But Juana, who brought her sister to the villa, did not stay in the hall to play with her sister, but went straight to the screening room after asking the housekeeper Catherine where her teacher was now...



This is a small screening room, at this moment-in the screening room, a movie is being shown...

Although, with Umbrella's technological strength, three-dimensional projection has already been achieved, but Zhou Ye still likes the feeling of sitting in front of a movie screen. Maybe this is a feeling...

"You're here..." Although there were almost no footsteps behind him, Zhou Ye still knew who was coming.

"Hmm..." Juana hummed softly, but didn't say anything, but sat quietly beside Zhou Ye...

"I know your questions and what you want to know..." Zhou Ye's voice echoed in Juana's ear, "Don't talk, watch this movie with me, all the answers are in the movie..."

Juana nodded and turned her eyes to the screen...

At this time, [Crazy Juana] was shown on the screen... The whole movie, with the encounter between Juana and the scum, entered into the description of Juana's life...

In this regard, Juana didn't say anything, let alone ask, she just watched quietly...

After more than an hour, the lights - the screen dimmed and the whole movie was over...  

"Do you know?" Zhou Ye's voice was so deep in the darkness. "When I was young, I used to feel unworthy for you in the movie, the best person, but I didn't meet the most worthy of love... But, it was not until I came to this world that I found out - it turns out, In a way, I'm more scumbag than the guy in the movie who keeps hurting you... so I've been hesitant..."

"I'm hesitating... Can I really make me happy? After I'm hesitating whether I'm your woman, I'll be even more sad? I'm even more crazy??" Juana's cool and cold voice interrupted Zhou Ye's speech. discourse. "But—you never asked me about these things... You never asked me what I was thinking in my heart, so you set a path for my life without authorization..."

"Since you are afraid of hurting me... why did you break into my life when I was young..."

"Since you're afraid of my madness...why did you take me away from my mother..."

"Since I'm afraid it won't give me happiness...why let me fall in love with you so much..."

"..." Facing Juana's questioning, Zhou Ye felt a sense of embarrassment for the first time...

"Do you know...I've fallen in love with you for a long time..." Juana said, turned over and sat on Zhou Ye's body without any hesitation, holding Zhou Ye's face with both hands, staring straight at him Zhou Ye's eyes, his mouth made an almost morbid voice: "Love is so crazy... I don't care what others think of me, in their eyes, I am a shameless woman or a crazy woman, I I just want to be your wife, be your woman... be your—female support girl..."

"The days when I was alienated from you, do you know how I came here? I frantically asked myself, what did I do badly and made you hate it... I tried my best to behave in front of you... I just wanted to It's good to have a look of approval from you, but you won't give me even this trivial compliment..."

Zhou Ye felt as if a few drops of hot liquid had dripped on his face. He knew that it was Juana's tears... "I'm sorry..."

"No...don't say I'm sorry..." Juana covered her teacher Zhou Ye's nephew with her hand and whispered, "When I learned from Sister Sonia the reason for your alienation from me, I laughed wildly with joy. All day...you know? You care about me...you care about how I feel...so you're afraid...you're afraid of my sadness, so you're alienated from me...I feel like I'm in heaven... …”


"You want me, teacher... No, I should say dear..." Juana said softly in Zhou Ye's ear, "From today, everything you worry about is no longer Here's the problem...I'm going to be your Juana, your one and only crazy woman, my sister Maria, she's out there...you can eat her together, actually, little Catherine is there too, but she's a little too young ...so, you need to wait, my dear...but now, you are mine...only tonight, you are mine..."

Facing such Juana, what else could Zhou Ye say? Only deep love can't be let down...

Zhou Ye's hands were cruising around Juana's body, and Juana frantically turned her mouth to Zhou Ye's face... As the distance between the two of them decreased, in a burst of screams, Juana finally I got my wish with my man, and never separated from each other again...

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268

"Your Majesty... I beg you, please return my daughter to me..." Isabel I knelt in front of Zhou Ye and pleaded sadly.

It was only the next day that she found out that her daughters were missing.

Originally, she thought it was her daughter Juana who was leading her sisters out to play, and she didn't care too much, but—the letter found in her daughter's bedroom made Isabel I stand on the spot.

It's just a sentence in Spanish. [I will lead my sisters to serve His Majesty Sheng Ye in this life, please don't worry about us... 】

This made Isabelle I suddenly anxious,

She couldn't care less, and immediately followed the light car, starting from the royal city of Toledo, speeding all the way day and night, and arrived in Santander overnight...

Leaving her attendant outside the valley, Isabel rushed into the valley on horseback alone. After seeing Zhou Ye, the first thing she did was to kneel in front of Zhou Ye and begged Zhou Ye to take her away. daughter gave her...

"Cough cough...this..." Zhou Ye was also embarrassed looking at the Queen of Spain kneeling at his feet... He wanted to return his daughter to Isabel, but—— Juana had already been eaten and wiped clean by him. Even Juana's thirteen-year-old sister Maria, at the instigation of Juana, was eaten and wiped... Only little Catherine escaped because she was too young...

This - what does this make Zhou Ye say? Don't tell Isabel that you have already eaten and wiped her two daughters, and you should stop talking? ? Such shameless words, Zhou Ye really can't say anything...

"Mother...why are you so sad??" Fortunately, Juana, who was wearing a gorgeous black dress, came to help her man. "When we were young, didn't you often teach us to be devout in our beliefs? Now that we can serve your majesty day and night, why do you feel sad about it? Did you teach us all lies in the past? Aren't you happy for us??"

"Juana...my daughter..." Isabel looked at the daughter she used to love most with sadness, she was speechless for a while...

Yes, she is a devout Christian, but—she is also the mother of several children... The feeling of losing all her daughters in an instant made her heartbroken... difficult for herself.

"Mother..." Juana bypassed her man, walked to her mother's side, bent down, helped her kneeling on the ground, and said softly, "I know, you are afraid that we will suffer here, Your Majesty, That's why it's so sad, but - please don't worry about us, mother - we have a good life and are very happy... and, Your Majesty is also very happy because of our piety... So Your Majesty has decided to give you Something every woman dreams of..."

"What??" Isabel I asked stupidly, she really didn't know what the so-called "dream of all women" was?

"Of course it's youth... Mother!" Juana said, winking at her man...

"Cough cough... That's right!" Zhou Ye nodded, giving Isabel I youth is still very easy to handle. You must know that he used to collect hundreds of millions of years of time in the world of the Time Planning Bureau. Later——with the improvement of his life level, the thing of time no longer has any effect on him.

"Youth??" Isabelle I was stunned for a moment, this was simply a big surprise...

What are women most afraid of? It's aging, it's time - with the passage of time, beautiful women will become old women, smooth faces will become full of wrinkles, xx's garden will become as dry and abnormal as dehydrated oranges...

In short, time is a woman's worst enemy...

Now, can you actually go back to your youth? This is a great temptation for Isabelle I——

As long as it is a woman, it is almost impossible to escape this temptation... Even if this woman is a queen, a mother of several children...

"Really? Your Majesty??" Isabel I looked up at Zhou Ye in surprise. She was really afraid that it was just a mishearing by her ears, and she was just having fun.

"Of course it's true..." Zhou Ye said, extending his right hand with a smile, "Put your right hand on mine..."

"Yes - Your Majesty!" Isabel I respectfully walked to Zhou Ye's side, like the most devout believer, half-kneeled in front of him, and carefully placed his right hand on Zhou Ye's open palm middle……

"I will give you fifty years of life, and I will give you a youth that will never age..." Zhou Ye said as he used a time converter that had not been used for a long time to give Isabel I, fifty years of life... …

Isabel I felt like her body was bathed in holy light, and began to change... The skin that was a little loose became tight again, and she could even clearly feel that her body seemed to return to twenty-five years old again. generally……

"God...God..." Isabel I looked at the change in her skin in surprise. She suddenly felt that something seemed to be on her arm, and hurriedly reached out and pulled the sleeve of her right hand up... I saw the top , there is a string of green fluorescent Arabic numerals, which shows numbers like 0116:11:24:18:56:46.

"Your Majesty...this...what is this??" Isabel I asked in a panic. She knew the numbers, but she didn't know what the numbers represented, especially the last two numbers that kept changing. It made her feel even more terrified.

"This is your lifespan, mother..." It wasn't Zhou Ye who answered her, but her daughter, Juana... "This means that you still have one hundred and sixteen years, eleven months, twenty Four days, eighteen hours, fifty-six minutes, forty-three seconds of life, no, it's forty seconds now..."

"...I feel like this thing is like a life-threatening clock..." Isabel I couldn't help but complain: "But what is a minute and a second? Is it a timing unit?"

"That's right, mother, it's just so you don't waste your life..." Juana said with a smile.

"Thank you for your generous gift, Your Majesty..." Isabel I felt like he had made a lot of money,

People over a hundred years old - in the Middle Ages, I have hardly seen them, and she is almost forty years old, living another hundred years... It's really good.

"Then, mother... Do you still want your sisters to go back?" Juana asked with a smile.

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