Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 835: An Unprecedented Explosion

"What did I do? Soon you will know, I have controlled everything, and you will never have the ability to threaten us again!"

"What?" He Lanyuan was stunned, and his face suddenly changed in the next second, and he was about to launch a satellite towards the earth viciously.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't threaten them anymore. I don't believe that this woman is so powerful that she can control everything.

But when He Lanyuan pressed the launch signal, the satellites didn't move at all.

This time, his complexion finally became very ugly.

Xia Xinghe stared at him coldly and spat out, "It's useless, everything is under my control, do you know how I control it?"

"..." He Lan Yuansen stared at her coldly and said nothing, but his eyes were full of terrifying killing intent.

Xia Xinghe smiled lightly, "I control your satellite launch system, as for how you control it, you are not worthy to know. But I will give you a space feast, keep your eyes open for me!"

After the sound fell, Xia Xinghe pressed the signal control button, and all the satellites in space suddenly exploded!

On the screens all over the world, there was an unprecedented explosion scene at that moment.

But it was only for a moment, and all the screens went out!

The satellites in space have all exploded, and there are almost few left.

In just a split second, it was all gone.

There seem to be countless stars twinkling in the dark night sky...

People looked up to the sky, everyone's expression was frozen, and everyone's mood was complicated.

Did they just have hallucinations?

Xia Xinghe, she actually destroyed all the threats hanging over them?

Those satellites with their own explosive systems were all destroyed?

is this real?

Everyone was in disbelief, and they were all so quiet that they didn't dare to breathe.

Not only them, but everyone in the Xinghe console also felt unbelievable. Even though they knew the result long ago and saw Xia Xinghe's appearance when he manipulated it, they still couldn't believe it. Was everything over like this?

All the satellites made by He Lanyuan exploded, and the biggest threat to the earth is gone, right?

Why did it suddenly disappear? It's unbelievable.

But at that moment just now, each of them saw the scene of the explosion that shocked the whole world.

Until now, that scene seems to be still unfolding in front of my eyes. It is real and profound, making people unforgettable forever.

So Xia Xinghe succeeded, everything about He Lanyuan was ruined!

For a moment, everyone was too excited to speak.

"Xinghe, Xinghe, you succeeded... Did you really succeed? We succeeded, and all the satellites were destroyed?" Li Ya stuttered and asked her tremblingly.

Everyone else looked at her with uncontrollable excitement.

Xia Xinghe nodded slightly, "Yes, everything is ruined. No one can threaten the world anymore. He Lanyuan's plot has failed."

"Ah—" Li Ya covered her mouth excitedly, her eyes filled with tears of joy for a moment.

Everyone else followed suit with moist eye sockets.

Xi Mubai's eyes were also red with excitement, he looked deeply at Xia Xinghe, but couldn't utter a single word after tens of thousands of words.

The people present were all the same, and they couldn't speak a word.

The whole world is silent.

Everyone didn't know what to say, and nothing could express their surging hearts at the moment.

Silence is better than sound, which is the best description for this time.

This sentence was created to describe this moment.

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