Of course, Zhou Ye didn't plan to ask him for help either...

After dismissing the waiter, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and walked towards the window seat...

"Three beautiful ladies, may I sit here??"

"I'm sorry... We..." Sitting alone... The girl with a baby fat face just wanted to say [We don't share tables...].

But——when she saw Zhou Ye's face, she was stunned...the remaining few words, she couldn't say anything...

"Of course, of course there's no problem!" The two girls sitting opposite the fat baby girl saw Zhou Ye, their eyes lit up... They could not wait to pull Zhou Ye to sit beside them right away... Unfortunately, they were already beside them. There is no more space, and the only vacant seat is next to the fat baby girl.

"I'm very sorry, I won't bother you, right??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile. Although he was asking about the three girls, his eyes were only on the fat baby girl...

"No...no...in fact..." The fat baby girl's cheeks were slightly red when Zhou Ye saw it... In fact, it was the first time she had sat so close to other boys besides her relatives...

"Sir...Your coffee..." The arrival of the waiter timely relieved the shyness of the fat baby girl...

Zhou Ye also took advantage of the situation to sit beside the girl... "Hello, my name is Zhou Ye... I'm a wandering magician..."

"Hello... My name is Mary, this is my friend... Phyllis, this is Diana..." The girl sitting across from Zhou Ye was obviously the speaker in the three-person group, and she was quick to ask Like a pea shooter with an upgraded rate of fire, in a blink of an eye, he told his friend what he was doing here... "The three of us are classmates. Today is school holiday, and we arrived from Norfolk by train. London...want to see an opera...but we came a little too early, the Royal Opera House hasn't opened yet..."

"That's really a pity..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, of course he knew that the slightly fat girl sitting next to him was called Diana, and there were many people called Diana... But this Diana was the only one. It can arouse Zhou Ye's interest...because - her surname is Spencer...

Chapter 1181

Chapter 1181

After Zhou Ye joined the three girls, the nature of the girls' chat became more intense.

What to say?

Sometimes women often say that men are so lecherous... But in fact, women are just as lewd. When they see handsome guys who meet their aesthetics, they will be very active...

After a brief self-introduction, the three girls all knew Zhou Ye's name...

"Zhou, you said you were a magician? Then what kind of magic can you do??" The girl named Mary sitting opposite Zhou Ye asked curiously, "Can you do card magic? You can hypnotize technique?"

In fact, she didn't care at all, whether Zhou Ye really knew magic... This girl was just looking for something to say...

"Yes, yes... Zhou, can you make a magic trick for us to see??" the daughter named Phyllis sitting beside Mary also coaxed.

Only Diana helped Zhou Ye with an unbearable expression on her face: "Mary, Phyllis...don't do this..."

"It's nothing..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly at Diana, watching Diana's little face turn reddish under his own smile... He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, I really didn't go out shopping for nothing today... I actually met him. She, and met her at her best age.

"Although I can become a poker magician, I don't have the habit of carrying a deck of playing cards with me..." Zhou Ye's words made both Mary and Phyllis disappointed, even Diana's face was inevitably filled with a smile on her face. A bit of loss...

However, the three girls didn't say anything [saying you're a magician without taking poker with you...].

For them, this is just a way to stir up a topic. They don't care if Zhou Ye is really a magician... It's just that the title of magician adds a mysterious charm to Zhou Ye...

Of course - even without the title of magician, Zhou Ye is still a handsome man who is enough to arouse all girls' desire...

"But...not having playing cards doesn't mean I can't perform magic...doesn't it?" Zhou Ye's words below made the eyes of the three girls light up...

"Then what kind of magic are you going to create for us??" They looked at Zhou Ye curiously...waiting for Zhou Ye to show them his magic skills...

"Hmm-!" Zhou Ye looked around at the things on the table...

On the table, except for Zhou Ye, who ordered coffee, the other three girls didn't order any coffee.

Mary ordered a glass of freshly squeezed juice...and Phyllis ordered the same thing as Mary. Only Diana ordered a cup of Earl Grey tea...

Zhou Ye smiled and stretched out his hand, pointed at the teacup in front of Diana, and asked, "Can I borrow your black tea? I promise to give you a surprise..."

"Please, please take it..." Diana saw that the handsome man in front of her didn't use anyone's drink, but only used her own... This made her face that had just returned to normal skin color turned into a blush. the little apple...

"Thank you..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded to Diana, then stretched out his hand and brought the tea cup in front of her - at this moment, the black tea in the tea cup was still steaming, and there was only about half of it left. , apparently—Diana had already drank the black tea from the teacup.

"Actually any

Anything can be used to make magic... You don't need to carry magic props by yourself, that would be too low-level..." Zhou Ye said as he gently covered Dai with his own hand. The mouth of Anna's teacup... Then she turned her head and said to Diana, "Can you ask the beautiful Miss Diana to gently blow a breath in the cup? ? "

"Me??" Diana pointed at herself blankly...

"That's right..." Zhou Ye said, gently grabbed the teacup and put it on Diana's lips... This action felt like rushing a duck to the shelves.

"Okay, okay..." Diana had been forced by Zhou Ye to have nowhere to go. She had to gently hold the base of the teacup with her hand and asked, "Where are you blowing??"

"Here...blow on the black tea in the cup..." Zhou Ye said, motioning Diana to cover the gap at the mouth of the tea cup and blow air into the cup...

"This... okay..." Diana calmed down, she lowered her head gently, carefully followed the gap between Zhou Ye's thumb and index finger, and blew into the teacup...

In the process of blowing, I don't know who made the hand, maybe it was Zhou Ye... maybe it was Diana...

At that moment, Diana's request accidentally touched Zhou Ye's hand...

Just this slight touch made Diana feel that her purity was like being overcharged, numb... That feeling followed her desire and spread to her heart... Like a conditioned reflex, her whole person was I couldn't help but jump back suddenly... "Ah..."

"Are you all right? Diana..."

"Diana...what's the matter with you?"

Her change made the two girls who had been staring at their movements suddenly taken aback... hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine... I'm just smothered by the heat of the tea..." Diana hurriedly explained... She lied for the first time in her life, and it was because of a man...

"Thank you Miss Diana for your cooperation..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Now... please come and witness the miracle together..."

As Zhou Ye said that, he gently raised Diana's teacup high above his head... With a flick of his wrist, he turned the mouth of the teacup down—

"Ah-!!" x3

The three girls were startled by Zhou Ye's actions and screamed... Anyway, no one likes the tea splashing on their clothes, especially the girls who pay more attention to image...

They screamed and ducked back...

However—soon, they stopped their screams...because—no red tea fell from the teacup, just as the girls widened their eyes in amazement, trying to see what it was When what happened...

The jelly-like red liquid slowly flowed out of the upside-down teacup... This jelly-like liquid slowly fell on the table and turned into a transparent mass, like a red crystal. The object... It seemed to be very elastic, and when it fell on the table, it jumped a few times.

"God...this is really amazing..." Diana couldn't help crying out in surprise. At this moment, she had forgotten her shyness. She raised her hand and grabbed Zhou Ye's hand holding the teacup, and dragged it to her. ...

She stretched her neck and looked at the teacup in Zhou Ye's hand... At this moment, the teacup was empty...

"This...this is really amazing..." Diana took Zhou Ye's hand and kept looking at it. She even brought her own nose close to smell it, because there are many chemical components that can interact with The chemical reaction of the water... In order to debunk Zhou Ye's little trick, Diana can't take much care of it...

This is not to say that Diana hates Zhou Ye, so she wants to dismantle Zhou Ye's magic, just because of people's curiosity... Just like ordinary people who see a street magic, they always want to understand the principle of the magic ...

However, what disappointed her was that Zhou Ye's hands didn't have any pungent chemical smell... Instead, there was an indescribable smell that made people feel very comfortable...

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