"My...my name...my name is Senia..." The blond mermaid girl was a little panicked at this time, after all—mermaids want to live in water, the sea is a forbidden area for humans, but for mermaids In other words, it is their hometown... Suddenly being caught away from their familiar environment by unbelievable means, how could the mermaid girl not be afraid?

So, in the face of Zhou Ye's question, the blonde mermaid actually answered his question like this...

Zhou Ye certainly doesn't think that it is narcissistic, this is an expression of Senia's falling in love with herself - you know, mermaids can eat people, for them - human beings are food... you will fall in love with your own food. Food on the plate? Obviously not...

So, Zhou Ye knew—it was just because when the blond mermaid was preparing to eat, he suddenly found that the sashimi on the plate instantly turned into the fear of a great white shark that could kill him. It's easy to tell the truth...

This is also the art of torture...

Maybe in the future, after Zhou Ye's careful training, these mermaids may fall in love with him, but obviously it won't be now...

"Okay, Senia, would you like to be my guest on my ship?"

"No...I don't want to...you let me go..."

"I'm just asking casually. Actually, you don't need to answer me..." Zhou Ye smiled and stomped lightly... The crawler multi-purpose landing ship weighing several tons slowly flew out of the water, and then He turned around and flew towards the Umbrella super-dreadnought-class battleship that was parked in the deep water not far away.

Why don't you just drive the landing ship back?

That's because Zhou Ye didn't want to hurt those mermaids who were making a fuss on the sea. You must know—every mermaid is a beauty—how could Zhou Ye have the heart to let the sharp propeller of the landing ship scratch them?

As the landing ship entered the open hatch behind the Umbrella, the sea in the entire Whitecap Bay boiled like a pot, and from time to time angry mermaids jumped out of the water——

They scream, they growl...

They desperately pushed the side of the Umbrella...

However, soon - these mermaids realized one thing.

This giant ship made of steel is not a wooden warship that they could easily overthrow in the past... Dozens of sisters worked together, but they couldn't shake this behemoth, and they couldn't even make it tilt a little...

But it doesn't matter, the mermaids believe that the number of people is more powerful... This is the ocean and their homeland, how can they be humiliated by a human creation like this?

From time to time, a mermaid dives into the water and sends out a distress signal on the seabed with infrasound waves that cannot be heard by the human ear...

And at this moment - Zhou Ye has returned to the deck of the Umbrella with his trophies...

"Master..." Yamato Nadeko looked at the hairless blond mermaid floating behind her master speechlessly, and asked, "Are you only going to catch this one?"

"Of course not..." Zhou Ye smiled, "Have you heard the story of how to use the cubs to kill the entire pack of wolves?"

"What do you mean??" Yamato Nadeko's eyes lit up when she heard her master's words... She probably knew what her master was thinking—

Wolves are united and cunning, and they are not afraid of death - so an experienced hunter will prepare enough bows and arrows, and then secretly follow the wolves' footsteps, find their lair, and then grab their young. Cubs... find a big tree to climb up, and use the breath of those cubs to provoke the wolves...

The only thing left is to tease the wolf cubs and call the wolves one by one with the bows and arrows in their hands...

Those cunning wolves will fight until the entire pack is wiped out for their cubs.

"But... Master, how do you know that this little guy is enough to make the entire mermaid group come out?" Yamato Nadeko asked curiously.

"Because this little guy's identity is not ordinary!" Zhou Ye said, gently teasing the little mermaid who was grinning at him: "Did you think I was just singing karaoke? I've been watching it all the time. These little cuties..."

"Just now—when my little Senya was swimming on the surface of the sea, there were four mermaids with very strong tail fins around her protecting her faintly... and her tail fins are much smaller than other mermaids, but it makes the average mermaid weak. The mermaid did not dare to approach, and—when she was lying at my feet, no mermaid dared to approach there... All of this shows one thing—my little Senia’s identity is absolutely very Amazing..." Zhou Ye said, gently stroking Senia's long blond hair, "Am I right? Cutie?"

"Despicable human..." Little Senia looked at the man in front of her with a smug smile on her face, hating her teeth so much that she couldn't do anything about the man in front of her.

Don't tell me what to do with him...

Even if she wanted to cover her body a little now, she couldn't do it... You know, after the tail fins turned into legs, she didn't have any clothes on her body...

"Despicable? No no... You will be reluctant to leave me in the future..." Zhou Ye said as he walked with little Senia to the side of the ship, on the protruding viewing platform... Looking down, there was still The noisy mermaids, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, turned his head to Xiao Senia and said, "I still have some small things that I need your help with!"

"Despicable human, go dreaming... I will never help you!" Little Senia said through gritted teeth.

"No, you'll help me!" Zhou Ye said with a look of anger on his face.

Full of evil smiles.

Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302

"Humph!" Facing Zhou Ye's words, Little Senia closed her eyes dismissively. She had already made up her mind not to say anything...

Although Zhou Ye had imprisoned her freedom just now, she had not imprisoned her five senses. She could still hear the conversation between Zhou Ye and Yamato Nadeko.

Although the words between the two were unclear, little Senia guessed that these despicable human beings definitely had some evil plan to arrest all the mermaid sisters, so she decided - even death, she could not Cooperate with Zhou Ye.

"I just like girls with backbone..." Zhou Ye's hand gently slipped down from little Senia's long blond hair... past her beautiful collarbone -- all the way down.

"Uh-!" A strange feeling filled little Senia's mind, and she almost couldn't help but cry out...

Fortunately, at the critical moment, she gritted her teeth, so she didn't lose her temper...

"She's really a strong girl..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, disregarding the stubbornness of little Senia. He had experienced so many women, and Zhou Ye didn't think that any woman could go against his will...

"Did you know? Little cute, whether it is human or animal, all the senses in the body are controlled by the brain..." Zhou Ye gently slid his hands on the body of little Senia, while observing her expression. "And this kind of feeling, we call it brain nerve information transmission... Whether it's pain or block courage, it's all transmitted through chemicals in the brain nerve..."

"..." Little Senia felt that the part where the hand swiped her body was like a flame was ignited in her heart. The flame was burning so fiercely that she was a little thirsty...

"And what about me? There are just some small abilities that can convey the feeling of the body to your mind, magnifying it a hundred times... Whether it is pain or that kind of pleasant feeling... It can be magnified a hundred times..."

Zhou Ye's voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was whispering in little Senia's ear.

Little Senia, unknowingly, listened to Zhou Ye's whispers...

"Do you know? What is it like to magnify the pain in your body a hundred times?" Zhou Ye didn't expect this mermaid girl to answer him, but said to himself: "For example, a breeze blows on your skin, you You will feel pain all over your body like being slashed by thousands of knives, you can't even stand, you can't sit down, you can't sleep...because every touch is a torture for you!"

Listening to Zhou Ye's words, little Senia couldn't help shaking her whole body... She couldn't imagine what kind of feeling it was, she could only clench her teeth and resist.

"But don't worry... Generally speaking, I'm more tolerant towards women, and I wouldn't use such inhumane means against them!" Zhou Ye said, with a sinister smile, "So--I decided to enlarge your slut! dare!"

I don't know when, Zhou Ye's hand has already slid down along the mermaid line...


A sharp cry came from the mouth of little Senia... She was trembling all over... If Zhou Ye hadn't grabbed her with telekinesis, she would have slipped on the deck long ago...

"Hey hey hey..." Zhou Ye looked at the marks on his hands, "I know the saying that women are made of water, but I never knew that mermaids are also made of water. I have learned a lot today..."

And with Little Senia's scream, the sea below boiled even more...

I don't know when, on the sea surface of the entire Whitecap Bay, one head after another, densely packed - surrounded the entire Umbrella in the center.

Facing Zhou Ye's direction, a beautiful figure with long blond hair just like Little Senia, under the guard of dozens of mermaids, slowly leaked half of his body on the sea.

"Human, let my daughter go, I can let you leave here safely...and, give you countless gold and silver jewelry..."

"Oh??" Zhou Ye looked at the mermaid who was shouting at him, and smiled——

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