Movies And Tv: Starting From Being A Lawyer

Chapter 95 This Is Ridiculous (Please Support)

The Alisa in front of me is more lively than the one Lei Yu has seen in the drama.

"Hey, is my new friend reliable?"

Hu Nan put Lei Yu's shoulders in a shy way, and showed off to Alyssa.

But because Lei Yu is taller...

So Hu Nan stepped up unconsciously.

The awkward little expression on his face doesn't look cute!

After Lei Yu and Alyssa joined WeChat...

The three waved goodbye and left separately.

When Lei Yu came home...

Aunt Song had just made dinner, and Lei Yiming sat on the sofa in a daze.

"You look so out of your mind, who are you going out to meet today?"

Lei Yu asked Lei Yiming curiously.

"No one, just an old friend I haven't seen for many years."

"Old friend? A girl?"

Lei Yu seemed to see through everything.

Seeing Lei Yiming's guilty look, Fu Yu didn't intend to ask any more questions.

"Okay, you can go and have dinner with Aunt Song, I just got off the cruise ship, and I haven't digested the food in my stomach yet."


Lei Yu turned and went upstairs and returned to his room.

Just as the door was closed, the phone rang, and it was actually Dai Xi calling.

"Mr. Lei, did Mr. Luo Bin tell you?"

"Robin? What did he tell me about 807?"

"Director Feng is in trouble, the law firm may have to change!"

Hearing this, Lei Yu could probably guess what was going on.

But I still asked, "What's the problem?"

"On Friday, Director Feng attended a symposium. After the meeting, he drank too much. When he woke up the next day, he was in a girl's bed."

"Now that girl is complaining to Teacher Gu Jie about Director Feng, saying that Director Feng violated her, and now the entire law firm is spreading rumors, even outside there are some rumors

"Now everyone is saying that Director Feng is morally corrupt and is not suitable for continuing to lead our law firm. Mr. Gu Jie has also communicated with the partners in the firm in private. Except for Mr. Luo Bin, everyone else has begun to waver. Maybe our The boss is about to change."

"At the regular meeting tomorrow morning, Teacher Gu Jie will launch a vote to re-elect the director of our law firm."

Lei Yu watched dramas before...

When I saw this paragraph, I almost spit out shit from a mouthful of old blood!

Because of this incident in the play, from beginning to end...

Gu Jie said it all, a girl complained about the seal!

Who is it? What is her name? What does she do?

No idea! Keep it a secret!

Reason: When a girl encounters this kind of thing, she must not make it public.

And the seal did admit at the time...

I drank some wine with Gu Jie and a girl.

Afterwards, they got drowsy from drinking, and got into Gu Jie's car together.

When I woke up, I was lying in a strange place.

It was a girl's boudoir.

Next, Gu Jie said that the girl complained about the seal!

But since getting into Gu Jie's car, until waking up the next day...

What happened in the middle, the seal has no idea!

who is that girl

he does not know!

what does that girl look like

He doesn't remember!

And in the absence of evidence, who is the complainant?

Is there really such a person? These are still uncertain.

The whole law firm is in chaos! The seal has also been withdrawn because of this incident!

And the end result is...

Gu Jie teamed up with a girl who had a personal grudge against the seal, and designed to frame him.

put something in his drink...

Then make fishing reels, in order to force him to give way.

During this whole process, Lei Yu felt a little nonsense!

This kind of plot can scare ordinary people...

This group of elite lawyers were all stunned! Guided by fishing boats!

What's the matter?


Those don't matter anymore, because Thunder Hand is here now.

"Okay, I see, I'll be flying back tomorrow morning.

"Okay, Mr. Lei, pay attention to safety on the road."

Dai Xi asked with concern.

After hanging up the phone, Lei Yu pondered for a moment and had a plan in mind.

Then I turned on my phone and passed two tickets.

At six o'clock the next morning, Lei Yu dragged Lei Yiming onto the plane.

Flying for ten hours.

Because of the eight hour time difference...

So when I arrived in Beijing, the time for going to Beijing was around eight o'clock in the morning.

Lei Yiming took a taxi and left.

As for Lei Yu's car, it was parked at the airport before Curry.

After going through the formalities and picking up the car, Lei Yu went straight to the law firm.

At nine o'clock, the people from the law firm had basically arrived.

Sitting in his office, Gu Jie couldn't bear it any longer.

As a partner of the entire law firm, she has already done more than half of the ideological work.

Even Jose, who has always been paranoid, has already stood in her camp.

Thinking that I will soon be the director of Quanjing Law Firm...

Of course she was delighted!

The normal meeting time is usually 9:30 in the morning.

At 9:20 today, Gu Jie had already sat in the conference room ahead of time.

When the regular meeting started, the seal was still sitting on the director's seat.

But most of the people present were leaning towards Gu Jie.

"None of us knew what happened that night, including Director Seal himself, who said he fell asleep. Gu Jie spoke first.

Seal wiped his palms, feeling helpless in his heart.

"If someone wants to sue me, I should at least know who he is. Either you go to the court to sue me, or go directly to report the crime. Now she is hiding in the dark, and I don't even know who she is. This is ridiculous!" Seal Shen Sheng said.

"Sorry, I can't say the name of the victim yet, because she is a girl, and it is human nature for girls to have scruples in this regard, but I swear on my character and reputation that everything I say is true. It's the truth."

Gu Jie spoke eloquently with a gentleman's attitude.

Everyone looked at each other, but Luo Bin was angry.

He was just about to say something when a person walked in from outside the door, it was Lei Yu.

"Sorry guys, I'm late.

Lei Yu said something coldly, and walked towards the location of the seal.

Then he stood beside the seal and said to Gu Jie...

"If you swear by your personality and reputation, you might as well use real estate and deposits as guarantees."

"We're discussing something very serious now." Gu Jie replied to Lei Yu in a pretentious manner.

"But you said that you swear by your personality and reputation. This is not serious at all. It sounds like a joke. I would like to ask Teacher Gu Jie, how much is your personality and reputation worth?

What Lei Yu said was full of gunpowder between the lines.

Gu Jie didn't know how to fight back for a moment, he gritted his teeth and looked at Lei Yu.

Lei Yu found a chair beside him and sat down.

Then he spoke again to the people present.

"Everyone is a student of law. In front of the law, any fact must be determined by evidence. The evidence must reach a certain standard to prove the facts of the crime. Otherwise, the facts cannot be determined. This is the most basic common sense."

"This is an internal meeting, not a court, and we are not convicting anyone. The theme of our meeting this time is that, in view of the possibility that the director of the seal will face charges, and in view of the uncertainty of the future development of the matter, once it gets out of control, we will definitely be punished by the law. It has a huge impact on the firm's reputation."

Gu Jie's voice was much louder, and he spoke plausibly.

Robin on the side couldn't listen anymore, and stood up, patting the table.

"I am firmly opposed to attacking the partners I get along with day and night before the matter is clarified!"

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