Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 815 Please Evacuate Immediately

She thought they had all given up here, but why are they here again now?

The leading officer quickly resolved Xia Xinghe's doubts.

I saw the man with a tall and straight figure, tall and majestic, and very military-like, stepped forward and said coldly: "Are you all computer experts from country R?"

"It is." Xia Xinghe nodded.

"Hi, I'm Colonel George Ellison. I'm newly appointed by the United Nations to be the deputy commander of the First Technical Department of the United Army. From now on, this base has been managed by us and is no longer under the management of Country R. Also Please evacuate immediately, and don't take anything here." George said to them coldly, almost commanding.

Xia Xinghe asked directly: "But you have searched carefully here, and did not find any useful information."

"That's someone else. We have the most technically powerful team in our military, and we'll take over, and the results will naturally be different."

"No need, I've already thought of a way to crack these systems. I can crack them now for you to see." Xia Xinghe said flatly.

George stared at her sharply, his eyebrows raised slightly, "Have you already thought of a way?"

"Yes." Xia Xinghe nodded affirmatively.

George continued to ask sharply, "How sure are you?"

"At least ninety percent."

"That's not 100%! If it's not 100%, we can't let you take this risk. The information in these computers is very important, and no one can destroy it. Even if you are 99% sure, I can't let you take the risk. It’s not terrible to be punished for your mistakes, but the terrible thing is that the information will be destroyed in your hands.”

"Then I'm 100% sure." Xia Xinghe said directly, and he was very sure.

Unfortunately, this time, George didn't believe her.

He sneered, "Sorry ma'am, you can't trust me now. I'll give you a minute, get out of here immediately, or don't blame me for ordering it myself."

"If we can really crack the system, wouldn't you be wasting time by doing this?" Xi Mubai asked in a deep voice.

George said coldly: "You are just saying if. Similarly, if you destroy the information here, wouldn't it harm the whole world and all mankind?! Can you take such a big responsibility?"

"Whether we can do it or not, we'll know if we try it. And such a big responsibility, we can bear it with our lives." Xia Xinghe said loudly.

When George heard this, he smiled disdainfully, "You want to die, but I don't want to. Since I took over here, I have to be responsible for my responsibilities. And I can't trust you, so you leave immediately. You still have half a minute, Otherwise, you will do so at your own peril."

"Why are you like this?" Li Ya retorted dissatisfiedly, "We all have a way to crack the system, why don't you trust people? Do you know who she is, her ability is stronger than these people you brought. If she can't crack it, none of you can crack it! In this world, only Xinghe can crack it!"

"Really? Unfortunately, I don't know her." George said bluntly, with obvious meaning.

He doesn't know Xia Xinghe, so no matter how powerful she is, he doesn't trust her. And he didn't take her seriously.

"You don't know her, it's because you don't know Mount Tai!" Shanhe sneered unceremoniously.

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