"Of course it's because of me..." Faced with Selena's questioning, Zhou Ye said without hesitation, "Because I own 20% of that TV station, so—those guys hate you even though they hate you. I want to die, but I have no choice but to take you..."

"...It's her, not me..." After Selena retorted subconsciously, she felt a little bit jealous of another one... Why is that guy so lucky, it's going to be windy and rainy, and there are also A man is her strongest backing, but she is so unlucky, why did she lose her parents when she was a child, and began to fight when she was a minor for revenge...

"Darling...you and her are the same person...you are all my lovers..." Zhou Ye was a little addicted to pretending to be affectionate recently...

"What happened to her later??" Selena asked curiously.

"Then...then..." Zhou Ye looked sad... "Then—she left that world..."

While continuing his very challenging career as an actor, Zhou Ye prayed silently in the bottom of his heart, [Catherine... When my husband returns, I will treat you well, and besides, I didn't lie... She really has returned with her. The world of Marvel... It's like leaving that world. 】

But obviously, Zhou Ye's very misleading words and sad expression made Selena think that the woman had left the world... She couldn't help but open her arms and hug this handsome boy who seemed very sad... He comforted: "Everything is over... everything is over..."

"In order to find you... I broke the dimensional wall and wandered around in the multiverse... I have seen the Ragnarok of the gods, and I have seen the starship that covers the sky... Today - I finally found it again You... darling!"

Zhou Ye said, holding up Selena's little face, he was going to give her a warm welcome to reunite after a long absence...

However, he was blocked by Selina's hand... "That... It's not that I don't believe you... But... But this is really too bizarre..."

Selena said a little bit...

Seriously, Selena almost gave in just now... But in the end she blocked Zhou Ye...

"How can you believe me... my dear..." Zhou Ye looked at Selena and asked.

"You...you..." Selena was a little overwhelmed by Zhou Ye's scorching eyes... In the end, she bit her silver teeth and said, "If all this is true, then you will prove to I see...I want your blood..."

"No problem... you bite..." Zhou Ye said, pulling his neckline and putting his neck in front of Selena...

Seriously - Selena was really moved at this moment... But at the same time she was moved, she was also a little jealous... Although Zhou Ye said that that person is also himself, just another self in a different universe, But——she is still a little jealous...the jealous guy and this man have experienced everything that she has never experienced...

"Then I really did bite... You know, after being bitten by me, I will turn into a vampire..." Selena reminded him, afraid that Zhou Ye wouldn't know.

"I don't care... For your sake, I'm willing to become a vampire..." Zhou Ye felt that his level of narcissism seemed to have dropped... But forget it, let's just make it up... I'll just find someone to practice with... …

"..." Selena stopped talking nonsense, she bit Zhou Ye's neck as soon as she stepped on the foot... And Emilia, who was standing on the other side, looked at Selena with a good show, she knew... ...someone is going to be out of luck...

Sure enough, as soon as Selena bit into it, she gave up...

"...Are you really human? Why is the skin so thick..."

"Ah, sorry, sorry... I forgot..." Zhou Ye apologized hastily, and at the same time forced a drop of golden blood between his fingers... and put it in front of Selena, "Let's feel everything..."

"Hmm..." Selena nodded, then opened her mouth and bit Zhou Ye's finger...

Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199

When Selena swallowed Zhou Ye's drop of blood, it was as if she had entered a long dream...

In the dream, she saw what Zhou Ye said about herself in another world, Catherine——

She saw all the memories of Katherine and Zhou Ye who met and knew each other...

She also saw the time Catherine and Zhou Ye spent together... At that moment, she really had a feeling that she couldn't tell whether she was Catherine or Selena... At the same time, she also saw the incomparably gorgeous starry sky. At the sight of Zhou Ye standing at the front of the starship, scolding Fang Qiu.

I even saw a starship with an umbrella-shaped logo that covered the sky...

All of that shocked her so much...

In fact - Zhou Ye's memory contained in this drop of blood is incomplete...

Just like editing a movie, Zhou Ye edited a fragment of his memory into a blockbuster movie for Selena to watch... If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that Zhou Ye, who has merged with the heart of the universe, and whose body has reached the limit, can't do it... …

Of course he wouldn't show Selena the intimate memory footage of himself and other women... Isn't that killing himself? no Zuo no Die……

Zhou Ye would never do anything like this...

Moreover, he also used the montage technique of the movie to slightly adjust the order of his memories, so that Selena was convinced... He had suffered a lot in order to find Selena...

This requires Zhou Ye himself to

He possesses absolute control over his body and a certain amount of extra-specification power, and these are precisely what Zhou Ye lacks the most...

Of course, because it was the first time to do this kind of work, Zhou Ye was a little bit uncomfortable...

After a long time, Selena finally finished reading Zhou Ye's edited memories and opened her eyes... The moment she opened her eyes, she felt that she was Catherine and Zhou Ye was his lover... "Dear... …”

"You believed me... did you? Baby..." Zhou Ye looked at Selena affectionately and asked softly.

"Hmm... I've worked hard for you... dear..." Selena couldn't help the excitement in her heart any longer. She stepped forward and took the initiative not to talk about Zhou Ye... Because of Zhou Ye's bad editing, Selena I really thought that Zhou Ye had gone through untold hardships to find her... How could she not be moved...

Of course Zhou Ye won't be polite anymore...

It's just that Selena felt a burning pain in her body, as if she had swallowed a sun... Even with Selena's strength, she couldn't bear that kind of pain. She screamed out... "Ah------!!"

"Master... Selena's mutation has begun..." Emilia, who has come from the past, of course knew why Selena screamed. She had also encountered this scene at the beginning. She knew that it was because of her master. The energy contained in their blood is so huge that even a drop is enough to burn them to ashes...

"I know..." Zhou Ye nodded, then said to Selena: "Dear... Because the energy in my blood is too huge, you can't bear it... But don't worry, I will help you absorb it. Lose this energy... believe me? Baby..."

"Hmm-!" Selena nodded her head forcefully, she couldn't believe it anymore... Now, apart from Zhou Ye, no one can save her...

Zhou Ye started to act when Selena nodded... It's just that his actions made Selena a little shy... "Why, why take off my clothes..."

"In our east, there is a yin and yang theory, solitary yin does not grow long, solitary yang does not grow... My blood yang is too strong, and you are both a vampire and a woman, so you belong to the extreme yin body, now, I need to use yin and yang The art of blending will help you through the difficulties..."

As Zhou Ye explained, he kept his hands in his hands, and in a moment he peeled Selena into a little white sheep... He actually lied, the yin and yang theory of God's special code... It's just that Zhou Ye wants to turn Selina into a little white sheep. Na has completely become an excuse for her own woman.

With Zhou Ye's current ability to speak and speak, Selena can get through the difficult time with just a little thought in his mind.

It's just that at this moment, Selena has been burned by Zhou Ye's drop of golden blood and is a little confused... She only felt that her whole body was hot, and she even wanted to scratch her skin when it was hot...

But the good thing is that Zhou Ye hugged her, making her unable to hurt herself for the time being...

With the pain in her body, Selena felt that the pain in her body seemed to be much better...

But soon—she didn't think so anymore...

Because—the storm—was coming...  

Selena felt that she was like a small boat in a storm, rising and falling with the huge waves... The only thing she could do was to hug this man like a life-saving straw tightly... Let him do it...

Emilia, who was standing by the side, looked at Selena who was shouting hoarsely under her master... I was so envious...

You know, even she only absorbed half a drop of her master's blood, and she became so powerful... Selena actually absorbed a whole drop, is this the concept of a god horse? That means... wait for a while... After the owner has completely subdued Selena, she will have a power far beyond her...

At this moment, Emilia felt that her door was quietly pushed open, she turned her head to look, it was none other than her former maid, her current sister-Erica...

"Is everything done?" Emilia asked in a low voice, looking at Erica who came to her side.

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