"Yes, is it Her Majesty the Bloody Queen in this song?" The sailor couldn't stand it after just humming a few lines, and he asked hesitantly. "You, are you talking about her? Captain..."

"Yes... That's right, it's her!" Barbossa looked at the French sailor meaningfully and nodded.

"This is impossible - absolutely impossible... That His Majesty was a figure from two hundred years ago... How could he have appeared in this era... This, this is like a myth..." The French sailor exclaimed.

"In other people's ghost stories, we are still the protagonists..." After sighing, Barbossa said, "How do you know that the myth—is it fake??"

"..." The sailor was speechless for a while...

And the sailors who knew the story of the Bloody Queen were secretly rejoicing, and they shared the story of that terrifying woman to their companions who didn't know the legend...

Seeing his subordinates gradually settle down, Barbossa breathed a sigh of relief, and he was finally fooled for a while, but now—it was time to boost his morale. "Everyone, I think everyone should be grateful for the curse brought by the gold coins. If it weren't for the curse of immortality, now - I'm afraid we would have died long ago..."

"That's right..."

"Although - the curse has put me in purgatory, but - it's good to be alive!"

"That's right! Captain!"

"Now, let's have some fun and celebrate our new birth..." Barbossa shouted while the iron was hot: "Let's set sail, let's loot all the ships we meet, let's listen to their wailing..."


Under Barbossa's instigation, the sailors' morale is recovering little by little... I have to say, Barbossa is very good at restoring morale.

What can cheer up a group of people in the midst of a bloody failure? ? Of course, it is to go blood and abuse another group of people who are inferior to himself... There is no way to recover faster than this method.

The black sails of the Black Pearl rose again, facing the rising sun, heading towards the busy commercial waterway...

Chapter 1283

Chapter 1283

As the Morning Star crosses the East, on the busiest shipping lane in the Caribbean, there is a life-and-death battle going on.

"Hurry up... hurry up, fire at my full strength, today - we will not leave alive!" Barbossa, who was like a zombie in the moonlight, shouted, directing his men to fire at the two unfortunate merchant ships. , For him, the depression of last night needs to be washed with blood and mourning. Of course, he did not dare to seek revenge for the Umbrella, and even—now as long as he sees the Umbrella, he will set sail as soon as possible. escape……

Don't talk about illusory things like the dignity of pirates, yes they won't die, but—they don't want to be insulted like that again, the experience of being played like a toy, once is enough, No one wants to do it a second time, unless it's a shake...


Hearing Captain Barbossa's order, the pirates on the ship, which were like skeleton racks, also carried the cannonballs with all their might—

That's right, they don't plan to play any more battles this time, for no other reason, because they need to vent and vent their depression.

And the two unfortunate armed merchant ships had plenty of firepower, but when they saw the iconic black sails of the Black Pearl for the first time, everything was messed up...

Black Sail's Ghost Pirates - Undead Crew - Cruelty that leaves nothing behind...

Everything in this legend frightened the sailors on board...

"Those devils... help—I don't want to die..."

"God...how did I meet these devils..."


"Help me...I don't want to die...I don't want to die...Mom..."

From time to time sailors in extreme fear jump off the side of the ship to escape...

Although the captains of the two ships were not rookies, they really did not have the eloquence of Barbossa, and they could inspire the sailors to resist in the face of desperation.


The loud noise of the sixteen-pound cannon continued to sound, and white gunpowder smoke filled the entire sea area... It can be said that from the beginning of the battle, the two ships were pressed and beaten by the Black Pearl...

Don't look at the fact that the Black Pearl looks so weak when it faces the Umbrella, but in fact, the Black Pearl's reputation among pirates can be said to be close to the death of the sea [Flying Dutchman], or even the Black Pearl. When the wind is down, you can hang the flying Dutchman so that it can't catch up.

What's more - the sailors on the merchant ships were almost scared out of their minds when they saw the iconic black sails of the Black Pearl for the first time. When there were more ghosts than human-like sailors, basically, the only little sense of resistance was completely disintegrated.

Looking at the panicked expressions of the sailors on the two merchant ships, the sailors on the Black Pearl regained some confidence...

They howled desperately and laughed wildly, watching the merchant sailors who had been slaughtered like panicked lambs, their shattered pride that had been trampled on by the women of the Umbrella the night before regained some.

"Who are we!?" Barbossa yelled in high spirits.

"We are ghost pirates!!" xn

"We are undead pirates!!" Barbossa felt that with his roar, it seemed that the stagnation in Hungary had dissipated a lot. He continued his speech: "We are in hell, we have nothing to fear...because—we are ghost thieves!"

"Yes-!!!" xn

The pirates who were like skeletons shouted loudly, and the sound was like a group of ghosts screaming... The last shred of resistance of the sailors on the two merchant ships was also disintegrated.

"Kill them all, we are not for treasure today, but for pleasure!"

With Barbossa's cry, all the pirates laughed loudly and poured artillery shells at the two merchant ships without hesitation. In their opinion, the shells that smashed holes one after another in the other ships from time to time, with What gives them is courage and self-confidence...

There is no way, the weak can only find their confidence in the weaker vulnerable groups, this is life...

Let them go to trouble with the Umbrella, they dare not...

The guns on the Black Pearl sped up and poured shells at the two merchant ships - and it deserved one of the merchant ships to be unlucky. One of the guns on the Black Pearl happened to be smashing into their ammunition depot. The high temperature The shell detonated the gunpowder stored in the ammunition depot right away...


With a loud bang, the merchant ship whose ammunition depot was detonated was broken into two pieces directly in the violent explosion...


"It's really fun..."

"I think I'm a god now, and all the merchant ships will crawl in front of us, trembling!"

"That's right...that's it..."

The slaughter of these weak chicken-like merchant ships made all the pirates on the Black Pearl regain a bit of confidence, but at this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

"Let's go find that giant ship to take revenge..."

I don’t know which confident pirate said such a sentence, and suddenly—the entire deck of the Black Pearl became silent, and the cheering pirates stopped their actions and looked at the person who said that with strange eyes. The fool who said that.

"If you want to die, you will die by yourself...don't drag us!"

"That's right... I don't want to see that terrifying steel ship again in my life..."

"If you talk nonsense again, I will tie you to the anchor and sink into the bottom of the sea..." The tall black first mate glared at the unspeakable guy and scolded: "Have you heard, there will be no next time... "

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