After arriving on the boat, Zhou Ye simply nestled with Evelyn, while Jonathan went to the restaurant on the boat to have fun...

After Zhou Ye and Evelyn put their luggage in the cabin, they came to the deck. Although this river boat is not too big, it is generally okay. At least on the deck, there are places for people to rest. table and chairs...

Evelyn sat on a chair with a book in her hand... She is a girl who likes to read, you can tell by looking at her glasses...

Originally, Evelyn thought that Zhou Ye would sit opposite her, but——Zhou Ye walked over to her, reached out and picked her up, then sat in her place and put her on her. on my lap...

"Dear...what are you doing..." Evelyn's little face was turning red, although the two of them had done something more than this, but——that was in a private space after all, At this moment, the two were in public, and she seemed to feel the curious eyes of everyone...

"Don't do anything, you read your book, I'll come to see you..." Zhou Ye's face has long been invincible, so he doesn't care that he is showing affection with his girlfriend and being seen by others. A lot of time to sprinkle dog food, if you don't sprinkle it at this time, when will you wait?

"You, you, I can't concentrate..." Evelyn always felt that something was holding her under her body, and she couldn't help thinking about everything from last night...

"Then stop reading and enjoy the scenery with me..." Zhou Ye wrapped his arms around Evelyn's waist, looking at the scenery on both sides of the Nile... Whispered: "The most important part of the journey is not the destination, but the road. The scenery... don't miss these scenery, be careful you will regret it in the future..."


Although Evelyn was nodding her little head, as if I knew it, but in fact—she didn't pay attention to what Zhou Ye just said, because—she was just too shy...

Chapter 1367

Chapter 1367

When night gradually fell on the Nile River, the lights on the cruise ship were lit up one after another, decorating the whole ship like a dream.

At this moment, on the couch in the stateroom of the cruise ship, Evelyn snuggled in Zhou Ye's arms, breathing hard, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, revealing what kind of battle she had just experienced...

" never told me that after using that spray, that thing will be repaired..." Evelyn leaned back slightly, trying to make her whole body fit with her own. Men contact... Don't look at her complaining, but in fact... she can't wait to rub her whole body into his body.

"Doesn't it feel good?" Zhou Ye played with Evelyn's hair lightly and teased, "But just now you were very excited and said to me, [This kind of feeling is awesome...]"

"Bad..." Evelyn reluctantly used her cockroach to arch Zhou Ye to show her dissatisfaction...

"Haha..." Zhou Ye looked at the darkened sky outside the window, and said in a low voice, "Be here and wait for me, I'll get you something to eat..."

"Well..." Evelyn nodded obediently, then watched her man get up from the couch, and swaggered in clothes in front of her...

What to say?

If someone told Evelyn before that women can look at a man's body and see hair growing in their hearts, she would definitely laugh at that guy, and turn around and leave with disdain...

But now, when looking at her man's perfect body, Evelyn really has a desperate urge to drag him back to the couch...

But fortunately, her faint pain reminded her that she was really dying... So, Evelyn didn't have to be so impulsive to drag her man back, otherwise, Evelyn would find out— -The land will also be damaged by cattle farming, who called Zhou Ye an iron ox...

At this time, Zhou Ye had already put on his clothes, walked to the couch, bent down gently, pecked at Evelyn's side, and asked softly, "What do you want to eat? Baby..."

"You can eat whatever you want, I'm not picky eaters... As long as you bring it for me, I like it..." Evelynn said madly.

"Ok, wait a moment, I'll bring it to you right away..." Zhou Ye nodded, then turned around and walked out of the stateroom...

Evelyn watched Zhou Ye walk out of the cabin, and then forced herself to sit up from the couch... After fumbling for a long time in the luggage next to her, she finally found a bottle of healing spray with the umbrella logo on it... Then He got into the bed again... He muttered to himself: "I'm not a changer who likes pain... I just... I just... Yes, I just want to spend time with my dear on the deck. It's just dinner, on the Nile, in the moonlight, having dinner together, romantic that would be..."

While speaking, Evelyn pressed the spray against a certain part of her body under the quilt... "Hi... it's so cold..."

As for whether she really wants to have dinner with Zhou Ye under the moon, or there are other reasons... I'm afraid only Evelyn herself knows...

And at this moment, Zhou Ye has come to the small lounge in front of the restaurant, where Jonathan is playing cards and gambling with a group of American guys...

Seeing Zhou Ye approaching, an American guy called out to him, "Hey, boy... We're missing a card game, do we want to play together?"

"No..." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "I'm going to get Evelyn something to eat. She's seasick and hasn't eaten anything all afternoon..."

"Hahaha...Come on, don't always revolve around women, women are just a concoction for our men, come and play..."

"Yes, if you don't have any money, we can lend you some first, right? Jonathan?"

"Only cowards revolve around women... let's play cards, buddy..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, a group of American guys started to boo, trying to stimulate Zhou Ye to play cards——

No way, who told Zhou Ye to look only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looks like a big boy. Such a teenager is the most likely to be agitated... Besides, he is the best fat sheep...

"Are you sure you want to play poker with me??" Zhou Ye smiled. He came to Jonathan's back, raised his hand, and picked up the cards on the poker table... After shuffling a few times, he put the The poker was placed face up on the table, and then—pulled away...

I saw that the whole deck of poker has become - aaaa_2222_3333_4444_5555... neatly stacked according to the size of the card...


"Oh my God……"

"I think you should go to those big casinos and play with them..."

"What a pair of magical hands, how did you do it..."

A few people looked at the cards on the table, their eyes almost popped out... They looked like they were making a fuss... But they never mentioned the matter of looking for Zhou Ye to play cards...

"It's just a little magic trick..." After Zhou Ye finished speaking, he ignored a few people and turned around and walked towards the restaurant...

When Zhou Ye came out of the restaurant with dinner for two, those American guys played cards with Jonathan again, but no one called Zhou Ye to play cards with Zhou Ye again. Ye is playing cards... They like to gamble, but they don't like to lose money, especially the kind of gambling that must be lost. Only fools play.

"" Evelyn, who was sitting on the deck table and chair, shouted loudly when she saw Zhou Ye approaching from a distance.

"..." Zhou Ye silently looked at Evelyn, who was excited, and walked over with a dinner plate...

While placing the dinner plate, he asked, "Why did you come out? Does it hurt?"

" doesn't hurt anymore..." Evelyn said as she took the plate from Zhou Ye's hand and helped put it on the table...

"Uh—" Zhou Ye's hands stagnated for a while, then looked at Evelyn with a strange look... "Did you use a healing spray?"

"Because, because I want to have dinner with you under the moonlight..." Evelyn lowered her head, trying to hide her unnaturalness with her movements...

"Well... I understand!" Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously. It seems that Evelyn's most suitable ability is the super-speed recovery of the x world... It seems that I will be blessed in the future, and I can be a groom every night...

"Bad..." Evelyn saw Zhou Ye's gushing smile, and her whole person was not well... She felt that all her thoughts had been seen through by him...

But fortunately, Zhou Ye didn't say anything else, and this didn't make Evelyn continue to be embarrassed... "Let's eat... I think you should be hungry..."

"Well..." Evelyn nodded her head vigorously. She was really hungry. You must know that exercise is also very exhausting... The two of them were on the table and chairs on the side of the boat. Enjoy their dinner under the bright moonlight...

Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368

When they were halfway through their romantic dinner, Zhou Ye suddenly heard the sound of wood pulp paddling in the distance...

Here comes the word...

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