“Wipe, so easy?”

Lin Ye’s whole person was a little crying and laughing.

He never expected that after working for a long time, the password turned out to be the simplest 1234….

“I already knew that if I tried it, I wouldn’t be chased by this large group of zombies?”

“Hey, caution is overdone!”

Lin Ye was a little depressed, and shook his head speechlessly.

But after thinking about it a little, he felt that he still didn’t do anything wrong.

If you are not so careful, in the zombie world, it is very likely to become food for these beasts.

Until the virus is found, everything has to be careful.

Lin Ye opened his mobile phone, and then quickly looked for his own map app.

Everyone in the live broadcast room watched him drive with one hand and play with his mobile phone with the other, and many viewers laughed a little.

“I have been busy for a long time, but I am actually for a mobile phone lock?”

“Does this guy have a penchant for voyeurism?”

“It’s all this time, still have the leisure to play with your mobile phone?”

“It’s also thanks to the zombie outbreak, otherwise the points of this driver’s license are not enough to deduct!”

“Hahaha, it’s so coquettish!”

Lin Ye’s various abnormal behaviors have made countless people a little puzzled, after all, such a painstaking effort to unlock the mobile phone is a waste of time and life in the eyes of countless people.

Normal players, which would do that?

Shouldn’t the hard-zombies be directly slaughtered?

Lin Ye drove the car with one hand and quickly entered something with the other.

He subconsciously looked up at the road, there was no lost trace in front, but a few hundred meters behind him, densely followed a lot.

Cracking sound!

Lin Ye quickly entered the English of the CDC in the map search bar that came with the iPhone, and countless options suddenly popped up.

15 miles!

The nearest CDC.

Lin Ye also finally knows where he is, a small town suburb under Butte County in California’s Central Valley.

“It’s really biased!”

Lin Ye sighed, but the speed of the car was not slow at all, because he heard the galloping sound of the car, and several zombies blocking the road appeared in front of him.

“This way, you can practice marksmanship!”

Lin Ye put the phone aside, the road to the CDC is easy to find, it is in the town.

Follow this road all the way and turn a few corners to arrive.


Lin Ye controls the steering wheel with his right hand and holds a DesertEagle in his left hand, Chinese famous – Desert Eagle.

It is also thanks to the fact that the main driver’s seat of the American car and the Huaxia car are the same, and they are both left-hand drive driving, so Lin Ye can drive so presumptuously.

He aimed at a zombie not far away.


The moment he pulled the trigger, Lin Ye’s entire hand almost lost control, and the person also slammed into the back seat.


The car made a sharp turn on the road, but fortunately Lin Ye’s right hand turned back in time to not rush out of the road.

“This gun has such a lot of recoil!”

Lin Ye was a little shocked, fortunately he didn’t shoot the zombies with a gun on the farm before, otherwise the zombies didn’t hit, and he was likely to be eaten by the zombies.

Although he learned intermediate pistol mastery, his proficiency was not enough.

Each pistol shot has recoil, but not the same power.

Lin Ye just tried to have a cushion in his hand, but the recoil of the Desert Eagle is one of the strongest models of pistols.

Its recoil, once a test gun operator jokingly praised: “Only people weighing 80 kilograms can use it normally, you can imagine its recoil!” ”

Moreover, the Desert Eagle has a complex structure and low reliability, and cannot adapt to the complex and harsh battlefield environment.

“Damn, I was pitted by the movie!”

“This gun is beautiful is beautiful, the practicality is a little low!”

Lin Ye fired two more shots before he was somewhat adapted to the trajectory of the Desert Eagle, and it was not until the fifth shot that he successfully shot a zombie in the head.

But the result is that the zombies that follow behind … Increased again.

“Lord Lin, this is playing with fire!”

“Once his car runs out of gas, he doesn’t know how to die!”

“Yes, there are so many zombies, I estimated, at least two hundred!”

“It’s horrible…”

Countless spectators were worried there, but Lin Ye’s marksmanship improved by leaps and bounds in the process of shooting zombies.

Intermediate pistol proficiency can almost make Lin Ye reach the level of a policeman.

The senior is the level of soldiers, while the master level is the level of mercenaries and special forces.

The skills in Ark are, from lowest to highest, they are beginner, intermediate, advanced, master, grandmaster, and god.

The junior is the level of ordinary people, the intermediate level must have a bit of a professional level, and the advanced can be regarded as mastering this skill, but there is still a long way to go from the final god level.

According to the comparison of marksmanship, there are six levels of gun god, gun king, soldier king, special forces, police and gun enthusiasts.

Therefore, Lin Ye’s “god-level skill card” will make Lian Yunchang so worried.

God-level marksmanship, that has almost reached the level of divine superlativeness, the gun is a headshot, and listening to the wind debate, it is estimated that it can reach the point where you can kill with your eyes closed!

But Lin Ye felt that the use of god-level skill books in marksmanship was definitely overkill.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lin Ye shot the zombies in front of him, and the number of heads harvested had reached 11.

But the car has already driven into the town, which is a densely populated area of this place, so there are more and more zombies, and Lin Ye has been intercepted by several waves of zombies.

If the car hadn’t been fast enough to rush straight away, he would have been engulfed by the zombie tide several times.

“The day you get off the bus, it’s the time when the forest is violently killed!”

“Hahaha, I think so too!”

“There are too many, there are hundreds of zombies rushing along the road, and there are still in the key town, why did this guy Lin Ye come to this place, it was simply seeking his own death!”

“Shouldn’t it, how did Lin Dashen, who was so cautious before, become so irritable now?”

Countless people are a little puzzled.

And this town is obviously where players have come, because there are corpses that are different from ordinary people everywhere, but more often, players have also mutated and become zombies, hiding in this town.

This is the saddest thing, the dead are dead, and they become zombies biting.

The key physique also fully simulates the player, so high-level zombies in the second and third stages can be seen everywhere.

Lin Ye was almost in a desperate situation, how could he not have imagined that a zombie in a small town would be so terrifying?


Countless zombies rushed towards him at high speed, each with a bloodthirsty and fanatical cold glow in his eyes, and his facial features were twisted and hideous, making people shudder.

Lin Ye’s scalp felt a little numb, among them were the zombies of the second and third stages, although they could not activate their skills, but the strength of their bodies was no longer comparable to ordinary zombies.

“It’s over!”

“This Great God of Boling is going to hang!”

“Mortals… After all, you can’t resist zombies! ”

Countless people shook their heads, and the forest in front of them was absolutely in a desperate situation.

There are dozens of zombies intercepted in front, and hundreds of meters behind, there are hundreds of zombies desperately chasing, no matter how it looks like they are caught turtles in an urn.

But Lin Ye, who was sitting in the car in his line of sight, had the corners of his mouth at this time… A sneer suddenly emerged.

“It’s all over!”

He muttered, and then pulled out a grenade!

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