She believes that even if she refuses Angelica's request, she will still sneak out in the end... For nothing else, just because Mother Azara is the one who raised Angelica...

For Angelica, Mother Ashara is her family, the only family...

"Okay... I agree to your request..." The female dean sighed, then stood up and stopped the elated Angelica. "Don't rush to the port, take this on..."

As the headmistress spoke, she took down a long sword from the bookshelf next to it and handed it to Angelica. "Take it, whether it's for resistance or relief, its sharpness will be all you need."

"Well..." Angelica nodded, then took the long sword from the dean's hand...

She knew what her dean meant by liberation, which represented the worst case scenario... and also represented that she would pay the price of her life for this. She knew all this, but——Angelica had no choice but to let her watch the grandmother who took care of her growing up leave her like this? She can't.

Angelica, who picked up the long sword, said goodbye to the dean and walked out the door...

"Wait a minute..." The dean called Angelica again, and then draped a long black cloak over her body. "It's cold outside, be careful..."

"Thank you, Dean..." Of course Angelica knew that this was not a cloak to keep out the cold, it was just to cover her figure and make it difficult to tell her gender... Miami is located in Subtropical, even now it has entered late autumn, but the weather is still warm and cold? That doesn't exist.

The abbot watched Angelica, who was wearing a black cloak, leave her abbot's room quickly, and sighed slowly.

It's not like she can't ask a few more nuns to accompany Angelica, but—so what?

Is there a difference between a woman and a group of women in the face of those lawless guys?

Even when there are more people, the goal will be bigger, and that is what the female dean tries to avoid...

Forgive her selfishness, after all—she's the abbot, and she's thinking about all the nuns...

At this moment, Angelica has already walked out of the monastery——

Because of the monastery's escrow principle, basically—this Spanish monastery was built in a forest far from the port—

It is about five kilometers away from the settlement of the port. If it is daytime, it is better... But now it is night, a seventeenth century night without street lights...

But fortunately, in the mountain forest where the monastery is located, the mountain is not very steep, and today is a rare good weather without clouds. With the starry sky and the bright moonlight, Angelica can still see clearly to see those trails in the mountains.

Wearing a black cloak and holding a long sword, Angelica walked down the mountain with one foot deep and one foot shallow... How could she care about these small difficulties for her own mother? ?

Chapter 1294

Chapter 1294

"Dong, dong, dong——!"

Some embarrassed Angelica stood in front of this wooden house, which looked very different from other houses, and knocked on the door...

It can be said that the mountain road just now made her suffer a lot, but it is fortunate that she did not encounter other dangers along the way, such as drunk sailors, or those who came to fight in the field in search of excitement...

I haven't seen any of them, and I have to say, this is God's blessing.

And Dr. Curtis's clinic is on the corner away from the port, so Angelica avoids crossing the commercial streets full of street girls and drunks, which is really good news...

Just when Angelica was secretly glad that her trip went so smoothly this time, the door of Dr. Curtis's clinic was opened, and a black woman who looked a little thin came out, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Dr. Curtis... Is he there?" Angelica asked anxiously, she knew that this black woman was a slave bought by Dr. Curtis, both as a servant and as a doll With... this kind of thing is not uncommon in the Americas.

"The master is not in the clinic now..." The black woman looked at the strangely dressed girl in front of her with some strangeness and said, "But if you are in a hurry, I suggest you go to the [Captain's House] not far from the port to find him. , he should be drinking there at this time..."

The first half of the black woman's sentence made Angelica fall into the abyss, but the second half of the sentence brought her infinite light - however, the port bar? That's where Angelica is trying to avoid going...

"Then... well... I'll go look for him there!" Angelica nodded dejectedly, then turned and left the cabin...

She's really depressed... You said that you, a doctor, are not honest and stay in your clinic waiting for the patient to come to the door, why do you go to the bar? ?

However, if you think about it, it seems that in this era of poor entertainment, other than going to bars, Dr. Curtis has no good place to go...

You know, going to a bar isn't just for a drink, but to hear those captains brag about their adventures...and maybe meet some interesting friends.

It can be said that you can drink, listen to stories, and make friends in a bar. As a doctor with a lot of income, Curtis doesn't care about the money. For him, entertainment is the only thing is the most important.

Whoops, it's too far.

Angelica One

As he slowly walked towards the port, he secretly prayed in his heart that nothing would happen.

Along the way, Angelica dodged several waves of drunken alcoholics who didn't know how to drink, and also avoided the hands of countless double solicitors, and finally came to the door of the bar...

Looking at the rudder hanging at the door of the bar, followed by the conspicuous letters on it... [Captain's House], Angelica knew that she had finally reached the place.

Angelica stood outside the wooden door, and after a little hesitation, she pushed open the wooden door forcefully...

However, before she could react, a dark figure slammed towards her. As a nun who had never seen such a battle, she had almost never seen such a battle. , she forgot to dodge...

"Be careful……"

With a word of caution, Angelica felt that her hand seemed to be grabbed by someone, and then, as soon as the hand exerted force, she involuntarily fell into a warm embrace... "You... you …”

It wasn't until this time that Angelica reacted. Angelica, who had never been in such close contact with a man before, blushed in an instant...

Breathing in the sunshine-like smell on the man, she looked up...

It was a handsome boy, a handsome boy with black hair... Looking at those pupils that were like black holes, Angelica felt that her young girl's heart fell deeply into it at that moment. ...

"Are you alright?" Zhou Ye smiled, looking at Angelica in his arms, he had to say - at this time, Angelica was already very beautiful, just like a goblin, and she was still An ignorant goblin, an interesting harvest... worthy of the role played by a Spanish actress who claims to have wild beauty.

"I... I'm fine..." It wasn't until she heard Zhou Ye's question that Angelica suddenly came to her senses and forced herself to leave that warm embrace. When she left Zhou Ye's embrace, there was something in her heart. An indescribable loss... "They—what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, they are arguing about whether the giant steel ship that recently appeared in the Caribbean Sea is powerful, or the Black Sail Ghost Pirate Ship, or the flying Dutchman..." Zhou Ye shrugged and said, "Finally, None of them could convince the other, so they started to use their own force to win for the ship they supported, by the way, the captain who supported the giant steel ship was just thrown out!"

"..." Angelica felt that she and the other party were completely two worlds for a moment. Why couldn't she understand what the young man said in front of her? ?

"That... Actually, I came to see Dr. Curtis..." Angelica asked hesitantly, "Excuse me, have you seen Dr. Curtis?"

From Angelica's point of view, Dr. Curtis is almost a celebrity in the entire ghetto, after all—who hasn't gotten sick yet? In this settlement, you may not know the owner of the business or the captain of the largest merchant ship, but you must know the doctor, because sooner or later you will use him, especially those sailors ...

"Dr. Curtis? I don't know..." Zhou Ye's answer made Angelica depressed for a while, "However, can you take a look, is he in the crowd now?"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Angelica nodded slightly and looked at the chaotic bar...

In the bar at the moment, there is already a mess, fighting, using knives and guns... drinking non-stop... flirting with skilled women—everything.

All in all, a smoky haze...

Using the not very bright light, Angelica looked around and found that Dr. Curtis was nowhere to be seen... This made her anxious for a while. "No...why is Dr. Curtis not here, obviously the slave girl in his family told me that he is here..."

"Well, if you're sure that the guy named Dr. Curtis is indeed here, and you can't find him in the crowd, then I think I know where he is..." Zhou Ye said, a moment He pulled up Angelica's little hand and walked towards the back door...

The little Loli who originally followed Zhou Ye had been sent back to the Umbrella parked in the open sea by the portal. One was because Little Loli didn't like the noise here, and the other was because—Little Lolita should It was time to go to bed, obviously - Zhou Ye's business was not over yet, so - she had to send Little Loli back and let her go to sleep.

Angelica, who was holding her little hand by Zhou Ye, nodded shyly, and followed his footsteps and walked back... However, she discovered a very strange thing - those who fight, no matter who they are fighting, duel The crowd, after seeing Zhou Ye's arrival, temporarily stopped their actions, and they didn't fight again until Zhou Ye took her away, fighting and fighting...

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