Little Elizabeth prayed unscrupulously for Angelica in her heart and walked towards the naval battle simulation room. She is very interested in the simulated naval battle system there... For her , has become her playroom.

Chapter 1299

Chapter 1299

Today is a rare good weather...

On the calm sea, there is no wind and no waves... Just like a quiet girl, this is a side that the sea rarely reveals, usual - impermanence is her pronoun, ruthlessness is her character... But today, she Rarely leaked his virtuous side.

A giant ship is slowly approaching from the distance where the sun rises... It is the Umbrella super-dreadnought battleship...

At this moment, on the wide bow deck of the Umbrella, someone is lying comfortably under the umbrella, holding a little Loli in his hand, watching the fight being staged in front of him—no, say the fight Maybe it's unrealistic, to be precise - Juana in a black gorgeous dress is bloody tortured Angelica in a captain's coat.

"Are you capable of that? Little guy..." Juana raised her hand gently, holding up the long sword that Angelica was slashing at her, and said jokingly: "This kind of attack can't even make me flinch. A drop of sweat..."

"I still have a lot of ability, I will let you see them one by one!" Angelica said, she yanked her long sword sharply, and then stabbed forward. The long sword in her hand was like a poisonous snake, heading towards Juana's Throat pricked.

"No, no, in my opinion, little guy... You still have a lot to learn..." Juana said, neither dodging nor parrying, but stabbing at the opponent at the same time as Angelica ...

The difference from Angelica is that the direction Juana stabbed was not Angelica's throat, or even a certain part of her body, but the tip of her sword that Angelica stabbed towards herself...


A crisp sound—the sword tips of the two collided in mid-air, and the battle temporarily entered a stalemate...

"Okay, Juana... If you treat our new sister like this, my dear will be angry..." Sonia said, walked over, raised her hand, and took the long swords from both of them. down...

"I just want to test Angelica's cute fencing skills!" Juana said, smiled slightly, and extended her hand towards Angelica with a friendly expression. "I don't think cutie won't be angry, right?"

"..." Angelica shook hands with Juana in a sullen mood, "Why can't I fight alone... You know, in the monastery, my swordsmanship is the best..."

"Because—we have a dear to help us..." Juana said, winking at Angelica...

"It's not fair..." Angelica said as she walked quickly to her man's side and squeezed her body into Zhou Ye's arms... She said dissatisfiedly, "Dear, you are partial... Why do you want to help the sisters and not me?"

"...Why didn't I help you... You heard that the genetic modification project was too painful, so you didn't want to accept it..." Zhou Ye said innocently.

"I don't care, dear, you must have other ways..." Angelica said coquettishly.

This has been the fifth day since she left the Port of Miami. During these five days, Angelica has deeply understood how unrealistic the idea of ​​monopoly is. If nothing else, she is a man of her own. can't handle it...

Therefore, she is now gradually getting used to fighting her own men with other sisters, or - is it scary to get used to this kind of thing?

What a stubborn little girl, she has now become accustomed to forming a dungeon group with her sisters to fight Zhou Ye's big bosses... Moreover, in this sister group, there is also Sister Elisa who takes her like a mother.

Whoops, that's a little too far...

"Okay, in a few days, I'll help you figure out a solution..." Zhou Ye sighed, or said that when women get together, it's easy to get into trouble?

What you have, I must have, and I must have what she has.

This is not the first time that this situation has occurred. Zhou Ye has already begun to think about whether he has accepted too many women in a world. Should he accept fewer women next time? ?

However, as soon as this thought surfaced in Zhou Ye's mind, he was immediately thrown into the clouds by him...

Entering a new world and not collecting all those heroines, what is the difference between such a life and a salted fish? ? What about the others, Zhou Ye didn't know - anyway, he wanted to collect everything, who told him to have such a hobby?

A life without hobbies is better than death...

What's the use of having more money? What's the use of having more power?

Just to be holy? ? What a joke - does being holy have to be happy? Zhou Ye doesn't think so——

Even the basic human fishing nets are gone. Even if you are a god, you are still a single god dog... Even if you become a saint, you are still a leftover fighter... Are you proud of your hair? Have fur to be happy?

Cough cough - accidentally pulled away, and pulled the camera back again.

"Why a few days??" Angelica asked curiously.

"Because—I'm going to catch something fun..." Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously.

"Fun thing??" Angelica was confused. "What is it?"

"Is it related to your renovation of the indoor swimming pool, dear?" Verona came over, being good-natured

He sat behind his man and gently massaged his head with his hands.

"Hmm—!" Zhou Ye nodded. His most important thing recently was to remodel the indoor swimming pool on the original battleship Umbrella—

This transformation must use his power. After all, it is the first time for Zhou Ye to use the power of space magic to transform a standard swimming pool into a water world the size of a raccoon city...

He needs to use the power of magic to constantly modify the various parameters of the water world, and he must ensure that certain races can live happily and carefree there - this is a big project.

"What are we going to catch?" Angelica asked curiously.

She has seen her man remodel the swimming pool there. In her opinion, such a large space is enough to fit an island into it. What exactly is her man planning to catch? ?

"Mermaid..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to catch mermaids. I want to keep the entire mermaid family in my aquarium, and make the entire mermaid race a permanent legend in the sea..."

"Be careful of being nibbled clean by those mermaids who eat people and don't spit out their bones..." Angelica understood her man's plan in seconds. I'm afraid - catching mermaids is fake, and wanting to keep the entire mermaid family is true, right?

"If they move, I don't mind letting them chew..." Zhou Ye didn't care about Angelica's complaints, he stretched slightly, and then stood up. "I'm going to work...I have the last bit of work left on my aquarium..."



The girls were speechless for a while, and they conveyed bad messages to each other with their eyes.

[See, my dear has a new toy, maybe we will have many more mermaid sisters soon! 】

【It can't go on like this anymore...】

[Can't go on like this, what can you do? Is there anything you can do? 】


【How to spell? 】

【Dry dear...】

[Don't be kidding, I think we'll be dehydrated and killed before my dear is drained! 】

[Whether you go or not, there is still a glimmer of hope if you fight. If you don't fight, there is no hope at all. Do you want to watch your dear take away a nest of mermaids? You know, there are hundreds of them...]


【Yes, I fought with my dear... 】

In an instant, the girls were united and followed Zhou Ye, the Great Demon King, into the indoor swimming pool—here, they were going to launch a holy war, a holy war—a holy war that they knew they would lose, but they still had to advance bravely... For a moment, in the figures of the girls, there was a trace of tragic and solemn feeling...

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