Movies And Tv: Starting From Being A Lawyer

Chapter 48 I Have Two Conditions (For Support)

Early the next morning.

As soon as Lei Yu arrived at the law firm, he was called to the sealing office.

Robin and Jose were there too.

"Now Gu Jie's father is seriously ill, and her assistant made such a low-level mistake. Once the client pursues it, our law firm will be very passive. How do you think this matter should be handled?" Seal asked.

Jose thought for a while, and said: "Director Feng, I don't think this matter is the fault of Gao Feng alone. When the document was sent to Gu Jie, she sent it without checking it, so this matter Gu Jie has to bear a lot of responsibility."

"Jose, you have to know that Gu Jie's father is in the intensive care unit, she is in a bad mood, you should understand that!"

"Lawyers are very particular about emotional self-control. We have to distinguish between public affairs and private affairs. If the private affairs affect the public affairs, but can be understood, then the word responsibility will have no meaning."

Sitting aside, Luo Bin frowned: "Jose, now is not the time to pursue accountability, the boss called us here to discuss a solution."

"Yes, what Luo Bin said is right. This matter is related to the reputation of the law firm, so we must find a solution quickly." Seal emphasized.

Jose glanced at Luo Bin, and said: "I remember that the president of this company is Zhong Yu, who used to be Luo Bin's client, and because Luo Bin won the lawsuit for him, he was spared from prison. I think if If Luo Bin comes forward, Zhong Yu will give him face."

After hearing this, Luo Bin shook his head: "Yes, he gave me face and did me a big favor later, so that favor has been used up. Zhong Yu is a businessman who tells me everything, and he doesn't owe me anything anymore. Favorable."

A few black lines appeared on Seal's eyebrows, and he was at a loss.

At this time, they all looked at Lei Yu who was silent beside him.

When I came in the morning, everyone in the law firm knew about this matter.

Lei Yu also had a detailed understanding of the ins and outs of the matter.

"I can handle this matter, but I have two conditions."

When Lei Yu spoke directly, the other three were a little surprised.

The seal asked: "What conditions?"

In his view, Lei Yu himself is the largest shareholder of Quan Jing Law Firm.

When it comes to the interests of the law firm, he should be the most anxious one.

There will be no additional conditions for no reason.

"First: expel Gao Feng."

"Second: Ask Gu Jie to send me an email to help her with this matter."

When Jose heard this, he quickly said, "Gao Feng is just an assistant, there's no need to fire him just because he made a mistake once?"

"You are right, Gao Feng is just an assistant, but if he can't even be an assistant, why should he make a mistake and ask me to wipe his ass? And many times, when he makes a mistake, It is possible that the law firm will never be restored.”

"In addition, Gu Jie is not good at litigation. The clients she has maintained are not very satisfied with the judicial rights. If I pass by, the premise that the client will not be held accountable is to ask me to replace him with a legal advisor. ,what should I do?"

"If Gu Jie's client suddenly becomes someone else's client, will she attack me for it? What if this client chooses me! Will she say that I took the opportunity to steal her client?"

Hearing what Lei Yu said, Jose looked in disbelief.

"Lawyer Lei is far-sighted and prevents problems before they happen. There is nothing wrong with that, but how do you convince the client not to pursue our responsibility?"

Lei Yu smiled: "Mr. Jose doesn't need to worry about this. If I can't do it, I will give you the position of senior partner."

Jose's eyes lit up when he heard about the senior partner.

But after recalling what Lei Yu said just now, he could hear the provocation again.

"I'm not worrying about you, I'm questioning you."

Jose bit the bullet and said something.

"But you have no right to question me."

This sentence directly made Jose grit his teeth and stood up angrily.

"Director, you should have noticed that I'm not needed here, I'll go out first."

After finishing speaking, Jose left the sealing office directly.

“Lei Yu, you don’t have to provoke Jose like this.”

Seal said.

Luo Bin snickered: "It's okay boss, Jose is used to life without friends, so he certainly doesn't mind having an enemy."

Lei Yu continued: "Let me state first, I don't regard Jose as my enemy, I just think it's funny that he looks angry, so I just said a few more words."

"You two, why can't you get along with Jose?"

Lei Yu and Luo Bin spread their hands together without answering.

"Then Gu Jie has this client, are you willing to deal with it?"

Seal looked at Lei Yu and asked.

"Director, I didn't raise two conditions with you just because Jose was sitting here, so even if Jose is out now, my conditions will remain the same."

Seal knew that he was obviously the director of the law firm, but he was not qualified enough to really order Lei Yu.

"Okay, I promise you, let Jose drive the peak later, and I'll talk to Gu Jie." Seal agreed.

Lei Yu smiled slightly and looked at Luo Bin: "Then when these two conditions are fulfilled, please ask my cousin to ask Li Na to book two tickets for me."

Robin asked, "Are you going to take your assistant with you?"

"Isn't it two round-trip air tickets? I only need to stay in Xiangjiang for one day."

After speaking, Lei Yu got up and left the sealing office.

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