"Why... Isabelle, why did you keep your daughter in that cursed place? Isn't Juana your most beloved daughter??" Ferdinand II looked at his strong wife and asked.

"I kept Little Juana there, of course I have my intentions... You don't need to worry about these things!" Isabelle I was not worthy of her husband, or in other words, under her strong character, her brilliance almost disappeared. My husband covered it all up.

"That's my daughter too..." Ferdinand II roared angrily.

"Yes, but do you usually put her in your heart?" Isabel I said sarcastically: "If you hadn't said to Little Juan in front of the children, [Only you are the real me? Children] If you say this, little Juana and her sisters won't be so miserable..."

"I..." Ferdinand II was at a loss for words when confronted by his wife's questioning - he was a guy who prioritized his children.

"Little Juana comes back to see us twice a year..." Seeing her husband's slightly embarrassed look, Isabel I also softened a little bit. After all, it's between husband and wife, there's no need to be so stiff - thinking of this , Isabel I's tone has also eased a lot. "Trust me, my dear... Little Juana is doing very well now. If it wasn't for the saint who only values ​​little Juana, I would even wish to send all my children there..."

"Saint??" Ferdinand II caught the key point in his wife's words in an instant, and he couldn't help but ask: "Which saint? Who is it? You can actually give him your beloved daughter with confidence. ??"

"..." Isabel I shook her head in annoyance. She knew that she made a slip of the tongue and made her husband focus on the point...

However, after a short thought, Isabel I decided to tell the truth... "There is only one saint in this world... that majesty is not a magnanimous person, so I think it's better for you not to disturb his meditation. , or else, I think—I could consider a husband now!"


Hearing his wife's unceremonious remarks, Ferdinand II was a little annoyed, but he still thought of the crown prince who buried tens of thousands of French soldiers. In an instant, he felt that the shirts behind him were all over the place. Drenched in cold sweat.


Murderous --


All options point to the saint with an oriental face who made a miracle in the Buffalo War decades ago... Ferdinand II really felt a cold sweat. ...

Just kidding, it took him less than half an hourglass to kill tens of thousands of French troops. If he wanted to kill himself, he didn't even have to do it himself. It's a heresy... Then the only thing waiting for him is death without a burial place.

Don't underestimate the beliefs of those countries on the European continent...

As long as Zhou Ye shouted, King Ferdinand II was a heretic who was lured and seduced by demons. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding great powers would immediately raise their armies and fight another holy war...

Yes, perhaps in the minds of those kings and nobles, Christ is not that important.

But you must know that the greedy appetites of those guys have never been satisfied. They always keep their eyes wide open, like hungry hyenas, waiting for their prey to reveal their flaws...

And on the continent of this period, is there anything more useful than the name of religion? No……

I don’t dare to take it from afar. At least the two neighbors, France and Portugal, definitely don’t mind dividing up the entire kingdom of Spain under the banner of jihad.

"I understand... Thank you, dear..." Ferdinand II was really thanking his wife at this time, and being able to get involved with that living saint was basically equivalent to buying a piece of land Insurance.

With his daughter's connection, Ferdinand was very sure that maybe when he invaded others, the saint would not help him, but when he was bullied, there was still a high possibility of asking the majesty to help him. of……

He knew that even if he did not count his lofty status, he alone was enough to be worth more than 50,000 elite soldiers.

Fifty thousand elite soldiers - what is that concept? ?

The entire kingdom of Spain - all the elite soldiers together, there are less than 30,000 people...

With the protection of this majesty, doesn't it mean that the entire kingdom of Spain is simply impregnable? ? Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Ferdinand II's face...

Can only beat others? Others can't beat themselves? Such a good thing - can it be used a little bit?

Ferdinand II was thinking about how to maximize his own interests... while saying to his wife: "It's really hard for you this time..."

"..." Isabel I looked at the vaguely greedy look on her husband's face, she instantly understood what her husband was thinking... She turned her head away in disgust, what was she in the end? Didn't say... "Forget it, I'm tired... I have to go back to rest first."

As Isabel I said, without looking back, he took the female officials behind him and walked towards his residence...

Over time--

Because Ferdinand II and Isabel I did not respond positively, little Juana gradually faded out of the sight of the nobles...

However, in the end, Ferdinand II did not initiate a foreign war...

One is because, because the two kingdoms are merged into one, there are many things that need to be adjusted in the middle, and the other is because Isabel I is strenuously opposed, in the words of Isabel I—

[Want to take advantage of a tyrannical saint? Is your brain flooded? Think about those French soldiers who are still suffering in hell. Where do you think you are better than them? They just raised their weapons against the saint and were suppressed in hell to suffer forever - you Ferdinand II actually tried to deceive the saint? who do you think You Are? Yahweh? 】

Facing his wife's words, Ferdinand II had to give up the idea of ​​using Zhou Ye's support to start a foreign war...

But fortunately he didn't do it, otherwise - waiting for him - I'm afraid there is only a dead end, Zhou Ye is just lazy, not stupid?

Do you really think that Zhou Ye dare not kill the king? I really thought that when the bishop was put on the crown, the bishop said the so-called coronation oath [The Lord gave you a whip, allowing you to shepherd his lambs for him. God bless the king] Is he really related to Jehovah?

Even if the Lord had to pretend to be a coward in front of Zhou Ye, what was Ferdinand II? ?

Chapter 1266

Chapter 1266

"Why hasn't my sister come back..." Maria held her ten-year-old sister Catherine in one hand, looking out the window.

In fact, there is only a bright moonlight outside the window...

It's already time for children to go to bed, but the two sisters are still not sleepy at all - they are waiting for their sister.

The names Maria and Catherine are so common that the duplication rate is outrageous. In desperation, their names can only be prefixed with Maria of Aragon and Catherine of Aragon...

Thirteen-year-old Maria and ten-year-old Catherine are Juana's sisters...

They are now waiting for the return of their sister.

For them, their sister Juana, who is three years older than Maria, is a legend...

When Maria began to remember, she felt that her sister Juana always seemed to be very different from other brothers and sisters. She was very smart and was very favored by her mother, Isabel I.

But she is very kind to her sisters, unlike her brother, Juan, who became like a little devil and lawless because of the favor of her father, Ferdinand II...

On the contrary, in Maria's mind, her older sister treats her younger sister very well, and she often takes them to play games together, and tells them many interesting stories - to protect them from being bullied by her brother Juan...

However, everything changed on that day six years ago...

On that day, their sister Juana happily told them that she would go with her mother to see an unparalleled elder brother, the elder brother who often appeared in her dreams...

At that time, Maria had an ominous premonition in her heart, but she still said blessings to her sister.

As the time of my sister's departure is getting longer and longer...

Maria's unease grew stronger...

When her mother's parade team came back - she was not in the team and saw the sister who would comfort her and play with her -

At that time, the only protest that Maria, who was only seven years old, could make was to cry—cry loudly, cry hard, cry out of breath... She almost fainted from crying...

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