Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 844 Adventure in Space

For this decision, everyone felt very sudden.

But there was no way, Xia Xinghe had to hurry up and go.

The leaders of the United Nations also persuaded her, and Philip and the others also called her to persuade her, but to no avail.

It's not that Xia Xinghe is trying to be brave and doesn't know how to live or die, but that they simply don't have a better solution.

It can't even send more people to follow, so what else can they do?

He could only let Xia Xinghe take risks.

For her sacrifice and dedication, the United Nations gave her the highest commendation and promised her that if she was in danger, they would do their best to save her.

And they will then send troops to the moon to support her.

In short, the whole world is her strong backing, and they will not let her fight alone.

Xia Xinghe thanked them and accepted their arrangement, but let them choose to keep it a secret, not to reveal their adventure.

She doesn't want to be hotly discussed anymore, even if it's praise and praise.

The United Nations agreed to her request, and the secrecy work was done very well. Apart from the insiders, no one outside knew what Xia Xinghe and the others would do next.

And for this operation, they also carefully prepared all night.

It's just that everyone is still skeptical, can a manned spacecraft really be launched with that black energy block?

"It shouldn't be a problem to use this. The Helan family uses this as fuel every time they activate. And Shi Jian has also proved that this is the best fuel." Xia Xinghe said firmly.

"We didn't expect that there would be such a special mineral on the moon. If they hadn't lied to us, we would be able to develop this material in the future, and the world would definitely change a lot." Cui Gan said with great yearning.

Xia Xinghe thought so too.

This substance has a great effect on human beings.

If it can be widely mined, the world will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

People's lives will become better.

So Xia Xinghe has a heavy mission to go to the moon this time, not only to rescue those people, but also to find these minerals.

Of course, none of this is ultimately important.

The important thing is to come back safe and sound.

Cui Qian and the others asked her to work hard to protect herself. In short, her own safety was the most important thing.

"Don't worry, we will be careful. Time is running out, we should set off." Xia Xinghe said decisively, not wanting to be too sad.

"Xinghe, you must protect yourselves." Li Ya said to her seriously.

Xia Xinghe nodded, Shan He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect her!"

Xi Mubai glanced at him, feeling that some people are really unconscious.

Why do you always come to grab his responsibility.

"Shanhe, protect yourself too." Corey also told him.

"Sure, you just wait for our good news. Well, we should go!" Shanhe said excitedly.

He was very excited at the thought of going on an adventure in space soon.

Li Ya suspected that he followed, not to protect Xia Xinghe, but to take risks.

Thinking of them having such a rare opportunity to take risks, inexplicably, everyone is so envious.

But who made them not capable enough, not as good as Xia Xinghe in technology, not as good as Xi Mubai in financial resources, not as good as Shanhe in force...

So they have no choice but to follow.

But they are already very happy and lucky to be able to witness all this.

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