Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 806 Her Only Faith

If you crack the systems of 2 computers, the destruction system will be triggered and the information in all computers will be destroyed.

If these computers are cracked at the same time, the destruction system will also be triggered.

In short, the systems in these computers are abnormal, no matter what you do, it will trigger the destruction system inside.

Only by honestly using the password can the computer be safely opened.

For such a perverted defense system, all experts expressed helplessness.

And there is no doubt that they determined that these systems were developed by He Lanyuan.

I really didn't expect that he was already a genius at this level.

It's hard to imagine what else he can't do.

It's just a pity that his brain is used in other places. If he uses it in the right way, he doesn't know how it will benefit mankind.

But it's also a scary person like him, it's only scary when he does crazy things.

I am afraid that what he is doing now is unprecedented. In this world, no one else can reach his level.

And he estimated that he could really completely rule the world and bring about earth-shaking changes in the world.

Apart from the anger and condemnation towards him, in fact, everyone wanted to see his true face.

Including these experts, they all want to know him and learn from him.

It's just a pity, He Lanyuan is destined to be their enemy, the enemy of the whole world.

Even a very powerful, strong opponent.

It's just a system he developed, and they can't crack it, so what else can they use to fight him?

After a period of hard work, these experts left disappointed after still not cracking the system.

No one wants to waste time here, they all want to spend their time in more meaningful places.

The launch base of the Helan family has been chosen to be abandoned by everyone.

Only Xia Xinghe and the others haven't given up...

Xia Xinghe is trying to crack these systems every day, almost to the point where he has to sleep and forget food.

In just a few days, she lost a lot of weight.

It was useless for Xi Mubai and the others to persuade her to rest in turn, no one could stop what she was determined to do.

Now she just wants to crack these systems and find out all the information about He Lanyuan and the others.

This is her only belief and something that must be done.

But Xi Mubai and the others don't understand why she is so persistent and persistent.

Although Xi Mubai supported almost all her decisions, but he absolutely did not allow her to hurt her body like this.

Unbearable, Xi Mubai rushed directly into the information control room, grabbed Xia Xinghe's wrist, and dragged her away.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xinghe was dragged out by him in astonishment, she asked very puzzled.

The man didn't speak, but his big hand tightly gripping her wrist and his cold profile showed his displeasure.

Xia Xinghe's eyes flashed, as if he understood something, and then he followed him obediently without struggling.

Xi Mubai really pulled her back to the room.

On the dining table in the middle of the room, a sumptuous amount of food had already been set. He pressed her to sit down in front of the dining table, and ordered in a cold voice: "You must eat now, and go to rest after eating. You are not allowed to do anything else, tonight You are not allowed to leave this room, do you hear?"

Xia Xinghe looked up at him, but before he could speak, Xi Mubai glared again.

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