"Forget it... I think it's better for me to be with Anna...!" Zhou Ye smiled and lowered his head, pecked Anna's cheek and said, "I wish you all a good time..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Prince Viken and his attendants burst into kind laughter... Of course Zhou Ye knew what they were laughing about, they were laughing at Zhou Ye's fear of Anna before he married Anna...

Zhou Ye wasn't angry about that either—what's the joke? Don't eat Anna's big meal, which is placed next to her, and run to hang out with the dancers in those taverns? Is the person who would do that a mentally retarded one? ?

Hearing Zhou Ye's answer, Anna couldn't help but burst into a happy smile. She turned her head and gave her lover a loving fragrance...

"Ignore them... Let's go home..." Anna said, tucked Nightmare's stomach lightly, Nightmare opened her hooves, strode past Prince Viken and the others, and ran directly to the city gate go……

"The people who live here are all the people of our family..." As soon as she passed through the low city gate, Anna tightened the reins and slowed down the speed of Nightmare... "Originally, there were three towns in our family's territory. , dozens of villages... But since Dracula came into being, the people of the people died and ran away... Now there is only one town left..."

"Trust me, baby Anna, it will slowly get better in the future..." Zhou Ye looked at the buildings in the town while comforting Anna...

The buildings here are very distinctive. Unlike other places, the buildings here basically have a high, pointed, acute-angled roof, and the height of those roofs is two to three times that of the normal houses below...

"Why are the roofs here so pointed and so high?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"The snowstorm here in winter is very severe..." Anna was moved when she heard Zhou Ye's words just now. Hearing Zhou Ye's question, she couldn't help but answer in a much gentler tone. "The pointy roof is built to prevent snow from accumulating on the roof and prevent the house from being crushed by the snow..."

At this moment, there was a burst of cheers from behind...

Zhou Ye turned his head and saw that Prince Viken and the others were being excitedly held high by a group of ragged compatriots... "It seems that your brother is still loved by the people here..."

"If they knew that you were the hero who killed the werewolf, you could also enjoy such treatment!" Anna said with a smile: "The werewolf has already killed several people, and many families are because of it. And the loss of a loved one... and because of it, the people did not dare to go out alone, and now that their fears are lifted, of course they are happy..."

"Don't you really think about going to enjoy the hero's treatment with Viken? I believe that if you go, all women will go crazy for you..." After saying this, Anna smiled With a non-smiling expression, he turned his head to look at Zhou Ye...

"...Well—it sounds really tempting... However, I believe that I can also enjoy the treatment of a hero here with baby Anna, right?" Zhou Ye said, gently pressing on Anna's covet. With a peck, he whispered in her ear: "So, my beautiful Princess Anna, are you crazy for me? What are you going to use to entertain your hero?"

"..." Anna's little face turned red with a flash...

She knew what Zhou Ye meant in his words... Zhou Ye's magnetic voice made her feel like her heart was about to jump out... She murmured in a low voice, "I've already been crazy for you..."

Listening to Anna's whisper and looking at Anna's blushing face, Zhou Ye couldn't help but pull out a sinister smile. He knew that - this evening - it was all right.

There seemed to be no more topics to talk about between the two and they became silent... But the clasped hands of the two and the eyes they exchanged from time to time revealed that the two of them were in a situation where silence is better than sound at the moment...

Nightmare carried the two of them, and under Anna's command, they came to the inner castle...

The castle of the Valerie family is not large, and because of the financial situation and territory being harassed by vampires, there is not even a single maid in the castle of their family. Of course... According to Anna, after the last maid in their family died at the hands of a vampire two years ago, no one dared to apply for the job.

The grievances between the Valerie family and Count Dracula are well known in the realm of grievances, and people can't hide, so how could they go to the Valerie family to be a maid?

"This is our family's armory... This is the restaurant..." Anna walked inside while introducing her castle to Zhou Ye...

"Why are there weapons everywhere in your house?" Zhou Ye looked curiously at the weapon racks in the dining room. There were all kinds of weapons, ranging from cold weapon flails, long swords, hunting knives, scepters to hot weapons. The fire gun, etc., etc., everything is available...

You know, this is a place to eat, so why are there so many weapons? Showing off family martial arts is not the way to show off, right?

"In order to be able to fight anytime and anywhere..." Anna shrugged her shoulders and said, "You must know that Dracula's subordinates will appear at any time at night, and they won't care if you have weapons by your side... I have been with you since I was a child. I haven't worn a skirt, since as long as I can remember, I've only had one outfit, and that's hunting..."

Hearing Anna's words, Zhou Ye sighed pitifully, what girl doesn't like beauty? A girl who doesn't wear a skirt, life is incomplete...

"Don't feel sorry for me... I'm used to it!" Anna said, taking out a bottle of Transylvania's local red wine from the small wine cabinet next to the restaurant, "I want a glass.

? I'll have to wait for dinner...because Toby and Viken are going to the pub, so I can only cook for you...if you're not in a hurry! "

"I'm not in a hurry..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "We have time... don't we?"

Chapter 1344

Chapter 1344

Dinner is very simple, just frying lamb chops... For the main dish, there is no...

"Ye, how did you come here?" Princess Anna smiled as she watched Zhou Ye gulp down the food he made, and gently shook the blood-red red wine in his hand...

For a chef, what compliment is more glorious than watching others eat up the food he's made? No……

Although Princess Anna is not a chef, when she saw Zhou Ye gulps down the lamb chops she cooked, and praised her cooking skills, her heart was as sweet as honey... …

"I came here by boat..." Zhou Ye elegantly picked up the napkin and wiped the oil stains on the edge... To be honest, Princess Anna's cooking skills can only be said to be average, but—as a chef He is a master at picking up girls who has never been defeated for many years, and he deeply understands the importance of praise.

This is not - because of his praise, Anna even gave him more than half of her food... A woman who is willing to share her food with a man is basically willing to pay more for this man...

"Really? Did it come from the sea?" Upon hearing Zhou Ye's words, Anna's eyes lit up and she asked hastily.

"That's right..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded. With the light of the candles on the dining table, Zhou Ye felt that Anna was as cute as a curious little girl at the moment.

"Is it from the Adriatic Sea?" Anna asked curiously, "Is the sea beautiful?"

"Actually, I came here by sea boat all the way from the Caribbean Sea..." Zhou Ye described: "The sea is very beautiful, especially when you watch the sun rise from the sea with your own eyes - you will The whole world feels so beautiful..."

"A little more... a little more..." The longing for the sea made Anna hold her wine glass without hesitation, stood up, walked around the long dining table, and sat in Zhou Ye's arms... Today is more than this. She has done too many intimate things, and Anna doesn't care anymore... No, in other words, she is following her inner feelings and deliberately getting close to Zhou Ye... "Tell me more stories about the sea. …”

"Of course..." Zhou Ye nodded, wrapping one arm around Anna's slender waist, and said, "Actually, my family owns an ocean-going fleet [if the East India Company is considered a fleet]... I am right. The sea is no stranger... I used to laugh with pirates and sleep with mermaids..."

Following Zhou Ye's words...

In Anna's mind, there is a magnificent and beautiful sea scenery... There is a fight with the wind and rain, and a battle of wits and courage with the pirates...

The eyes she looked at Zhou Ye were full of admiration and longing...

In fact, most of the stories in Zhou Ye's mouth were made up... Fighting with the storm? Just kidding, can he blow up the stormy cumulus clouds in the sky in one breath and chat and laugh with pirates? The Pirate King trembled when he saw him... and slept with the mermaid - er - this is true, he packed the whole mermaid family...

With the passage of time, Anna has completely fallen into the sea dream woven by Zhou Ye...


"Dear baby Anna...it's too late..." Zhou Ye looked out of the darkened window and whispered, "Don't you think it's time for a good boy to rest?"

"Hmm—!" Even the sassy Princess Anna couldn't help but shyly lowered her head when she heard Zhou Ye's words... She knew what would happen tonight, and even more... what she would lose...

"Honey, tell me, where is your room..." Zhou Ye said as he gently hugged Princess Anna in his arms and walked towards the door of the restaurant...

"Second floor...turn left...the first room..." After saying this, Anna buried her entire head in Zhou Ye's arms, letting him hold her in the posture of a princess. own room...

Looking at Anna, who was unwilling to face reality like an ostrich in his arms, Zhou Ye smiled silently. With the information provided by Anna and his super five senses, he found Anna's bedroom accurately...

This is not a very big room, and the layout is very simple... In addition to the necessary wooden couch, bookshelf and a dresser, there is a small weapon rack...

Zhou Ye carefully walked to the side of the collapse and put Anna on the couch...

Looking at Anna, whose long eyelashes kept shaking, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and called out her name in a low voice. "Anna baby..."

"I...I..." Anna didn't even dare to open her eyes, "Give me one, the first time I will never forget... Ye..."

"As you wish..." Zhou Ye said, bowed his head, and blocked Anna's desires fiercely... Different from the gentleness of the day, this time Zhou Ye looked very violent, and the violent Anna felt like the surface of the sea. Like a small boat on the boat, let the waves slap me on top of the waves...

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