Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 813 He endured it very hard

Even in this tense, dangerous time, her attraction to him has not diminished in the slightest.

Instead, it became more intense and deadly.

If possible, he would really like to watch her like this for the rest of his life.

While Xia Xinghe was always unaware, Xi Mubai was always watching her like this.

Now she doesn't know how long he stared at her silently for as long as she thought about it.

I don't know how much time has passed, Xia Xinghe who was in deep thought suddenly exclaimed excitedly, "I thought of it!"

She looked sideways at Xi Mubai, grabbed his arm and said excitedly, "I thought of the relationship between them, Xi Mubai, I thought of it!"

Xi Mubai's deep eyes also became brighter, he slightly hooked his lips, "Really? I knew you would think of it."

"Well, I thought of it. Do you know what is the relationship between them? You will be very surprised if you say it. I didn't expect such a relationship. They, uh..."

Xia Xinghe opened his eyes wide in astonishment, looking at the face of the man who was so close to him in surprise.

She didn't expect that he would kiss him suddenly.

Xi Mubai didn't expect that he would do this suddenly, but at that moment just now, he couldn't control the impulse in his heart.

And he didn't have to restrain himself, so he couldn't help kissing her.

Holding Xia Xinghe's face, Xi Mubai kissed her deeply with a bit of forbearance, sucking in her elegant breath, the excitement in his heart not only did not slow down, but became more intense.

But now is not the time to indulge.

Xi Mubai kissed her for a while, and had no choice but to let her go.

Xia Xinghe's eyes were dazed because of his kiss.

The foreheads of the two touched each other, and they both looked at each other deeply, neither of them wanted to spoil the atmosphere at the moment.

Xi Mubai caressed her face, and suddenly said in a hoarse and soft voice: "After the matter is over, we will remarry, okay?"

Xia Xinghe nodded with a slight smile, "Okay."

She had already given up her opinion on the matter of remarriage.

Xi Mubai also laughed, and couldn't help but kiss her again. This time Xia Xinghe also responded to him, but Xi Mubai excitedly hugged her tightly, pressed her head into his arms, and ended the kiss.

Xia Xinghe lay on his chest and blinked in confusion.

A man's deep and helpless voice suddenly sounded above his head, "Stop it, or I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it back."

Xia Xinghe: "..."

But his excitement seemed to be unable to calm down for a long time, and he kept hugging her very hard. You don't need to ask Xia Xinghe to know that he endured very hard.

She couldn't help laughing, and distracted his attention by speaking, "Don't you want to know the question I just thought of?"

"What?" Xi Mubai asked.

Xia Xinghe pushed him away, and said directly: "If I'm not mistaken, the defense systems in these computers were all designed by my mother."

As expected, Xi Mubai was distracted, he was slightly surprised, "How do you know?"

"Because the design principle is the same as the blueprint she left behind."

Xia Xinghe went on to analyze: "Look at these defense systems, can they affect the whole body?"

Xi Mubai nodded, "Well, that's true."

It is because the systems in these supercomputers are all inextricably linked, and it is easy to trigger the destruction of the entire system by moving one place, so they have no way to start.

But what does this have to do with the design principles of simulated robots?

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