Nagini sat on his suitcase expressionlessly, waiting coldly for his regiment leader to negotiate with the customs officers at the port...

Their magic circus can't last in the United States, and anti-wizard sentiment is on the rise here. Therefore, the wizards in the United States have to hold their tails, which also causes their business to go down day by day.

And - recently, macusa, the wizarding agency in the United States, issued regulations prohibiting wizards from owning magical animals, which was a deadly blow to the sluggish magical circus...

You know, whether it's a Muggle circus or a wizard's magic circus, the kinds of shows they perform may be quite different, but - they almost have their own animal trainer performances...

No magical circus is complete without magical beasts...  

Therefore - this magical circus had to leave the United States, and their destination was in Europe, perhaps - on the continent where wizards originated, they would have a better harvest...

However, Nagini has no interest in it...

For her, now—every day passes, it means that the blood magic spell in her body spreads for a day, and if it goes on like this... One day, she will completely lose her human form and become an ordinary person. python's...

In this situation, it is very good that Nagini did not completely collapse...

Nagini sat bored on her luggage and watched her group members keep busy there. She did have such qualifications. Who told her to be the pillar of this magical circus? A lot of people buy tickets just to see her switch back and forth between human and snake forms.

"Hello..." A magnetic voice sounded in Nagini's ear, she couldn't help but raised her head and looked towards the place where the voice sounded. "You are……?"

Nagini was sure that he had never seen this handsome young man standing in front of him, why did he greet him?

Is he here to strike up a conversation?

It's so boring...

After Nagini sighed, he looked at Zhou Ye expressionlessly, and said in an unwavering voice, "I'm sorry, this gentleman, if you want to ask if we've met before, then I think I I don't know you... If you want to invite me for a cup of coffee, I can only say sorry, because in ten minutes, I will get on the boat and leave the United States..."

"Tsk tsk... what an attitude of rejection..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "It's really cold!"

"..." After Nagini rolled his eyes at Zhou Ye, he didn't say anything anymore...

If - when she was not under the blood curse, maybe she would be very happy to have such a handsome young man approaching her, after all, it represented her femininity... But now?

In her heart, she only lamented her own destiny... How could she have the leisure to take care of Zhou Ye?

"You... don't want to undo the blood curse on your body?" Zhou Ye's whisper, like a devil's murmur, instantly made Nagini stand up... She stretched out her hand and grabbed Zhou Ye's body tightly. Arm, asked excitedly: " have a way to lift the blood curse on me??"

"Guess..." Zhou Ye smiled and didn't answer. He turned around and walked towards Newt, who was waiting for him in the far side of the port.

"..." Nagini stood on the spot... Her mind was like a mess, and she didn't know what to do? Want to follow? Or... just take it as a joke, just take a look?

However, at this moment, a voice came from afar, "If you still want to solve the blood curse on your body, then follow along..."

Zhou Ye's words instantly destroyed Nagini's psychological defense...

Just like patients who know they are terminally ill, if they can, they are willing to give everything they have in exchange for their healthy bodies.

Death - not scary.

What's scary is watching myself approaching death day by day, but there's nothing I can do...

Although the blood curse in Nagini will not cause her to die, it will make her lose her humanity day by day, and eventually become a beast, which is more terrifying to her than death...

No one wants to be a beast forever...Nagini is no exception.

Thinking of this, Nagini stood up without hesitation, and regardless of the high heels he was wearing, he quickly chased behind Zhou Ye...

Even if it was just a straw, Nagini had to hold onto it firmly at this time... This was her last hope.

"Nagini...where are you going? We should go..."

At this moment, the head of the delegation who had just finished negotiating with the customs officers at the port came out. As soon as he came out, he saw that his pillar had actually run away, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"I'm quitting!" Nagini's words without looking back made the head of the regiment stand on the spot for an instant.

"What should I do? Head..." Several circus performers gathered around and asked nervously.

"Nagini is our trademark... Without her, our circus would be less attractive..."

"It's... Captain, think of a way..."

"What can I do?" the head of the circus roared with a gloomy expression: "It's not the same as before, do you think the world is still the same kind of slavery? If possible, I also want to I'm going to put a chain on her head and let her die for me..."

Hearing the roar of the group leader, the performers lowered their heads... They knew that their group leader was right. Now everyone is free, and they can't stay if they want to leave...

"But it's fortunate... Fortunately, I have already prepared..." The commander, after taking a long breath, said: "It seems that our first stop is going to Romania, where I pass the local wizard. Help, buy a python... exactly the same as Nagini's transformed python..."

" won't transform..." A performer said timidly.

"Why was the necklace with the constant transformation spell prepared? Wasn't it prepared for this time?" said the head of the group viciously.

"Then...then aren't we deceiving the audience?"

"Are you willing to be an honest-good kid who is hungry and has no money, or would you rather be a bad kid who is full of lies, but can fill his stomach and earn a lot of money??"

Hearing the words of the leader of the group, all the performers fell silent... Compared with honesty, it is more important to fill one's stomach, right?

The head of the group watched proudly that his performers had reached an agreement on this matter, and smiled slightly: "Okay, it's time for us to set off... I have decided that I will still call the python Najib. Ni..."

"Yes... Captain..." xn

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389

"Zhou... Who is this??" Newt looked blankly at the Asian girl following Zhou Ye, then looked at Zhou Ye, and asked, "Don't tell me... it's just a blink of an eye. You'll just..."

"No, you're thinking too much..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "She's just my patient. Now—I'm her doctor. The relationship between us is so pure..."

"Okay alright... I hope so!" Newt's face was hopeless...

If you always have a playboy by your side, you'll be as skeptical of life as Newt.

"Nagini..." These short words can be regarded as Nagini's self-introduction. Although she introduced herself to Newt, her eyes have never left Zhou Ye for a while. In other words, Zhou Ye was her last straw.

"Hello Nagini, I'm Newt Scamander..." After Newt said these words, he realized that he was completely throwing female eyebrows at the blind man, and Nagini paid no attention to what he meant. No……

"Uh—!" Newt rubbed the corner of his clothes in embarrassment, then looked at Zhou Ye helplessly and said, "Zhou, where are we going now?"

"I don't care, I can go anywhere..." Zhou Ye spread his hands with a smile, "Anyway, I followed you to see the magical Appaloosa Ma Pforskane!"

"Okay..." Newt sighed, "Then let's go..."

"The subway entrance is here..." Fortunately, Nagini, who has lived in New York for more than a month, knows the fastest way to get here, so Zhou Ye and others can avoid the embarrassment of crowding the bus...

In the morning, the line from the subway in the port area to downtown New York is not busy. After all, the port area is not a residential area, and few people come to take a boat in the early morning. As for the workers in the port area? They have their own dormitories nearby. For the time being, this place is not New York, where an inch of land is expensive. There is a lot of idle land, and there is no need to worry about no place to live.

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