Movie World’s Archvillain

Vol 10 Chapter 37: You just want to go to her (one more)

Wu Yang secretly said in his heart that it was impossible for Lao Tzu to have any memories of Sun Wukong. But we still have to keep it.

Wu Yang hasn't spoken yet. Chunsanniang has said, "Sister and sister, even if this is the case, Wu Yang is only Wu Yang now. His previous life has paid the price, and what does it have to do with this life?"

"I don't care, since he is Sun Wukong's reincarnation, he must bear his due responsibilities, otherwise it is too cheap for him. Sister, you and him are getting better now, don't stand and talk without backache." Bai Jingjing said with some anger.

Wu Yang said calmly: "Thirty mother, don't say it, let me say it. Jingjing, I know that Sun Wukong has done a lot of damage to you, and I will compensate you."

"Compensation? What do you use to compensate me? It's good to be a good person now," Bai Jingjing said satirically.

"I said that I may be the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, but I am just Wu Yang now, and I have my way of doing things." Wu Yang said lightly.

Bai Jingjing sneered: "Do you admit that you are the reincarnation of Sun Wukong?"

"If you think so, I don't object."

"Okay, since it is, then you should bear the price for your past life, so that's no problem." Bai Jingjing said sharply.

"Sister Shi, don't go too far." Chunsanniang called.

"Thirty mothers, don't talk, let her go on. Jingjing, I sympathize with your experience, I have been deceived. If you need to find someone to bear the cost, I am willing to bear it." Wu Yang said fearlessly.

Chunsanniang already cried, "You're stupid."

Bai Jingjing laughed and said, "Wu Yang, this is what you said. I want your life to pay me back."

Chun Sanniang stood in front of Wu Yang and cried, "Sister sister, if you move Wu Yang a little" hair ", I will kill you."

"You are happy with him now, what about me?" Bai Jingjing said enviously and enviously.

"I control you, Wu Yang is my man, no one wants to touch him." Chunsanniang called.

Wu Yang pulled back Spring Thirty Niang and said, "Thirty Niang, if you believe me, leave it to me."


"Well, believe me, just be quiet." Wu Yang patted his hand on Chun Sanniang's shoulder, then whispered in the ear of Chun Sanniang, "Thirty Niang, believe me, even if I stood and let her kill, and she couldn't kill me. "

Chun Sanniang just remembered Wu Yang's amazing strength, and the so-called concern was "chaos".

"What whisper? What can't be said directly?" Bai Jingjing's eyes had a hint of uncontrollable jealousy.

Chun Sanniang laughed and said, "Sister, I don't care about your business. Wu Yang is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, and he really has to bear the price for the previous things."

"Sister, isn't it like you, are you willing to let it go?" Bai Jingjing sarcastically said.

"My spring thirty mother-in-law said no one else. You can do whatever you want. I will never stop."

Bai Jingjing smiled and said, "Sister, this is what you said. Don't break your word later."

Wu Yang walked towards Bai Jingjing, "Jingjing you want to kill me, I have no complaints."

"Speak less of such hypocritical words." Bai Jingjing picked up Chun Sanniang's sword and pointed at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said calmly: "I used to have a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. When I lost it, I regretted it. The most painful thing in the world is this."

Listening to Wu Yang's words, Bai Jingjing's hands trembled. And Chunsanniang was a little jealous. If such a moving word, Wu Yang didn't say to her, no, next time I would let Wu Yang tell her again.

A tear from Wu Yang came out of his eyes. To touch others first, he must first touch himself. He can't touch himself. What else can he talk about?

Tears slipped on Wu Yang's face. Wu Yang looked at Bai Jingjing's eyes and continued: "If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl: I love you!"

Bai Jingjing shook her head slightly, tears came out of her eyes, and the hand holding the sword shook even more severely, and Wu Yang had come together, and the sword tip had pierced Wu Yang's clothes.

Wu Yang ignored it and continued: "If I have to add a deadline to this love, I hope it will be 10,000 years."

Bai Jingjing's hands softened, the sword fell, and he yelled at Wu Yang: "Why?"

After Bai Jingjing said, he turned and ran quickly towards the outside.

Wu Yang looked at Bai Jingjing's back, and "Lu" gave out a wicked smile, a demo, still wanting to fight me? Do n’t do it if I do n’t lie, I ’m not called Wu Yang.

Chunsanniang walked to Wu Yang full of jealousy, twisted her hand with one hand to get her ears, and said with jealousy: "What I said just now is so good, it moved me. The world ’s first touching story, I am excited to see the sisters. "

Wu Yang said with a smile: "No matter how good you are, how can you do it well? In my mind, you are the 30th mother."

Chun Sanniang was happy when she heard it, but she said, "Let's give me a" soul "soul soup. I ask you, are you really saying those things to Bai Jingjing just now?"

"What do you think?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"How do I know, I don't care, you have to tell me all those things you just said."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Don't say it again, there will be no problem ten or hundreds times."

"There is no trace of sincerity. Wu Yang, you don't want to give my sister and sister." Chun Sanniang looked at Wu Yang's eyes and wanted to see something out of it.

Wu Yang coughed. "Cough, Jingjing is also very unfortunate. Since my previous life has made mistakes, naturally this life cannot be wrong."

Chun Sanniang slammed Wu Yang's waist, "Dead ghost, you just want to go to her, you're wrong."

"Thirty Niang, it's wrong for you to say that. Jingjing is so miserable, I have an obligation to make her happy." Wu Yang's compassion.

Chun thirty despised: "You don't have to find a man for her. She is still an old virgin, innocent, and no one will ever abandon her."

"How can this be done? You can bear your own mistakes, and find another man to give her, I'm not assured."

"Don't worry about your head."

Wu Yang took Chun Sanniang's hand from her waist, and smiled evilly, "My thirty niang, this matter is so decided." ..

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