
A new day, full of sunshine.

"Mr. Lei, I have done what you told me to do."

Dai Xi smiled and said happily.

Lei Yu looked at the inspection documents in his hand.

"How did you get Li Jiaer's hair?"

"Now this campus incident has been reported by the media. As a netizen who supports Li Jiaer, I went to the hospital to visit and got it."

It has to be said that Dai Xi is still a little clever.

"Yes, it's handled well, you go out first."

"Well, Teacher Lei, when I went to the hospital yesterday, I bought a fruit basket."

"So?" Lei Yu asked.

Dai Xi: "That's right~ Can you reimburse me for the money for the fruit basket?"

That fruit basket cost Dai Xi hundreds of dollars, it really hurts!

"You add me on WeChat, I'll transfer it to you later, how much is it?"

With that said, Lei Yu took out his phone and opened the QR code for adding friends.

Dai Xi quickly scanned and added directly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lei, the total is 518 yuan."

After finishing speaking, Dai Xi returned to the city like a bloody hero.

full HP resurrection!

Lei Yu directly transferred a thousand yuan to Dai Xi and sent a message.

"By the way, I will reimburse you for the round-trip taxi fare."

Dai Xi was stunned for a moment: "But I always take the bus and subway back and forth."

Lei Yu: "I'll take it if I give it to you, and you'll have to do this kind of errand work in the future."

Dai Xi is not afraid of running errands, but is happy because of Lei Yu's generosity.

Jose's assistant, Fan Xiaotian, suddenly walked to Dai Xi's desk.

He whispered softly: "Dai Xi, what is your boss' background, so rich?"

Dai Xi was stunned. She arrived at the law firm almost at noon yesterday.

Then yesterday afternoon, he was sent out to do errands again.

I haven't entered any group chats in the law firm yet.

She was completely unaware of what they had said about Lei Yu before.

"How rich are you?" Dai Xi asked curiously.

Fan Xiaotian: "We have a private communication group, let me drag you in."

While talking, the invitation to join the group has been sent.

Dai Xi joined the group and took a closer look.

At this moment, there are still people talking non-stop.

"Hey, can someone tell me exactly whether Lawyer Lei has a girlfriend?"

"He has been abroad before, and he just returned to China not long ago, so there shouldn't be any."

"Lawyer Luo Bin is his cousin, why don't we go and find out what he has to say?"

"Come on, you, you haven't opened your mouth yet, Lawyer Robin can guess what fart you are going to fart, and you are still talking!"

Dai Xi took a look.

This group is full of interns and assistants in the law firm.

There are also several pictures of Lei Yu driving a supercar in the group file.

Dai Xi was suddenly a little dumbfounded, and sighed inwardly: "Wu Meiwei, Wu Meiwei, you have too many competitors, and Lei Yu's level, I advise you to give up!"

At the same time, Lei Yu saw a live video online.

Several media went to Donglin University.

They scrambled to follow Zhao Meibin to report.

The situation has reached a fever pitch.

Everyone is accusing Zhao Meibin of campus bullying and pushing people downstairs.

Lei Yu turned off the video.

He took a few things from the table and left the office in a hurry.

Then Dai Xi and Lin Xingran were called out, and they went to the parking lot together.

"Xingran, remember what I told you yesterday. Now Zhao Meibin is about to collapse. As her attorney, you must try your best to enlighten her. You must admit the mistakes you should admit. Her life is still very long. No one is perfect, no one is smooth sailing."

"Dai Xi went to the hospital yesterday, and I went with her to deal with Li Jia'er's side and try to get them to forgive each other."

Lin Xingran: "Okay, I will protect Zhao Meibin."

Then, Lin Xingran drove to Donglin University by himself.

Lei Yu and Dai Xi went to the hospital where Li Jiaer was.

in the ward.

Li Jiaer's leg was covered with plaster, and she looked haggard.

Her parents were watching.

The family is also watching the live broadcast from the school.

That channel is playing on the TV.

Early in the morning, many media blocked the gate of Donglin University.

But Zhao Meibin has been afraid to show up, hiding in the school.

This disappointed Li Jiaer's family.

After Lin Xingran arrived at the school, he enlightened Zhao Meibin.

She finally walked out of the school gate and tried to face the camera.

Her legs even trembled a little, Lin Xingran accompanied her and encouraged her.

Facing the questioning and accusation of the media.

Zhao Meibin finally spoke to the camera.

"What happened during this period of time made me a little breathless."

"I didn't push Li Jiaer, but no one wants to believe me."

"Slowly, I finally understood what it feels like not to be trusted by others, to be isolated by everyone, to be pranked by others, and to be accused by others."

"I used to be jealous of Li Jia'er. She skipped a grade in her studies, and her grades were very good at a young age. Her family conditions are good, but I am just a child from the countryside."

"I'm jealous of her, I insult her, I take the lead in isolating her, I vent my emotions on her, and I base my happiness on her pain."

"I didn't realize until now that Li Jia'er was forced into the abyss by me. My mistake had a very bad influence on her."

"I now solemnly apologize to Li Jiaer, for what I did before, I would like to say to her: I'm sorry."

After saying these words, Zhao Meibin burst into tears.

The media started to attack again, asking: "Because of jealousy, you targeted Li Jiaer and pushed her down the stairs, right?"

Hearing these words, Lin Xingran stood up.

"My client apologizes to everyone from the bottom of her heart for what she did before, but she is only a student and her life is still very long. This incident may be an opportunity for her to change."

"She did a lot of wrong things in the past, but it doesn't mean she will bear all the charges. Please give the truth a little time and give them a chance."

Seeing here, Lei Yu is holding two small transparent plastic bags.

Inside were a lighter and a cigarette butt.

and a long hair.

"Li Jiaer, Zhao Meibin didn't push you at all, you fell by yourself, you should explain clearly to everyone." Lei Yu said.

(PS: Huahua, Piaopiao, Favorites... Comments, let my dreams come true, okay ^0^)

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