"Go and call the cook up for me"

Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214

"Big, lord...you call me..."

Following Victor's order, soon——, a middle-aged man in gray burlap walked in...

He politely greeted Victor, lowered his head, and didn't even dare to lift his head...

He was paid tribute by the nearby nobles along with the spices...

In fact, it sounds like this is bad luck...

Originally, Victor didn't want anything but slaves here... Because for Victor, things like food are completely meaningless... Who has ever seen a vampire eat?

Moreover, the werewolf slaves in his castle are not used for farming, but for mining... Only a small portion of rye grains is enough to feed.

It's just after Zhou Ye came, everything changed... At least Victor charged a lot of things that he never charged before, such as sheep, such as white noodles in order to please Zhou Ye...

You know, in medieval Europe, agriculture was generally underdeveloped, and they didn't even know the existence of agricultural fertilizers. Rye with rough taste was the most popular food here, but flour made from wheat...was even more valuable. .

Let's put it this way - even a wealthy aristocrat can't eat white bread every day. Most of the time they eat variegated bread baked with a mixture of rye and white flour. As for serfs and free people Too bad, eating black bread mixed with sawdust every day is a good mix... White bread baked with pure wheat flour is simply a symbol of luxury.

Yes, that's right... Zhou Ye's wristband has all kinds of food, but he really doesn't have the habit of putting flour into his wristband... That's too much not to use the space wristband as dry food... …

The food in the space bracelet will make you tired if you eat too much...

Fortunately, Victor provided him with various ingredients. Although spices were extremely scarce in Europe during this period, Zhou Ye prepared a lot...

Therefore, Zhou Ye's food has always been pretty good, especially after his exclusive maid learned how to make dishes that suit his master's taste, Zhou Ye even enjoyed the food standards of later generations in the Middle Ages...

But a few days ago, a nobleman attacked his mine because of a werewolf, which caused his income to drop sharply. Therefore, in order to please Victor - he wanted to reduce some taxes, which was actually protection fees... Therefore, he made the most of his family's income. The proud cook sent it over, and took a big picture of the Hungarian shop, saying that his cook had done things in the palace, that is, the legendary royal cook, and the dishes he made were praised by Charles VI. .

That's why——Victor reduced the protection fee for that noble...

It's just—at present, it seems that the level of this royal chef is obviously not satisfactory to his distinguished guests... Although it is said that the distinguished guest has become his son-in-law, but—Victor still does not dare to neglect Zhou Ye...

Especially his daughter's complaints made Victor feel like a fool, deceived by that noble... This is what makes him most angry.

"Have you...really been praised by King Louis VI??" Victor looked at the chef who was trembling in front of him with his eyes half-open. "You have to know... lying in front of me... there is a price to pay!"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." The middle-aged cook finally collapsed in the face of the pressure of Victor, the vampire elder... With a sigh, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately... "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, my lord... I'm just a cook in Paris... I came here to avoid the king's conscription... I'm sorry, my lord, I'm sorry..."

The rest, Victor doesn't need to ask... Obviously, this guy thinks that people in other places are all buns, in order to get better pay, so he made up the name of a palace chef... This kind of Things are really common...

Victor was too lazy to pay attention to this guy anymore... "Drag him down... Let Lucian make him a slave..."

"Yes, my lord!" The guards on both sides came up, one on the other, grabbed the arms of the fake royal chef, and dragged them outside without saying a word...

"No...don't...I beg you, my lord...please forgive me..." The fake royal chef really regretted it at this time...why did he brag? What do you say that you are the royal chef of the palace?

Although the master who hired him was indeed a douchebag, and regarded the food he cooked according to the legends of the market as fine products, but... he finally capsized at this lord... He was still ambitious at first. I'm going to do something big here again...I knew I wouldn't brag...

It's a pity... this guy is a little too late... because Victor will never give him a second chance to deceive himself.

After the cook was taken down by the guards... the whole restaurant was calm again...

Little Sonia attacked the grilled steak in front of her man with all her strength. Seeing her feasting, Victor was a little puzzled...

Although little Sonia had robbed her teacher for food in the past, it was a very individual situation. In Victor's opinion, it was more like her daughter was acting like a charm to her teacher Zhou Ye... ...not that she can really taste it.

But——Victor found that his daughter's expression of enjoying the food really didn't seem like a fake... Could it be? ?

Is it your daughter

Have you really regained your sense of taste? ?

"Master...Sonia...Eating food like this...is it really okay?" Victor didn't dare to question Zhou Ye, so he could only ask in this way.

"Haha..." Zhou Ye could see the longing in Victor's eyes at a glance...

As a former human, Victor still hadn't forgotten the enjoyment that food brought him... If possible, he really wanted to get that feeling again.

It's a pity—Zhou Ye would never give him his own blood... "That's my family's secret technique... I never use it to outsiders, and any member who uses it to outsiders will be hunted down by the family endlessly. ...so, sorry..."

"Hehe...hehe...it's nothing!" Victor's face became ugly when he heard Zhou Ye's words... However, he was even more afraid of the trumped-up family behind Zhou Ye... So, he had to wait and see if he could I got such a secret method from my daughter's mouth.

However - in the following days, Victor really felt hopeless...

Since his daughter made a breakthrough with Zhou Ye, she almost moved to Zhou Ye's room to live in... They were so inseparable that Victor was helpless...

When he finally got a chance and his daughter was temporarily separated from Zhou Ye, Victor hurriedly took the opportunity to ask his daughter if there was any news about the secret method?

But... Little Sonia certainly won't betray her man... The girl pointed out that she was like her. Faced with her father's inquiry, Little Sonia was tight-lipped and refused to disclose it at all...

Victor is somewhat prudent in the face of his own daughter. He didn't find any excuse to ask for his daughter's blood, check his daughter's memory... Otherwise, it is estimated that what awaits him is the early destruction...

In the end, Victor relented and gave up the idea of ​​getting this secret method... After all—his daughter had already obtained such an ability, and he felt very contented...

Of course, Zhou Ye sees all of this... Zhou Ye doesn't bother to say anything more about Victor, who knows the interest... Anyway, it's all my husband's, even though I've already killed him once... in future.

Chapter 1215

Chapter 1215

Three years later----

In the middle of a dense forest—

The trees here are lush and leafy, and the dense branches and leaves block the sunlight from the sky... The whole forest looks dark and quiet.

Logically speaking, in such a large forest, there should be traces of small animals everywhere - whether it is a herd of deer or small animals such as those little squirrels, they all prefer such an environment... But , In this dense forest, it is so quiet... as quiet as a ghost.

But soon - a hoof sound mixed with a group of weird roars came...

In the distance——I saw a strange horse-like creature, with a green fire trail, rushing out from the depths of the jungle...

Immediately behind the strange horse, there are countless monsters that move their hooves and gallop on the ground... They have wolf-like heads, but no wolf-like tails, and their bodies are larger than normal wild wolves. Two or three times - these are the first infected werewolves, they are a pack of beasts without any human mind.

These werewolves let out a low roar... madly chasing the knight in black armor in front of them...

In the eyes of these guys, this strange crustacean in front of them is completely their own food... For food, they will do anything... Because everything that can be eaten in the forest has almost been eaten up by them... Almost gnawed on the bark.

Facing the werewolves behind him who were chasing him frantically, the black-armored knight riding on the high-headed beast didn't seem flustered. ...This is the last batch. When this batch is cleaned up, the werewolf in the vicinity will almost disappear... After killing this batch, I will ask my dear to give you extra food..."

"Pfft... pfft..."

Listening to the words of the female knight on her body, Nightmare snorted happily, and green sparks gushed out from her nose... As if she was happily asking her mistress for credit...

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