[Task Reward 1: 30% shares of Xiangjiang Zhong Enterprises]

[Task Reward 2: 100% equity transfer of Tomorrow Hotel]

"Tomorrow Hotel? Isn't this the hotel where Carambola works?"

Lei Yu was a little surprised that the system would reward him with this hotel.

But in any case, the mission is completed this time.

Walking out of the conference room, Dai Xi ran over with a face full of curiosity.

"Mr. Lei, what did you do? Jiang Fanglei not only withdrew the lawsuit, but also became as close as her biological sister to Song Xinrui. Heard that she broke up with Feng Zhe, and slapped him?"

"One is a sissy, motherly boy, and the other is a woman who has no bottom line and goes to sleep with other men. They are not good things. Breaking up is the best result."

"I didn't expect Teacher Lei to be so jealous."

In Lei Yu's opinion, if it is not for the completion of system tasks.

He wouldn't handle it like this.

Feng Zhe, Jiang Fanglei, and Song Xinrui, all three of them can be described as wonders in the world.

Because I talked too much just now, my mouth is a little dry.

Lei Yu went to the tea room with a water cup, just as Lin Xingran was there.

"Because you saw Gu Siyu, are you unhappy?"

"How did you know?"

Lei Yu took a sip of water and pursed his lips: "Would you believe me if I said, I can see through your heart?"

Lin Xingran looked at Lei Yu in astonishment: "Do you usually fool little girls like this outside?"

Lei Yu made no rebuttal.

"Then let me guess."

"You and her have known each other since childhood, but for some reason, you didn't like to see each other, and later you separated for some reason, but after so long, you still haven't been able to open your knot, so when you meet again When you see her, all your unhappiness is written on your face."

Lin Xingran was a little stunned when he heard Lei Yu's words.

"Lawyer Lei, you can actually read people's hearts! You also study law, why can't I know what you know?"

"Although I only took two degree exams, I usually self-study a lot of subjects, including psychology."

Lin Xingran was suddenly depressed.

"When I was young, my grades were better than Gu Siyu's. Later, my mother took me away from Gu's family. She raised me up by herself and provided for me to study, but my grades became worse and worse. I couldn’t concentrate, I was an assistant for three years after graduation, and I’m only now a practicing lawyer.”

"And the current Gu Siyu, just after arriving in Longke, was promoted to a senior partner in an exceptional way."

While talking.

Lin Xingran unconsciously drank the water in the glass.

Lei Yu took the initiative to take her water glass and helped her get another glass of water.

"Everyone has their own way of life. Be yourself first. If you look down on yourself, then when you stand with others, you don't need to talk, and you have already lost."

Lin Xingran thought for a while, as if he had some insights.

Lei Yu walked back to his office.

Suddenly a phone call came in.

"Hey, Xiaolei, I'm Carambola's mother."

"Aunt, what do you need from me?"

"It's like this, just now Xiao Huang from Taozi's hotel told me secretly that our carambola was suddenly fired by the hotel." Xue Sumei's voice seemed a little sad.

"For what reason did you get fired?" Lei Yu asked.

"Xiao Huang said, because the contract between Taozi and the hotel is about to expire, I arranged a lot of blind dates for her before, and all the colleagues in the hotel knew about it. I was in a hurry to get married and have children, so I told Tao Zi that I didn't plan to renew the contract."

Lei Yu: "The hotel is afraid that after the contract is renewed, Taozi will get married and have a child soon, so it will be inconvenient to continue to work as the hotel's manager?"

"Yes, how can you say that, Tao Zi's contract with the hotel expires in one month, and the hotel said that she can leave at any time if she finds a job within this month. In a fit of anger, Tao Zi said that she would finish today's shift. Just leave the job directly, and the people who are connected to her class in the hotel have already been selected."

"Aunt just thought, aren't you a lawyer! Can Tao Zi sue the hotel for something like this?"

Lei Yu thought for a while: "Aunt, the hotel has the right not to renew the contract when the contract expires, so I can't sue, but let me handle this matter, and I will take care of it."

"Then I'll trouble you, Xiaolei. I feel sorry for our Taozi. She doesn't tell me any difficulties she encounters. She always likes to carry them by herself."

"Don't worry Aunt, I'll deal with it now."

After hanging up the phone, Lei Yu went downstairs to pick up the car.

Go straight to tomorrow's hotel.

(PS: Sneaking in to ask for a flower ticket, come back at night, please support)

New Year's Day and beyond will be even better, read a book to relax! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (event time: December 31st to January 2nd)

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