After only five minutes, from the sailors to the captains, from the soldiers to the brigadiers, including those who jumped into the sea, not a single one was spared, and all were completely controlled by the preacher.

At the same time—on the Umbrella, more than two hundred kilometers away from Port Royal.

"Master, we have already controlled the entire fleet..." Yamato Nadeko walked in front of Zhou Ye and said respectfully.

"Order them to pick up Governor Swan onto the ship, let's go to the British Isles!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Okay, master!" Yamato Nadeko gave the soldiers an order to take Governor Swan onto the ship through the [Preacher], while starting the Umbrella and sailing towards Port Royal...

Three hours later————

Governor Swan sat dumbfounded in the captain's cabin of the Endeavour, looking at his daughter stupidly... "Dear, what the hell is going on?"

"It's nothing, father, my dear is going to discuss the ownership of India with that George II!" Elizabeth said indifferently.

"This, this, isn't it a bit bad..." Governor Swan had an indescribable feeling. After all, he was still the governor of Port Royal appointed by the king, so he rebelled... There was an indescribable feeling.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth said nonchalantly: "Others have already put their swords on our necks. If we don't fight back, others will not praise your kindness, but will only laugh at your cowardice... So, I'm here to support my dear!"

"Then... okay!" Governor Swan sighed helplessly. He knew that what his daughter said was indeed the truth, but it was a pity—perhaps from now on, he will be a rootless duckweed... no more No nationality anymore.

A week later - a huge fleet with Umbrella as its flagship and more than 80 ships of the original East India Company fleet as auxiliary ships arrived in the mainland of the British Isles.

On the first day there, the port of Flixstowe was ploughed by the artillery fire of the fleet - all merchant ships and warships in the port were completely destroyed.

The fleet then went upstream along the Thames towards Greater London... bombarding London directly.

Of course, Zhou Ye's Umbrella didn't fire again this time, it was other wooden warships that fired... Umbrella was only responsible for destroying the coastal defense guns and destroying other local fleets that came to support...

For a time, the whole city of London was booming... Even the royal palace of the English royal family, a landmark building in London, and the Tower of London were directly bombarded by Zhou Ye... There were countless aristocrats who escaped from London...

In Kensington Palace in the Royal Borough of Kensington-Chelsea, a panicked King George II is discussing with his ministers what to do.

How on earth can we take down this renegade fleet in the Thames...

That's right, George II has already recognized that this fleet is the local Strait Fleet that he sent out to capture Zhou Ye...

But so what? There's nothing he can do with this fleet that's showing off in the Thames -

Yes, that's right, he does have the Mediterranean Fleet and other fleets, but - far away can't quench near thirst...

It is estimated that after those fleets came back, they could only collect his corpse... Therefore, in addition to being depressed, the current George II also has the fear that his rule will be shaken.

Chapter 1333

Chapter 1333

"Your Majesty... I'm afraid, we have nothing to do with those robbers..." The Admiralty carefully looked at his lord's expression and said, "Our coastal defense artillery has basically been destroyed... Besides, the new Our coastal defense guns will be destroyed by the giant steel ship before they are pushed up, and even our artillery factory near London has been destroyed by the giant ship..."

"I don't care, I just want the result..." George II roared angrily: "You are all important ministers of the country, and our king was attacked by a group of pirates. Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel embarrassed? I'm going to watch that fleet perish in the Thames..."

Facing the anger of George II, the ministers standing in front of him all drooped their heads and did not say a word...

What are you kidding, fight? Artillery can't reach people, but people can easily destroy you... Moreover, this time, you took the initiative to provoke them, and you secretly ordered the guys from the East India Company to arrest them... It's not surprising that people call.

"Why don't you speak?" George II's anger did not dissipate because of the minister's silence, but grew stronger. "Aren't you all very good on weekdays? This is not allowed, this is not allowed, this is not allowed... that is not allowed... Why do you all become dumb when foreign enemies are in front of you??"

"Your Majesty!" said the Admiralty after hesitating, "Now, I am afraid we can only negotiate... Although they dare not go ashore, but - if they are allowed to continue to destroy various facilities in London, I am afraid - our National strength will be set back decades..."

"Negotiation? Never..." As a belligerent, George II would never choose to negotiate.

Hearing the words of George II, all the ministers were silent and did not say a word.

Night falls slowly...

Zhou Ye, who was on the Umbrella, was enjoying his dinner comfortably, eating a bite of Angelica's steak, and drinking a glass of wine that Juana had spent... Where is his hand? Of course, his hand was on the small waist of the two of them...

"I don't like this smelly river..." Mermaid Senia said coquettishly, "My dear, when will we go back to the sea?


For the mermaid family, the river Thames is so stinky...but it's no wonder, you must know that the Thames is almost the place where all kinds of rubbish are dumped in London... Fortunately, it's spring now, if it's summer, it's the other way around. You can smell the stench from far away.

"Come on..." Zhou Ye swallowed the steak in his mouth and ordered, "Nadeko, you can start putting pressure on them, let me see how much pressure resistance the Empire on the Sun will have in the future... …”

"As you wish, Master!" Yamato Nadeko bowed with a smile and walked towards the command room.

Soon - three fireballs rose from the vertical launch unit on the Umbrella - after the fireballs rose to the sky, they went their separate ways and flew towards their intended targets.

In Kensington Palace————

George II is sitting on his throne, silently in a daze...

Although it was time to eat dinner, he had no appetite at all. The silence of the ministers let him know that it seemed that there was a dead end in front of him, and no one could save him... But let him surrender and admit defeat, he felt very uncomfortable. Not reconciled.

However, at this moment, there was a commotion outside the door, and then his attendant came in from outside... "Your Majesty, this is the news just brought by the soldiers who inspected those fleets..."

George II took over the information from his attendant... [At 6:50, it was detected that three fireballs slowly lifted off from the giant steel ship named Umbrella, in mid-air Flying in other directions... It is deduced that this is likely to be a weapon that we do not recognize! 】

"Weapon??" George II felt like he was on pins and needles. What kind of weapon was that? Rising in mid-air to destroy where? ?

Such doubts haunted George II until - noon the next day...

"What did you say?? Thames Port, Plymouth Port and Liverpool Port were destroyed by a fireball from the sky last night??" George II asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Your Majesty..." The Admiralty said a little.

He was also a little depressed. The destruction of the port was secondary, and the most important thing was that he didn't know who destroyed it. This was the most terrible.

"Okay...I see!" George II waved his hand weakly...and made the Admiralty retreat.

The destruction of the three ports brought not only shock, but also fear to King George II...

Why is he in Kensington Palace? It's not just because I'm afraid that if I continue to live in the Tower of London next to the Thames, my safety cannot be guaranteed... I fled to Kensington Palace, which is more than 100 kilometers away from the Thames, to avoid those shells that don't have long eyes. .

However, now King George II found that even if he was hiding in Kensington Palace, it was not safe. You must know that it is nearly 400 kilometers away from Plymouth Harbour. Such a distance cannot be spared, and he can be safe here. where to go?

Unless he flees the British Isles now, otherwise, he doesn't feel safe anywhere... The British Isle is a narrow strip of land, and there is almost no strategic depth. That is to say, if people want, no matter where he runs, As long as they don't leave the island of Great Britain, everyone can hit him at sea...

"This... is it still the artillery that I know?" George II collapsed on the seat helplessly. What kind of maritime hegemony, what kind of incompetent martial arts, is all bullshit under the threat of life...

In the end, George II is just a king who rejoices in his achievements, not a warrior who sees death as his home... When his life is threatened, he will also compromise...

Two hours later, the various ministers of England gathered in front of him again, "Everyone, for the future of England, I think... negotiation!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" In the face of George II's proposal, none of the ministers objected... They were all beaten to the mainland, you are still playing an egg...

As a result, the British side formed a negotiating group headed by the Secretary of the Navy, while on Zhou Ye's side, a negotiating group headed by Governor Swan and supplemented by Commodore Nick.

After intense debate and negotiation, after Zhou Ye fired a small nuclear bomb again and completely sank Brunei, a consensus was finally reached...

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