Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 810 Whimsical

As the saying goes, three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang.

Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai are busy cracking the system right now and don't have time to think of other ways, so it's good for them to think about it.

Anyway, they are idle when they are idle, and they have to play some role for the safety of the whole world.

Then when Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai were busy, Li Ya and the others got together to find a solution.

Not to mention, they really came up with a lot of ways. Unfortunately, none seem to be practical.

Almost people all over the world are trying to find a way to deal with He Lanyuan. How could a few of them suddenly think of a way that billions of people can't think of.

However, this does not mean that they have no ideas at all.

When Xia Xinghe and the others were eating and resting, Li Ya and the others came together to talk about their ideas.

Xia Xinghe was a little surprised: "Have you thought of a way?"

Shanhe nodded, "I thought about it a few times, but we're not sure if it's feasible."

Xi Mubai didn't despise them either, and said in a low voice, "Let's listen."

Shanhe coughed and said: "Our first solution is to make a super powerful weapon, and then every country launches this weapon at the same time, and blows up all the satellites in space together! See this method. How? It’s just that we don’t know how to make weapons.”

Xia Xinghe shook his head and vetoed, "The United Nations must have thought of this method, but it is difficult to realize. Weapons are not difficult to make, but it takes time. It is difficult to make so many weapons within a month. Moreover, satellites in space are widely distributed, and it takes There are also a lot of weapons. Another point is that He Lanyuan is afraid that as soon as we make a move, He Lanyuan will attack directly."

"You have seen the speed of his attack before." Xi Mubai added.

Shanhe and the others suddenly turned ugly.

The satellites developed by He Lanyuan were indeed launched very fast. They were afraid that He Lanyuan's satellite would fall before their weapons flew into the sky.

But it doesn't matter, this plan won't work, they have other things.

"What about this?" Li Ya couldn't wait to say the second method, "We make an anti-launch system, just like a magnet, and use the magnetic field to repel those satellites back. In this way, those satellites can't come to the earth. , and we can also destroy He Lanyuan by the way."

Corey added: "It's just that we don't know how to do this anti-launch system. But there are so many geniuses in the world, they must know how to do it."

Xia Xinghe couldn't help laughing, "Your ideas are really good."

"Really?!" Li Ya became excited, "Xinghe, you also think this method is very good, don't you? This is what I thought, can it really be realized?"

Xia Xinghe laughed, "Your method can indeed be realized, but not now, not this era. And the effect will not be too great, because there is not such a strong magnetic field. Even if those satellites explode in the air a few kilometers above the ground, they will It will cause great harm to human beings."

Not to mention other hazards, the poisonous sulfuric acid rain alone is enough to make this world miserable.

So this method will not work.

Li Ya was a little discouraged, "This doesn't work either."

A Lang suddenly said in a low voice: "I just said, you are all whimsical. In my opinion, let's pretend to surrender first, and after He Lanyuan rolls down, we will catch a turtle in the urn and kill him directly! This method is the most realistic. .”

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