall. The heavy snow is just a magic trick.

When Zhou Ye walked into the crowd with Sarah and the other women, the crowd that had been crowded backed away one after another, making way for the four of them to come out...

Everyone looked at Zhou Ye and the others...because—they were the protagonists of today's dance.

The opening dance of this Christmas ball requires three school representatives to dance, and then the grand ball...

When Zhou Ye took Sarah, Jessica and Clara to the edge of the dance floor, everyone was looking at Zhou Ye, they were waiting to see Zhou Ye's joke...

You must know that the meaning of the first dance is extraordinary, it represents some vague ambiguous signal...

These guys have long disliked Zhou Ye... As a person from a foreign school, as soon as they came here, they soaked up the flowers of their academy. If they soaked in the flowers of the college, they would soak it. Everyone loves the most beautiful flowers. There's nothing wrong with that, but he's still entangled with the Durmstrang Academy contestants...

This wasn't the most irritating thing, but the most irritating thing was that their wish to wait for Zhou Ye to capsize went bankrupt.

Originally, according to their thoughts, with Sarah's arrogant character, they would never tolerate someone who treats them so half-heartedly. By then, they may have a chance to kiss Fangze. However, a situation that surprised them appeared. Now, Sarah actually endured this sigh and went in and out with Jessica... just like a good sister and a good best friend.

How can these guys endure this?

However—in view of the strength Zhou Ye and Jessica showed in the game, no one dared to provoke them...

But today - they finally got this opportunity, a chance to watch Zhou Ye capsize - come on, aren't you amazing? If you have the ability, you invite two girls to dance the first dance together...

Zhou Ye, who was standing on the edge of the dance floor, felt the resentful gazes coming from all directions, smiled slightly... turned around and looked at Sarah and Jessica...

At this time, the two women also looked at Zhou Ye with a smile on their faces. Although they were not angry because Zhou Ye asked which of them to dance first, but——they also wanted to see their boyfriends embarrassed. looks like...

Zhou Ye looked at the slightly teasing smiles on the two women's faces, how could he not know what the two were fighting? ? This is a joke that I want to see... But, is Zhou Ye's joke so easy to read? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye took a step back slightly, and then something changed...

I saw Zhou Ye's figure blurred for a while, and then, like a clone technique, it instantly turned into two, turning into two identical Zhou Ye.

Seeing this scene, those guys who were waiting to see Zhou Ye's good show suddenly exclaimed...

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