Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 823 Come to me if you have anything

"I thought no one could crack it, at least not in such a short period of time. But I didn't expect you to crack it. I really underestimated you."

From his tone, it is not difficult to hear his surprise.

But it was just an accident, and he didn't have any fear.

His gaze swept over all of them coldly, He Lanyuan curled his lips and asked, "Can you tell me who cracked it. I must get to know such a rare talent."

Everyone subconsciously controlled themselves not to look at Xia Xinghe.

Even if they are afraid of He Lanyuan, it doesn't mean they are people without principles.

Xia Xinghe cracked the computer system and made such a great contribution to the world, how could they betray her.

But if they don't tell the truth, He Lanyuan won't let them go easily.

Sure enough, he smiled as if he was talking about the weather: "If I don't tell the truth, I don't mind dropping a satellite. How many people can be killed by an atomic bomb?"

"it's me."

"It's me." Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai suddenly spoke at the same time.

The two froze for a moment when they heard each other's voices.

Xi Mubai stared coldly at He Lanyuan on the screen, and said in a low voice, "I'm the one who cracked the system, so come to me if you have anything."

Everyone else was surprised, it was clearly not him.

But they also understood the reason why he did this, he didn't want to confess Xia Xinghe.

Xia Xinghe didn't want his sacrifice, she also stared at He Lanyuan and said, "I cracked it, it has nothing to do with anyone else."

"How can you, a woman, crack it? It's none of your business here, step back." Xi Mubai ordered her suddenly displeased.

Xia Xinghe didn't move, just stared at He Lanyuan.

He Lanyuan looked at them and laughed, "You don't need to fight, as long as you two can crack it. Tell me, what are your names and who did you learn the computer from."

"You are not worthy to know our names. And you are too underestimating the level of this world. Our ability is not the best." Xi Mubai said in a low voice, calmly.

He Lanyuan couldn't help asking back: "You don't seem to be afraid of me."

"You are human too, why be afraid?"

"Okay!" He Lanyuan smiled and applauded, "I admire people like you very much, but I also hate people like you the most!"

His words changed abruptly, his eyes became very cold and terrifying, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was even colder like a poisonous snake.

"Do you know how much I hate people like you?"

Xi Mubai still showed no fear, "Sorry, I don't know."

"It's okay if I don't know, I can tell you right now. The person I hate the most in my life is you, so I will kill one if I see one. Your luck is very bad. If you want to stand up for this woman, then I will fulfill you .You kill him now, otherwise a satellite will fall in a minute!"

He said the latter words to George and the others.

And it's threatening.

George frowned. It was impossible for him to kill someone, but He Lanyuan was a lunatic.

Maybe he will actually drop a satellite down.

He Lanyuan also seemed to see that he was the highest official, and stared at him with a cold smile: "Why don't you do anything? Don't you care about the lives of so many people? I think it's very difficult to exchange one's life for the lives of tens of thousands of people." worth."

"But he has a special status, and I can't do it." George said directly.

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