Movies And Tv: Starting From Being A Lawyer

Chapter 156 Being A Secretary Is Overqualified (Seeking Support)

Li Na didn't answer directly.

Instead, he asked Lei Yu in surprise, "How much property do you still have?"

As far as she knows....

Lei Yu owns 51 percent of Quan Jing Law Firm.

Plus the recently acquired FS Racing Club.

The assets in this are not to be underestimated!

And she also knew that Lei Yu had several properties in Shangjing.

Thinking about Lei Yu's age, his achievements are more than that!

In addition to being surprised, Li Na also has a small ~ low self-esteem in her heart!

I am older than Lei Yu!

In contrast....

But I feel that I am so mediocre.

This aroused a strong heart in her heart that was already somewhat sunk.

Although, she is only a woman!

"What I'm asking is, if one day I hand over a company to you, would you like to help me manage it? I didn't say I'd hand over the company to you right now! Maybe I'll buy another company in a few days Well, as you said just now, I don’t like to manage the business myself, but strictly speaking, I definitely hope that I can hand over the property to someone I think is capable and trustworthy to help me manage it.”

Lei Yu ate a shrimp, and said to Lian Na with a smile.

"Acquire another company in a few days? Why do I feel like you are buying vegetables in a vegetable market! You just buy it when you say it?"

Hearing what Li Na said, Lei Yu wanted to laugh a little.

he just felt...

After the system tasks related to Shi Jiamei's divorce case are completed, it is estimated that there will be some business units in the system rewards that can directly take over.

It would be a good choice for Li Na to help her manage the business.

Lei Yu didn't expect...

I said so casually, but indirectly pretended to be a wave of coercion!

"It's definitely not like buying vegetables, but it's not difficult to acquire a company, just say whether you like it or not?"

Lei Yu thinks...

This force, since it has been pretended,

Then simply point, directly to the end!

Li Na smiled and said...

"Actually, many units have tried to poach me, but I have stayed in Quan Jing to work as Luo Bin's secretary, because I work with him very well, which cannot be exchanged for many things, but he is now I'm about to be promoted to the director of the law firm, and I don't want to stand still, so it's not impossible to help you take care of the business, but it's not possible at the moment. Luo Bin is just about to take office, and he must be busy with a lot of things. I have to wait Only when he sat firmly in this position can he leave Quan Jing with peace of mind.

After speaking, Li Na raised her wine glass and clinked it with Lei Yu.

Hearing what she said, Fu Yu felt very relieved.

Because Li Na can still think about Luo Bin at this time.

It can be seen that she is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness!

"After Luo Bin took office, I will still be here. Quanjing Law Firm can't be messed up. His previous achievements are obvious to all. Few people dare to disobey him, and everyone knows that he is the cousin of my largest shareholder. Naturally, he doesn't dare to be presumptuous, and as for the work of the secretary, I will help him arrange it when the time comes."

"We're not in a hurry to leave Quan Jing and help me with my business, but if I need it, you can't wait too long with Quan Jing."

Lei Yu suddenly became serious and said to Na seriously.

After Li Na listened, Li Dio smiled and said, "Listen to what you said, do you already have any acquisition targets? Let me listen to you! Let me also have a mental preparation. Besides, this Quan Jing The law firm is also your property, if I stay in Quan Jing, am I helping you?"

Lei Yu gave Li Na a piece of sweet and sour pork, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "I can't reveal that much to you yet, but you will know when the time comes, let you come out from Quan Jing and help me with other business, It’s because I think that if you are only a secretary, you are overqualified, and you should have another stage to display your talent.”

Li Na heard that Lei Yu was so sure of her ability to work...

Naturally she was very happy in her heart, but she couldn't show it on her face.

She pretended to be indifferent, raised her head and took a sip of red wine.

He said lightly: "Since this is the case, let's talk about this matter in due time. Maybe tomorrow I will be hired away by a high-paying unit!"

Lei Yu smiled slightly and said, "The only person who can poach you is me."

Hearing Lei Yu's words, Na's face blushed instantly.

This sentence...

It seems to be a response to the work we just talked about!

It was like the emotional answer she was looking forward to from the bottom of her heart!

When it was past nine o'clock in the evening...

After drinking and eating, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while.

Li Na seemed to want to, and slowly moved towards Lei Yu.

0 for flowers...

Finally put his head on Lei Yu's shoulder...

A faint fragrance permeated the air, which was a bit refreshing.

At this moment, Li Na's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was her father Li Weizheng calling.

Nothing else, "It's just that the old father misses his daughter.

Lei Yu took the opportunity to get up...

He said hello to Li Na and went back to his house.

Then he took a shower, lay down on the bed, and played with his phone.

I swiped through the circle of friends and browsed the hot news.

Suddenly, a long literary message popped up on WeChat.

It was actually sent by Tong Nian.

That nineteen-year-old girl in graduate school!

"Hello, I'm Tong Nian from Tonight's Destiny Bar. The one-week free Internet access award you received last time in our Internet cafe is still valid. If you want to come and play, remember to message me on WeChat."

Lei Yu thought....

This Tong Nian also has good academic performance, but he is really not very smart in other aspects.

Her way of surfing the Internet for free is too obvious!

Anyone with a little brain can see this clue!

But for the sake of her persistence, Lei Yu still replied.

"I'm usually busy with work, so I don't often go to Internet cafes. If I want to go one day, I will send you a message. But you are a girl, it's better not to watch the Internet cafe alone at night, that way Not very safe.17

Tong Nian is sitting at the front desk of Tonight's Destiny Bar.

Seeing this reply, she felt a little complicated.

Lei Yu said that she is busy with work and doesn't often go to Internet cafes.

That meant that Tong Nian might not see him for a long time.

This is a sad thing!

But it is also because, Lei Yu said that he is too busy to go to Internet cafes often.

It just shows that he is indeed a person with a serious job.

And Lei Yu reminded Tong Nian....

Said that at her girl's house, it was not safe to watch at the Internet cafe at night.

This further proves that Lei Yu is a kind person.

Tong Nian even felt that Lei Yu was caring about her!

Thinking of this....

Her mood improved instantly.

Tong Nian believes that she and Lei Yu will have another fate.

she smirks...

A simple reply: "Okay, then go to bed early.".

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