
With a scream - the glasses brother is completely... cold...

The Americans, who were in a hurry, met Zhou Ye and the others who were coming... They didn't care much, and shouted: "Run... there are ghosts..."

Then I kept running towards the door...

Looking at the poker players who had just passed him by, Jonathan became a little timid, and he said nono: "Zhou, Eve..., or else... or let's go back..."

"If you want to go back, go back by yourself... I caused the disaster... I will be responsible for destroying that damn guy!" Evelyn shook her head stubbornly.

Hearing his sister's answer, Jonathan couldn't help but look at Zhou Ye for help. In his opinion, his sister listened to Zhou Ye's words the most. As long as Zhou Ye spoke... his sister would definitely leave here. ...

But—apparently he miscalculated...

Zhou Ye didn't take the resurrected high priest Imorton in his eyes at all, let alone the undead mummy. Even in the face of the Egyptian god of death, Zhou Ye wouldn't change his face at all. Isn't it a dimensional power? Zhou Ye is not afraid of them at all...

In the face of Jonathan's request for help, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly: "Jonathan... Are you going to go back empty-handed like this? You know... Seti I's treasures are all hidden here, just give up like this. If so, are you sure you won't regret it in the future??"

Jonathan looked at Zhou Ye's relaxed look...and then looked at the firm look on his sister's face, and gritted his teeth, "Okay...I see, I'll go with you guys and kick the dead man. The apple of the resurrected high priest..."

"That's right... I promise you will never be disappointed..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and walked towards the front of the corridor without hesitation, holding Evelyn. He had already heard someone's wailing...

As the three reached an agreement, their speed was also a little faster...


The three walked to the entrance of the tunnel, in a small room... Everyone saw the figure of the glasses, but at this time, he had become a little terrifying, his eyes were completely gouged out, and from his In the babble of life-saving sounds, it can also be seen that the snake head in his mouth has disappeared...

"Roar----!!" With a loud roar that didn't sound like a human voice, Zhou Ye finally saw the resurrected High Priest of Immorton... He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Hello—big Priest...I have a small request, please don't refuse..."

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379

"My luck is really good..." High Priest Imorton looked at Zhou Ye who was standing in front of him, and on his hideous skeleton face, he pulled out an expression that was hard to tell whether he was crying or laughing, and said proudly: " I didn't expect...to find you so easily, curser...for my resurrection, your death is honorable...for my resurrection, sacrifice your flesh...mortal!"

"What is he muttering there??" Facing Imorton's words, Zhou Ye's face was bewildered, and he had to ask for help from Evelyn beside him.

No way, who told the newly resurrected Immorton to speak the ancient Egyptian language? Zhou Ye can understand Arabic, and Zhou Ye can understand Egyptian, but—ancient Egyptian... ahem, it's a bit nonsense...

"I don't understand at all. Hey, can you speak Chinese? Or English too..."

"Darling, he, he's calling you the curser..." Although Evelyn was also taken aback by Immorton's appearance as a living dead, perhaps it was because of her own man's ridicule, so her heart was unexpectedly Don't feel scared... "And—he said he told you to sacrifice your blood..."

"Huh??" After listening to Evelyn's translation, Zhou Ye's smile turned even brighter...

If someone who knew Zhou Ye was present at this time, it would have been a long time ago, how far he would have run...

This bright smile - it means that Zhou Ye is really angry...

"Kneel down, scum!" Following Zhou Ye's words softly spit out from his mouth, Immorton only felt that his whole body was being squeezed by ten thousand force, even if he was resurrected, he became enough to cause disaster. The peerless evildoer on one side had to be crushed to the ground by this invisible giant force... "No... No, this is impossible..."

"Who are you? Who the hell are you?" Imorton raised his head with difficulty, and despite the rattling of his bones, he still refused to yield and stared at Zhou Ye... Waiting for his reply.

"I hate your eyes... your eyes are useless..."

The words that came out of Zhou Ye's mouth were like golden rules, and as he said it, Imorton just put it into his eyes. The pair of eyes obtained from the man with glasses were like blisters that were crushed by a pair of invisible big hands, making two popping sounds, and they were completely crushed.

"Ah——!" Imorton felt that at this moment, not only his eyeballs were pinched, but also his eyesight... He completely lost his sight.

When he didn't get the glasses man's eyeballs, although he could see things a little blurry, he could still see a little bit, but as his eyeballs were squeezed out by an invisible force, he felt darkness in front of him... He— - Lost all of my vision.

Imorton instantly understood that he had hit an iron plate...

The instinct of survival made him immediately use all his strength and pleaded loudly: "Great existence, please forgive the humble.

My little me, I am willing to give you everything in Hamna Tower...in exchange for my life! "

After more than 3,000 years of death, the dark world of the undead, Immorton does not want to go back at all...

Only when you have died can you know fear, and only when you have been to the world of the dead can you understand the preciousness of the world of the living...

Immorton really doesn't want to die anymore...

Of course, if it is just this kind of person who is not a human being and a ghost or a ghost, Immorton is not willing to live, but there is no way... Now, the cursed is too powerful, and he is so powerful that he even has a shred of hope of victory. Can't even see... What do you ask him to do? ?

When Evelyn, the simultaneous translator, translated Imorton's words, Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "Give you a chance to atone, don't play tricks... Otherwise, I will send you back to the world of the dead again. of!"

After Zhou Ye's words were finished, Immo felt that the tens of thousands of pressures on his body had disappeared all of a sudden... However, he didn't dare to stand up immediately, instead he respectfully kowtowed again, only then did he dare to stand Get up... "Yes—great beings! Please... come with me..."

Imorton said, without hesitation, he led the way and walked towards a small fork that no one cared about before...

Should I say, is it worthy of being the High Priest Immorton?

Even if he has lost his vision, in this underground city completed by his oversight, he can still easily lead everyone through this labyrinth-like underground city...

When he brought Zhou Ye to an empty cubicle, he was stopped by Zhou Ye... "Wait a minute!"

"Great existence, what's the matter with you??" Imorton stopped his steps for some unknown reason. He didn't know what was in this small room worthy of Zhou Ye's stopping...

"I found some gadgets, it seems we need to delay..." Zhou Ye said and looked at Evelyn...

And Evelyn, at this time, has been completely attracted by a sitting statue of the sun god in the room... There is a bible of the dead at the feet of the god of death, so——what will be at the feet of the sun god? Do you still need to ask?

However, since Imorton was beside everyone, Evelyn didn't dare to speak, so she could only keep pointing at Zhou Ye with her eyes...

Of course, Zhou Ye understood this... After all—the Sun Bible was also in his collection.

Zhou Ye walked directly under the statue of the sun god, then squatted down, grabbed the partition and pulled it gently...

For others, the dead partition was pulled out by him with a gentle pull... At the moment when the partition was pulled out, Evelyn saw the box containing the Sun Bible...

Evelyn clenched her fists happily, and Zhou Ye directly received the Sun Bible into her wristband, and then asked Evelyn to help convey her order again: "My business has been done... ...it's time to move on to the treasury!"

"Yes." Imorton nodded..., and then walked towards the treasure house respectfully again...

To be honest, Immorton’s heart is full of unease at this moment, although—the Bible of the Dead, the Bible of the Sun, were put here many years after his death, but—the room should be placed here. What, Immorton knows better than anyone...

If, if he remembered correctly, the room he just walked through—the room where the only statue of the sun god is placed in the entire tomb... Then, what is there, he doesn't need to guess... Although he has already out of sight.

Why does this being take the Sun Bible? Does he understand the role of the Sun Bible? What is he going to do? To completely destroy yourself?

Immorton walked ahead uneasy-it seems that he has to make plans earlier...and, maybe, he can still...

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380

"Here - the treasure room of Seti I... a great existence!"

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