Movies And Tv: Starting From Being A Lawyer

Chapter 129 He Is My Man (Please Support)

"Oh, I just drank a little too much today, don't guess, it was agreed before, you, me, Lei Yu, the three of us, form a three-person team, play together and make trouble, friendship lasts forever kind of."

Alicia emphasized.

Seeing that she refused to admit it, Hu Nan couldn't say anything more.

"Then I'll go back first, you should rest early."

After speaking, Hu Nan also went downstairs to go home.

When Lei Yu returned to the villa, it was already half past one in the evening.

Gao Wen's house lights are still on...

After Lei Yu parked the car, she rang the doorbell of her house.

Pressed for a while...

Gao Wen, who was drunk, leaned on the wall and came over to open the door.

"You finally came."

With a bottle of wine in her hand, Gao Wen suddenly fell into Lei Yu's arms.

"Why? Why did she treat me like this? I obviously treat her so well!" Gao Wen muttered.

Lei Yu is afraid of any paparazzi around...

So he quickly brought Gao Wen into the house.

When Gao Wen called him before, the voice could be heard.

At that time, she didn't drink much alcohol, just crying.

It took Lei Yu more than forty minutes to drive back...

It should be the wine I drank during this time!

Gao Wen is now saying something here and there...

I can't even understand what she wants to express!

So Lei Yu directly used mind reading.

But he found out...

This is the time when the mind of the person whose mind is read is disturbed.

Then what he read is also messed up!

Lei Yu stroked for a while, and finally figured it out.

It turned out that when Gao Wen was studying, she was not a good student.

Drinking, smoking, fighting! She did it all!

Now her hair is small...

That is, her best girlfriend when she was studying.

She leaked the photos of Gao Wen smoking and fighting to the media.

Now her personality is set in the hearts of the public, and it has collapsed in an instant!

Lei Yu took out his mobile phone, Baidu checked...

The collapse of Gao Wen's persona really hit the headlines.

Now her notifications have all been stopped!

The former big star suddenly fell to the bottom.

Lei Yu carried Gao Wen upstairs and wiped her face with a towel.

I see she's fast asleep...

After helping her tidy up the house, she left.

back to my home....

After taking a shower, lying on the bed, Lei Yu was full of thoughts.

To say that Gao Wen used to smoke, drink, fight...

That was when she was a teenager, and now it's completely different.

Who hasn't made some mistakes when they were young?

And Gao Wen's problem is not a big problem!

It's wrong, she's an entertainer! She's a public figure!

Even if it is her past, it is still unforgivable!

And when she was young, why did she expose these photos to the media?

Nothing more than, is for their own interests!

Thinking of this, Lei Yu already had a general idea in his heart.

I don't think so much, put down the phone and go straight to sleep.

Waking up early the next morning...

Lei Yu went downstairs directly and rang the doorbell of Gao Wen's house.

It's been five minutes...

She walked down listlessly and opened the door.

"It's coming." Gao Wen raised her head, glanced at Lei Yu, and said calmly.

"Tell me more specifically, what's going on?"

After entering the house, Lei Yu asked.

Gao Wen walked a few steps and sat directly on the steps of the stairs.

"Since I was young, my family was incomplete. I lived with my father. When I was very young, he smoked and drank every day. Later, my mother left us. I always felt that she left because she could not see I am used to my father's virtues, I think my mother was angry with my father and left!"

"So what my dad said, I confronted him. He smoked, and I smoked, and he drank, and I drank too. I even fought with girls in other classes!"

"It wasn't until the second year of high school that I suddenly discovered that my dad stopped smoking and drinking. Although my attitude towards him was still very bad, in my heart, I was happy for him."

"In the summer vacation when I was about to go to the third year of high school, my dad suddenly collapsed in front of me. Later, he was sent to the hospital and found out that he had lung cancer! And he had been diagnosed for a long time, and it was in the advanced stage! He never told me that before his death , The last sentence I said was, I hope I can be admitted to a good university and be able to take good care of myself in the future.

"After my father left, people in the village raised money for me to read the book. Because of the last sentence my father said, I studied desperately. Later, under the guidance of the teacher, I took the art test. I was admitted to the Academy of Film Arts, and that’s how I am now.”

"After I was admitted to university, I learned from the old people in the village that my mother secretly had sex with other men when I was very young. It was because of this that my father started drinking and smoking. He Tried to keep my mother, but my mother still left us! For so many years, I have always blamed my father!"

"My father told the folks not to tell me about this matter. He said he didn't want to destroy my mother's image in my heart. My father is really stupid!"

As Gao Yao spoke, tears were streaming down his face!

Lei Yu handed her a tissue and waited for her to calm down a little.

Only then did he ask, ""Then what's the matter with your childhood?"

Gao Wen woke up and woke up, and continued to say...

"She and I came from the same village, and we studied together, but when I went to university, we stopped being together, because she didn't pass the college entrance examination, so Bi Ya went to work directly.

"Later, after I became popular, she often asked me to borrow money, but she never repaid it. The amount she asked was okay at first, but gradually, she asked me more and more. Yesterday she asked me out In the end, she still asked me for money, but I didn't give it to her, so she leaked my previous photos to the media!"

Hearing this, Lei Yu finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

He took a tissue and helped Gao wipe away his tears.

"It's okay, everything will pass, who didn't make some mistakes when they were young! It's not a big problem for you." Lei Yu comforted with a smile.

At this moment, the outside doorbell rang.

Gao Wen got up slowly and went to open the door (okay).

Outside the door was her manager, Jason.

"are you OK?"

Jason asked with a worried face and black lines all over his head.

"It's okay." Gao Yao said with his head down.

Only then did Jason notice Lei Yu's existence.

"Who is this man? Why is he in your house? Don't you think you don't have enough scandals?" Jason suddenly became excited.

"Don't yell, he is my friend, he is afraid that something will happen to me, so he came to take care of me." Gao Wen explained.

Jason calmed down a little.

"I went back to the company last night and was busy all night. At the meeting this morning, a decision was made.

"What decision, tell me!"

Gao Wen kept her head down.

Jason looked at Lei Yu, and said to Gao Wen: "Let this man avoid you first.

Only now did Gao Wen raise her head...

He said to Jason: "If the company has any decision, you can just say it directly, he is my man, don't avoid it!

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