"Don't move—"

Several Royal Navy soldiers saw Barbossa's movements, and nervously pushed the muskets in their hands forward-they had to be nervous, knowing that in the legend, the captain of the ghost thief was a cruel and even hell. People who can't be accommodated...

"No, guys, I think his request can be fulfilled as the last request before dying!" Jack Sparrow stopped the sailors, and he certainly knew why Barbossa did this. ask……

Hearing Jack's words, several soldiers looked at each other, and then slowly put down their muskets... Although they didn't know what kind of friendship Jack had with their commander, they often saw the two chatting and laughing...

"Thank you, Jack..." Captain Barbossa, who was freed again, smiled slightly, took out a watery green apple from his pocket, and bit it hard... For a while, the taste that he hadn't felt in a long time filled with his mouth... "It's so sweet..."

"Slow down... I'll wait until you finish eating the apples before I execute you..." Jack Sparrow looked at Barbossa, who was greedy and didn't want to let go of the apple juice, and even had a feeling of pity Slowly rise from the heart...

"Haha..." Captain Barbossa didn't say a word, but after smiling, he tried his best to eat the apple in his hand, and even-he didn't even let the apple core, he stuffed it all into his mouth , chewed it bit by bit, and swallowed it.

After eating the apple in his hand, Barbossa closed his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face...

Jack Sparrow just looked at Barbossa so quietly, without a trace of urgency on his face-to him, the overall situation was settled, and Barbossa couldn't make waves.

"Jack—!" Barbossa, who was closing his eyes and intoxicated, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes... While shouting the name of Jack Sparrow, he rushed towards him. past……


"Don't shoot—!"

Jack Sparrow's words were a little slow, and Barbossa fell into Jack Sparrow's arms... "You're still—still—too immature, Captain Sparrow—I... I...owe you...give it back to you...I really, really want to eat another apple...I feel...so cold..."

Jack Sparrow looked blankly at Barbossa dying in his arms. At this time, he really didn't know what kind of expression he should use to face such a scene.

Yes, that's right - Barbossa did take advantage of his trust and drove him off the beloved Black Pearl...but when he had the chance to kill himself on the spot, he just exiled himself on an island In the middle... Maybe, he really didn't want to kill himself at the beginning.

Ten years of hatred... ten years of days and nights... hatred has always been the driving force behind him, and because of Barbossa's betrayal, he has never trusted anyone since then...

But——today, he watched Barbossa die in front of his eyes, but he didn't have the slightest revenge in his heart... Yes, it was just the emptiness after the hatred disappeared.

However——the feeling of emptiness in Jack Sparrow was forcibly dispelled by him in less than a second...

With a "snack--", Jack Sparrow threw the corpse in his arms on the ground... and then said casually to the three naval soldiers who shot Barbossa: "Gentlemen, I think You need to help your colleagues... After all, there are still so many pirates who are out of control!"

Only then did the three navy soldiers rush towards the other colleagues...

Jack Sparrow looked at Brigadier General Norrington, who was busy commanding his men to capture pirates, and bent over—grabbing a few gold coins on the golden mountain and putting them in his pocket... Then he sneaked towards the hole. slip away...

He wouldn't serve in the Royal Navy with Commodore Norrington...he belongs to the sea, his soul is free...

However——Jack Sparrow thought he was secretive, but he didn't hide it from someone's eyes...

"Dear... Why did you guess right again, Sparrow really ran away..." Elizabeth said with an angry face.

Of course she had reason to be angry...because she had sworn that Jack Sparrow would never leave her lover, Commodore Norrington's...

However, the reality is... she lost her bet...

For this reason, she had to present to her man tonight what she had kept for a long time - the back.

"Because—I know, this guy is a typical prodigal son, and he will never stop for someone..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, to be honest, he really wanted to thank Sparrow, if it weren't for him running with such cooperation Lu, it's really not good for me to start with Elizabeth's...

"Dear...help me punish this irresponsible guy!" Elizabeth gritted her teeth - what do women hate most? Of course it's a person who has a bad heart... No matter if he is straight or curved, in short, bad heart is the biggest original sin.

"No problem...Baby!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, hugged Elizabeth and walked straight to Brigadier General Norrington who was busy...

When the soldiers around Brigadier General Norrington saw Zhou Ye coming, none of them dared to stop them, and they all let go with a wink... Who dares to stop this uncle? Didn't get enough of that feeling of involuntary feeling just now?

"Commodore Norrington, I think...if you don't go to the Black Pearl again, I'm afraid—Captain Sparrow is going to run away!"

A faint word, let you just finish busy yourself

Brigadier General Norrington, who was taking the time to help Will bandage his shoulders, stopped for a while... "He dares—!"

"It's not a question of whether he dares or not, but he has already done it..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, what else is more fun than Sparrow, who wants to be free, can't be free? No……

Chapter 1326

Chapter 1326

"Hum hum hum..." Jack Sparrow hummed a song, rowing the boat happily... towards the outside of the cave...

He can already see the Black Pearl from a distance...

Long before the attack, Jack Sparrow had ordered his sailors to board the Black Pearl secretly... Although there were two guys who stayed behind on the Black Pearl, but——the men who had the advantage of manpower had already Take the ship back, right?

In this way - you can swim in the sea again...

Drinking rum - driving your beloved Black Pearl... what's a better life than this? there is none left……

Thinking of this, Jack Sparrow felt that his whole body was full of energy... Although he knew that if he did this, he seemed a little sorry for his lover Norrington, but there was no way - who told him to have a free soul?

Anyway, Norrington's little lover, that Will has also been rescued... At that time, Norrington will soon forget himself with his company...

Thinking of this, Jack Sparrow actually felt a little sad, but soon - this negative emotion was completely dispelled from his mind when he reached the side of the Black Pearl...

Since then, this treasure that originally belonged to me has returned to my own hands again... This, it's really great...

Jack Sparrow climbed up the ropes on the side of the Black Pearl...and smiled happily...

For him, if he really had to choose between his lover and his love boat, he would choose his own love boat without hesitation...

"Hey- guys... I'm back..." Jack Sparrow rolled over and jumped onto the deck of the Black Pearl--he saw his crew standing on the deck at a glance... Apparently, They've taken control of the ship... "Aren't you cheering for your captain? Your captain has returned from hell, and from now on—a heavenly, free life awaits us..."

"Ha ha……"


The crew members were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say... Especially Gipps, who turned from a Royal Navy Warrant Officer to a pirate, was winking desperately at Jack Sparrow...

"What's the matter with you?? Gipps, is there something wrong with your eyes?" Jack Sparrow said, and was about to walk towards his first mate...

"It turns out that in your eyesight, the days with me are like hell..."

A faint sigh came from behind Gibbs and the others—

Jack Sparrow froze when he heard this very familiar voice... Damn it, how could Norrington be here? Shouldn't he catch pirates in the cave now and count the harvest?

However, when Jack Sparrow saw Zhou Ye and Elizabeth walking out from behind the crew with Brigadier General Norrington...in seconds he understood who he was betrayed by, and who helped Brigadier General Norrington faster than himself One step back to the Black Pearl...

"Sorry, Jack..." Although Zhou Ye said apologetically, there was no apology on his face. "I can't help it either - who makes my Elizabeth hate that kind of heartbreaker the most... So... I have to help Brigadier General Norrington..."

"..." Jack Sparrow's resentful eyes are almost turning into reality... However, now is obviously not the time when everything can be settled by just looking at him, he still needs to give an explanation to a royal brigadier general who has been abandoned by him... "Dear...you have to believe, I'm definitely not talking about you...for me, being around you is like heaven..."

"Really??" Brigadier General Norrington didn't care about the weird eyes that the crew members looked at him. He was almost mad at Jack now... "Remember what I said to you? Jack... …”

"Uh - dear, we've said too much... What are you referring to??" Jack Sparrow tried to muddle through.

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