Movies And Tv: Starting From Being A Lawyer

Chapter 21 Commercial Confidentiality

Until noon.

Lei Yu was about to go downstairs for dinner, so he went out to get the car back.

But was stopped by a person.

She is another founding partner of Quan Jing Law Firm, Gu Jie.

"Lawyer Lei, can we talk?"

"Of course, but I have something to do in a while, so it's best not to take too long."

It was not the first time Lei Yu met Gu Jie.

But it was the first time chatting with her alone.

Gu Jie is not good at litigation, but making connections.

The place where Quan Jing was founded.

Seal is in charge of cases, and Gu Jie is in charge of contacts.

Slowly, the present Quanjing Law Firm came into existence.

Gu Jie said, "I have a friend who was sued for leaking blueprints. I want to cooperate with you."

Lei Yu replied flatly: "Leaking secrets from blueprints belongs to the category of intellectual property rights, and this Luo Bin is quite good at."

Gu Jie: "I know that Luo Bin is good at it, but he never cooperates with others."

Lei Yu: "I don't have the habit of cooperating with others, so I may disappoint you."

Looking at the confident Lei Yu, Gu Jie had a plan in mind.

In her opinion, Bai Jinghong's case of leaking secrets with Yaobin Company has little chance of winning.

Because intellectual property cases are inherently difficult to define.

And Bai Jinghong has already caught the handle.

I don't know when it started.

The partnership friendship between Gu Jie and Feng Yin has already seemed to be inseparable.

The same is the founding partner, but the seal is the director.

Of course she is not reconciled!

Lei Yu is a senior partner at Seal Direct Ascension.

Except for some study abroad background.

It was never found out what case he handled.

Then hand over this case to him, just to test his strength.

If he loses the lawsuit, Gu Jie can incite other senior partners.

Let's question the seal's ability to select people together and reduce his prestige.

If they win, it will be between Lei Yu and Bai Jinghong.

It can be regarded as sending out some favors, which may be useful in the future.

Thinking of this, Gu Jie's complexion changed.

Said: "If you want to take this case alone, I will ask her to come over this afternoon to introduce you and chat about the case. If she agrees with you, then everything will be ok."

"Then there will be Teacher Lao Gu Jie." Lei Yu smiled lightly.

After the two chatted, Lei Yu went downstairs to eat something casually.

Then he called a car and went to Changyin to drive the car back 100%.

Back at the law firm, Dai Xi was called.

"Take some time later to study the Anti-Unfair Competition Law and some regulations of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau on commercial secrets."

"Mr. Lei, Bai Jinghong doesn't seem to be our client yet?" Dai Xi asked.

Lei Yu was puzzled: "How do you know I'm talking about Bai Jinghong?"

"She was originally a client of Liao Jiamin upstairs, and then she found Teacher Gu Jie, but Teacher Gu Jie is not good at this type of case, so she asked Teacher Luo Bin to cooperate, but was rejected."

"I don't like working with others either, but Bai Jinghong will soon become my client."

Dai Xi immediately returned to her desk.

According to Lei Yu's instructions, he began to study.

She never forgets.

Things like reading can't bother her.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Jie brought Bai Jinghong into the law firm.

Followed by Bai Jinghong's chief designer Maggie.

When they entered the conference room, Lei Yu also walked in.

Both Bai Jinghong and Maggie are nearly 30 years old, but their charm still exists.

Belongs to the strong woman type.

Gu Jie sat next to Lei Yu and introduced them.

Because Lei Yu still looks too young.

So Bai Jinghong and the two of them looked at him not so trustingly.

Shut up the gossip and start to understand the case.

Maggie said with a sad face: "I used to be the director of product design of Yaobin Company, but Boss Boss recruited me and became the chief designer."

Lei Yu asked: "Are you saying that because you resigned from Yaobin Company, they held a grudge against you, deliberately sued you for leaking company secrets, and implicated Boss Bai in joint and several liability?"

Bai Jinghong explained: "They called me and said that as long as I let Maggie leave, it will be fine. They don't know me too well. I, Bai Jinghong, are not scared. Send me a picture Subpoena, I should follow your will and fire my chief designer? It's a joke to spread it, who will dare to do anything with me in the future?"

Gu Jie advised: "Don't intensify the conflict now."

Then he turned around and asked Maggie: "How did they find out that you leaked the secret, and then caught you?"

Maggie said helplessly: "One day, when I was chatting with my former colleague on the Internet, he sent me their design drawings and asked me to make some suggestions. As a result, their supervisor saw it and called the police on the spot."

Bai Jinghong said excitedly: "I think they are a scam. Their employees send pictures to our designers. They should sue their own employees. Why should they sue us?"

Gu Jie: "They have the right to choose who to sue or not to sue."

Lei Yu raised his eyebrows frivolously: "I suggest that our focus should not be on who framed who, and not on the feud between the two companies."

Gu Jie continued: "You're right, we don't have any evidence. The main task now is to get yourself out first, so let's say that the employee of the other party took the initiative to send the picture to our designer. It's okay to leak the secret. The other party's employees leaked the secret."

Lei Yu stopped: "No, if you admit that the other party's employees leaked secrets, then of course Boss Boss can't get away with it."

Bai Jinghong suddenly realized: "Yes, this is tantamount to admitting that our products use the other party's leaked drawings, then the other party can sue us for infringement and ask us to remove the product from the shelves."

Lei Yu: "So, we must emphasize that those design drawings are not commercial secrets at all."

Gu Jie asked suddenly: "Then how do you explain that a designer of one company will take the initiative to send a design drawing to a designer of another company in the chat software?"

Lei Yu replied: "This is easy to explain, that is, the designers of the two companies exchange inspiration and share experiences with each other."

Gu Jie: "Then how do you prove that those design drawings are not commercial secrets?"

Lei Yu: "Those design drawings are all purchased from suppliers. As long as there is no evidence that the supplier designed for which company alone, it should not be considered as: commercial secrets that are not known to the public."

After listening to Lei Yu's answer.

Gu Jie knew that he had found a breakthrough in the case.

She smiled at Bai Jinghong and said, "How about Boss Boss, the lawyer I introduced to you is reliable, right?"

Lei Yu sighed inwardly, "She obviously pushed it to others because she couldn't figure it out, but now she wants to claim credit, shameless!"

Bai Jinghong felt relieved: "It's very reliable, we, this is a person sitting at home, the pot comes from the sky, I can sign this agency agreement with Lawyer Lei right now."

Lei Yu smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

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