Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 277: Xia Xinghe finally woke up

What if he doesn't believe it?

And she needs to test his attitude, as long as he doubts.

[I became Xia Meng after waking up, and I am currently living in Ye's house. 】

Xi Mubai stared sharply at this sentence, he was about to continue asking questions, suddenly a servant rushed in excitedly, and said excitedly: "Master, Miss Xia is awake, she is awake!"

Xi Mu stood up abruptly, his whole body was unspeakably joyful.

"Really?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, she just woke up!"

Xi Mubai was about to rush out of the study room immediately, but he hesitated inexplicably.

Glancing at the computer, he finally chose to shut it down, and hurried to visit Xia Xinghe.

Xia Xinghe finally woke up.

Doctors and nurses are all busy around her.

When Xi Mubai rushed over, she had been awake for quite a while.

"Xia Xinghe——" Seeing her who had opened her eyes, Xi Mubai strode over and called her name excitedly, "You finally woke up!"

But Xia Xinghe, who was lying on the bed, gave him a slight smile: "Is it making you worried?"

Xi Mubai paused for a moment with his slightly raised hand, and there was a faint light in his eyes that no one noticed.


Ye Family Villa.

Xia Xinghe stared at the computer in a daze, why did Xi Mubai shut it down suddenly?

Do you think she is crazy, so you don't want to chat with her anymore?

What a headache, it seems that I have to go and talk to him in person.

Xia Xinghe decided to go to see Xi Mubai the next day and prove to her face that she was Xia Xinghe, after all, it would be more credible to prove in person.

After making up his mind, Xia Xinghe went to rest.

It was the first night she woke up, but she didn't sleep well because of this sudden fate.

Day, it will be bright soon.

Xia Xinghe got up very early, washed up, changed into a set of clothes, and planned to go out.

As a result, the bedroom door was locked from the outside!

She couldn't open it anyway.

Xia Xinghe sharpened his eyes and knocked hard on the door, and Aunt Ding's dog-eyed voice sounded outside immediately, "Knock what, don't disturb Madam and the rest."

"Open the door!" Xia Xinghe called coldly, "Hurry up and open the door for me."

Aunt Ding proudly said: "Young mistress, I can't do this. It's the young master's order, and I can't open the door for you without his permission. The young master has something to talk to you about later, so just wait obediently."

What can Ye Shen talk to her about?

It's nothing more than asking her to hand over something.

The man was so impatient, he didn't even intend to give her a few days to think about it, he wanted to get the things right away.

Xia Xinghe rejected him once last night, if he refuses again today, Ye Shen will definitely not let her go.

Head-to-head, she is no match for them.

But she never relied on fists to deal with the enemy!

Xia Xinghe sneered, turned around and walked back to the computer desk. Since Ye Shen didn't intend to be polite to her anymore, she naturally had to act first.

Fortunately, there is a computer in this room.

Although in order to prevent Xia Meng from having too much contact with the outside world, this computer was restricted from surfing the Internet.

But for Xia Xinghe, this is not a problem at all. Just give her a computer and she can play with the whole world!

Quickly typing on the keyboard with both hands, Xia Xinghe successfully invaded Ye's internal database in a very short time.

Then, before everyone noticed, many of Ye's secrets were leaked!

Ten minutes later, Ye Shen quickly received a call from the company.

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